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Everything posted by Antonio Prieto
The last regulation of 20.11.2022 established the size of the ribbon bar: width - 35 mm, height - 9.5 mm. Планка нагрудного знака являє собою металеву пластинку, обтягнуту стрічкою шовковою муаровою з поздовжніми смужками (зліва направо): жовтого кольору - 7 мм, малинового кольору - 5,5 мм, жовтого кольору - 2 мм, синього кольору - 6 мм, жовтого кольору - 2 мм, малинового кольору - 5,5 мм, жовтого кольору - 7 мм. Розмір планки: ширина - 35 мм, висота - 9,5 мм. Also the ribbon length - variable, width - 35 mm,
L I G J Nr.9215, datë 1.4.2004 PËR MEDALJET PËR PERSONELIN E FORCAVE TË ARMATOSURA TË REPUBLIKËS SË SHQIPËRISË Neni 3 Ushtarakëve dhe punonjësve civilë të Forcave të Armatosura të Republikës së Shqipërisë u jepen këto medalje: ... 7. Medalja "Komandanti". Medalja "Komandanti" Medalja "Komandanti" u jepet: a) nga Shefi i Shtabit të Përgjithshëm të Forcave të Armatosura ushtarakëve, që kanë kryer me sukses detyrën e komandantit të brigadës ose një detyrë të të njëjtit rang, për një periudhë jo më pak se dy vjet; b) nga komandanti i forcës për komandantët e batalionit; c) nga komandanti i brigadës për komandantin e kompanisë. by translator Medal "Commander" The "Commander" medal is given: a) by the Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, who have successfully performed the task of the Brigade Commander or a task of the same rank, for a period of not less than two years; b) by the commander of the force for the battalion commanders; c) by the commander of the brigade for the company commander.
https://www.army.lk/news/he-president-confers-vsv-honours-pins-75th-independence-day-medal-tri-service-officers The medal shall be awarded to all Ranks of the Regular and Volunteer Forces of the Army, Navy and Air Force of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, who are in active service from 01.02.2023 (including the trainees undergoing basic military training and Officers of National Cadet Cops) with the recommendation of the Army, Navy, Air Force Commanders.
Devlet Üstün Fedakârlık Madalyası https://www.tccb.gov.tr/haberler/410/145892/cumhurbaskani-erdogan-devlet-ustun-fedak-rlik-madalyasi-ve-nisani-tevcih-toreni-ne-katildi ... our state has an engagement and medals in 3 different categories. With the amendment we made in the Medals and Engagement Law recently, adding another one, We have created the medal of sacrifice and the engagement. Our aim is to reward those who exhibit heroism in the fight against epidemics such as earthquakes, floods and epidemics. Hopefully we will take the first step of the new application with the medals and engagements we will present a little later. ”
I have in albanian LIGJ Nr.9215, datë 1.4.2004 PËR MEDALJET PËR PERSONELIN E FORCAVE TË ARMATOSURA TË REPUBLIKËS SË SHQIPËRISË LIGJ Nr. 9/2015 PËR MEDALJET NË FORCAT E ARMATOSURA TË REPUBLIKËS SË SHQIPËRISË no images, only text Also a old web now not working National Flag Order This award is granted to Albanians or foreigners for extraordinary contributions for the sublimation of the Albanian nation and Albania. Mostly the proposer of this Order is the President of the Republic through his own initiative. It could also be the Speaker of Assembly or the Prime Minister.
Silver or Gold Naim Frashëri Order Granted to Albanians or foreign citizens, employees of science art, culture, education mainly for contribution in culture, education, science, art, etc. The proposer could be the President of the Republic himself or the institutions foreseen in the Rules of Procedures, local government bodies, etc.
