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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by ccj

    1. Great, I'm glad you participated. As I said... subjective but I'm sure may have their favorite Regiment and most of those have their reason. Some base by awards, others by battles, and still others by reasons of their own. It's hard for me but so far I like the LGR100 and Bavarian LR

      But just to play the game, I would add GR 110 to the list. Of Baden regiments, it had the most knights of the Military Karl Friedrich Merit Order and recipients of the Military Karl Friedrich Merit Medal. Still, LGR 109 was a close second with one more knight and three fewer medals. Three GR 110 MKFVO knights also had the Pour le Mérite, but I'm not sure of the total.number of plMs for the regiment.

    2. Hello,

      Aren't Leutnant and boards exactyl the same? If not please explain the different so I may learn something. I understand you KNOW these are for feldwebelleutnant as you have the man's dog tabs...

      Very nice, especilly the later war pattern ones.

      Fritz Lange

      Hoya an der Weser, Kreis Bremen


      Feldartillerie-Regiment 62

      later Leichte Munitions-Kolonne 878, Nr. 3a

      The first pic shows the Feldwebelleutnant's shoulder boards (similar as Leutnant's shoulder boards) from FAR 62 with the field artillery red backing.

    3. STERNROSETTE is what I've learned. So, its a Beamte. I guess either most are on vacation or very few people have interest/knowledge of Austro-Hungarian militaria.

      So, it may be a veterinary official or a Militarbauingenieure.

      I see a lot of Imperial German, 3rd Reich, and other countries veterinary tunics. Even Finnish veterinary tunics are common so I guess an Austrian should be more common to find than a bauingenieure. There were thousands of animals in military service during WW1 and 2.

    4. Markgraf, thank you for your help. So far you have been only person to comment. On another forum I'm told these are rosettes and a few people I know and have emailed also think rosette so it's very confusing. I have been researching and have only found one clear photo of this star/rose.

      I see period wartime photos that look like the stars are thick but I can't get detail to prove they look like this.

    5. 9 tunics is a lot. I have four tunics and I've just made a deal for a 5th that I posted images of on another thread. I thought it was a Sapper Lt tunic and so did (does) seller but now think maybe its a "Militar bauingenieure" or "Technische Beamte des Technischen Militarkomitees" based on information provided by a helpful person on WAF.

      I guess the holidays have most busy as I anticipated more input here.

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