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    1. Hey all, picked up this one. Cased DSM for Armed Services. Nice looking medal IMHO Stay well my friends Greg
    2. Hey all, got this one today. Rather interesting IMHO. Faithful service medals (10, 25, 20, 15 and 10 years). And Defense of the Homeland II With the following devices: Excellent Cdr Workers Guardians CDR Workers Guardians Workers Guardians Svc Excellent Worker in the Food Industry I like it! Stay well my friends Greg
    3. Hey all, got these Flight Hour Medals in the mail today. Nice looking awards. Now to complete the set! Stay well my friends Greg
    4. Thanks Phil for your insight. Much appreciated. Great info on the medal also. Thanks so much Greg
    5. Thanks Tony for the kind words as always Stay well my friend Greg
    6. Hey all, can someone tell me what period this was issued or is it a fake? Many thanks! Greg
    7. Hey all, got this one today. Nice medal, but boy, the case has been rode hard and put away wet! Stay well my friends Greg
    8. Hey Megan, do you know how dumb I feel! I forgot about that link you sent me before. Then, bingo, it came to me. Better use my brain before the keyboard next time! Thanks again all! Stay well my friends Greg
    9. Thanks all, I did find the answer I was looking for. Stay well my friends Greg
    10. Hey all, a follow up to my previous post. Can anyone shed light on these awards. Looking for any info, grades, appearance, statutes etc. I've seen plenty examples, but not much more. Many thanks my friends Greg
    11. Hey Gorden, I don't have any yet. I'm trying to determine what ribbons are correct, so when I do find some, I have the correct ribbon. Sorry for the confusion Greg
    12. Hello all, can someone let me know if the ribbons for the above medals are the same or different like the Long Service Medals? If different, can you point me to were I can find the correct ribbons? Many thanks my friends Greg
    13. Wow! What great info! Many thanks! Greg
    14. Thanks Philip for the kind words! Best Regards Greg
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