More pics: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAzxRg https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAzsrj
13.4.2023. The Spanish Minister of Defense Margarita Robles and her Ukrainian counterpart from her visit the injured military who receive treatment at the Gómez Ulla hospital in Madrid
I known the "Loi N°2010/007 du 29 juillet 2010 portant création de la Croix de la Valeur Militaire du Cameroun" Next the electronic translation. See the article 17 The National Assembly has deliberated and adopted, the President of the Republic promulgates the law whose content follows: Chapter I: General provisions Art. 1st - (1) It is created, within the framework of national orders, a cross of military value of Cameroon. (2) The Cross of Cameroon's military value is a distinction whose object is to stimulate in the ranks of the Cameroonian army, the sense of merit, sacrifice, honor and fidelity. Art. 2 - The Cross of the military value of Cameroon is intended to reward the soldiers of the national gendarmerie and the armies holding a quote for weapons won over theaters of military operations. Art. 3 - The Cross of Cameroon's military value is administered by the great Chancellery of national orders. Chapter II: Terms of allocation and port of decentralization Art. 4 - The Cross of the military value of Cameroon is conferred by the President of the Republic on the proposal of the Minister of Defense, after the opinion of the Commission of the Cross of military value. Art. 5 - The proposal is necessarily accompanied by a report exposing the facts of arms, established by the military chief. Art. 6 - (1) are not available, the candidates: - having incurred a condemnation for crime or voluntary offense; - those who have been the subject of cassation, demotion or a return of the 1st to the 2nd class, as a discipline; - Those who have incurred in the past two years twenty (20) days in prison or rigor. 1. Quote to the order of the nation: wearing a staple in the shape of gold -crossed sabers. 2. Quote to the order of the armies: wearing a clip in the shape of crossed sabers in vermeil. 3. Quote to the order of the army: wearing a clip in the shape of silver -crossed sabers. Art. 11 - The contingent of decorations is fixed by decree of the President of the Republic. Art. 12 - (1) The Cross of Cameroon's military value is handed over by the President of the Republic, head of the armed forces. (2) However, he can delegate this charge to the Minister of Defense or to military leaders. Art. 13 - (1) The delivery of the Cross of the military value of Cameroon takes place on the day of the Festival of the Armed Forces. (2) However, when the circumstances require it, it can take place by decision of the President of the Republic, at all other places and date. Art. 14 - (1) The ceremonial for delivery of the decoration takes place in front of the troops in position "Present!" Weapons! »» The ban is open before and closed after the crossing of the cross. (2) The authority proceeding with the presentation is placed in front of the recipient, and having previously called by its grade and its name declares: "On behalf of the President of the Republic, we give you the Cross of the military value of Cameroon with quote to the order of ... ". Art. 15 - (1) The decoration can be brought by the interested party as soon as the latter has received a notification of the concession decree. (2) The Cross of Cameroon's military value is immediately worn after that of the national order of value. Art. 16 - (1) In the event of the beneficiary's death, it is given according to the inheritance order to the beneficiaries of the deceased. (2) These -can in no case wear this medal. Chapter III: Description of the Cross of Cameroon's military value Art. 17 - The Cross of the military value of Cameroon is a golden metal insignia in the shape of a four -branch believer, suspended from the ribbon by a foliage bail. In its center, it has a round medal with its obverse the emblem of the defense forces. Each branch of the cross presents the emblem of each army (national gendarmerie, army, air army, national marine). On his setback, the medal bears the mentions: "Republic of Cameroon", "Cross of military value" as well as the motto of the defense forces "Honor and Loyalty" in French and in English. The ribbon is in moiré silk, barred with three vertical bands of equal width in national colors: green, red, yellow and carrying in the middle a golden star. Chapter IV: Various and finishing provisions Art. 18 - The Cross of Cameroon's military value is free from any chancellery right and insignia reimbursement costs. Art. 19 - The Cross of Military Value of Cameroon is liable by right following any conviction resulting in an afflictive or infamous sentence. Art. 20 - The illegal port of the Cross of Cameroon's military value is punished in accordance with the law. Art. 21 - A decree of the President of the Republic can, as necessary, specify the methods of application of this law. Art. 22 - This law will be registered and published according to the emergency procedure, then inserted in the Official Journal in French and English. Yaoundé, on July 29, 2010 the President of the Republic, (é) Paul Biya
Possible to date a order of Order of Isabella the Catholic?
Antonio Prieto replied to JohanH's topic in Spain
The cypher IR or YR really is I II R which corresponds to Queen Isabel II. But that the I of Isabel coincides with the first I in Roman numeral -
Possible to date a order of Order of Isabella the Catholic?
Antonio Prieto replied to JohanH's topic in Spain
I send to you a MP Best regards -
Antonio Prieto replied to Antonio Prieto's topic in South East & East Asia
In any case, thank you very much. It is possible that the conditions of its use and the passage of time have erased or disfigured part of the inscription. Maybe it's a combatant unit -
King Felipe VI receives from the president of Angola, Joao Lourenço, the decoration of the Order of Agostinho Neto
Covid 19 Medals of the World
Antonio Prieto replied to bigjarofwasps's topic in Modern Campaigns and Conflicts
COVID-19 Response Recognition Award The Government has established the COVID-19 Response Recognition Award to recognise individuals and organisations who contributed to Aotearoa New Zealand’s frontline workforce COVID-19 response. https://www.mbie.govt.nz/immigration-and-tourism/isolation-and-quarantine/managed-isolation-and-quarantine/covid-19-award/ -
Covid 19 Medals of the World
Antonio Prieto replied to bigjarofwasps's topic in Modern Campaigns and Conflicts
Javad Bakhtiari designs medal of appreciation for nurses https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/447457/Javad-Bakhtiari-designs-medal-of-appreciation-for-nurses -
Antonio Prieto replied to Antonio Prieto's topic in Spain
I would like to recover this topic in case there is any new information, not only from those mentioned but of any receiver of this Spanish Order