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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by ccj

    1. Hermann Feiherr von Stein

      Philipp von[1] Hellingrath

      Konrad Krafft von Dellmensingen

      Bernhard von Hartz

      Paul Ritter von Kneussl

      Nikolaus Ritter von Endres

      Friedrich Hurt

      Hugo Ritter von Huller

      Otto Ritter von JÄGER

      Otto Schlosser ????

      Hermann Burchardt ???

      Karl Ritter von Riedl

      Otto Ritter von Rauchenberger

      Karl Ritter von ????

      Eugen Ritter von Clauß

      Hermann Beeg ????

      Karl Graf Wolfskeel von Reichenberg

      Hans Freiherr von ?????

      Oskar Reuter

      Otto Ritter von Breitkopf

    2. A few more, general from Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Rankinsignia are for a Generaloberst im Range eines Generalfeldmarschalls but although the boards are original, I?m not sure whether anyone ever held that rank in the Mecklenburgische Armee. Possibly, a previous owner added one or two pips. Still, a very rare tunic.


      Have you finish your Mecklenburg-Schwerin General's display?


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