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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Claudio

    1. EK 1 Kl. 1914, very worn, with iron core cracks... but I like this piece... it has this "have been there" look!
    2. Dear forumites, I'd like to introduce to you a newly acquired named group: ? Preu?en, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 (OEK 1904), E/S ? Bayern, Milit?r-Verdienstorden, 1866-1921, Kreuz 4. Klasse mit Schwertern (OEK 410), S/G ? Bremen, Hanseatenkreuz 1915-18 (OEK 651) ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer (OEK 3803/1), Hersteller PSL ? Kaiserreich ?sterreich-Ungarn, Milit?rverdienstkreuz III. Klasse Unfortunately the most interesting, IMHO, document is not part of this group: the "Urkunde des Hanseatenkreuzes, Bremen". But still there is the document of the BMVO4x, WB and dulcis in fundo of the ?mkv3. I would really appreciate if anybody could share more info about the Bremen Hansa Cross (date of award, for instance). Thank you in advance for your interest and your valuable input. Ciao, Claudio
    3. Wow! Great bar indeed, Andreas!!!! How's the back? The Hessian Brabant order is soooo rarely seen mounted on bars... Ciao, Claudio
    4. yeah... I agree a pain in my virgin a$$ and it is also not good for my poor wallet... but the feeling that you have doing something good, I mean historically and militarly speaking, is not payable... I still have a lot of fun doing it. Ciao, Claudio
    5. Wow! As usual I am so impressed by your memory capacity... Thanks! Another name added to ribbon bars that could have ended up being completely forgotten... Ciao, Claudio
    6. This is my latest acquisition... not so immaculate, but nevertheless quite nicely mounted and on the reverse the usual Godet's grey backing, this time with light moths' damage. I am wondering if sucha a bar could be eventually researched... hopefully! Uncommon also the last two foreign awards (Italy, Ordine SS Maurizio e Lazzaro & Japanese red cross medal). Strange is also the Reserve Officer DA 1st class with silver gilted center, instead of Gold center... maybe a late issued piece? Ciao, Claudio
    7. Did you still have such badges? I didn't know... I would have gladly bought it directly from you and shared the profit of the dealer with you... ;-) Too bad! Ciao, Claudio
    8. Hi Thierry, It must be the Hungarian order for merit... (see also this link of David's very informative website http://home.att.net/~david.danner/militaria/magyar.htm ) Ciao, Claudio
    9. @ Sascha: I saw that, too... but too late! Actually I was more interested to get the Jantzen's bars that's why I purchased this group... I should bought also this one, too, but I forgot about in the heat of the bidding. It's an incredible long ribbon bar (16!!!)... 1. Preussen, EK 2. Kl. 2. Preussen, RAO 4. Kl. 3. Preussen, KO 4. Kl. 4. Preussen, DA 5. Preussen, Zentenarmedaille 1897 6. K?nigreich Sachsen, KVK 7. Oldenburg, FAK 2. Kl. 8. Mecklenburg (Strelitz oder Schwerin), MVK 2. Kl. 9. Anhalt, FK 2. Kl. 10. Schaumburg-Lippe, KVK 2. Kl. 11. Ausl?ndischer Orden (?), Italien (Mil. Savoyen Orden?) 12. Ausl?ndischer Orden (?), T?rkischer Orden? 13. Kaiserreich ?sterreich-Ungarn, MVK 3. Kl. 14. Niederlanden, Orange-Nassau Orden 15. Ausl?ndischer Orden, T?rkischer Medaille (?) 16. Ottomanisches Reich, Eisernes Halbmond It's incredible that this ribbon bars groups there were split into wrong groups... I hope Thies didn't do it intentionally... Ciao, Claudio
    10. Dear forumites, Here I wanted to show you a group I recently purchased. Although the combination of the awards is quite uncommon I doubt that it might be researchable. Anyway I'll show them to you... Enjoy!!! ciao, Claudio
    11. Back... with label... that is quite typical: Grabow & Matthes used to make a lot of ribbon & medal bars for KM Officers. Claudio
    12. Finally... I could re-unite Jantzen's ribbon bar with its big brother... it wasn't unexpensive, though! Ciao, Claudio
    13. Hi Christophe, No, there isn't an hallmark... but the pin shape is quite typical for a Maybauer... Ciao, Claudio
    14. Dear forumites, I just wanted to show my newest purchase: a Flugzeugf?hrer-Abzeichen made by Paul Meybauer.... I would appreciate your comments on it. Ciao, Claudio
    15. In this bar I especially like the BMVO4x with golden Medallion... It appears to be an exquisite piece made by Jakob Leser! Very nice! Congrats! Ciao, Claudio
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