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    No one

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    Everything posted by No one

    1. Dear Gentlemen, The Order of the Union of Myanmar is the highest civilian decoration bestowed by the government of Myanmar (also known as Burma). The order was founded on 2 September 1948 as a replacement for the British Order of Burma. This is a type I: The five classes: Yours sincerely, No one
    2. Dear Gentlemen, "Golden jubilee": Yours sincerely, No one
    3. Dear Gentlemen, I found more information: ဆဋ္ဌမအကြိမ်သင်္ဂါယနာတင်ခြင်း - ဝီကီပီးဒီးယား / Sixth Buddhist council - Wikipedia သင်္ဂါယနာ - ဝီကီပီးဒီးယား / Buddhist councils - Wikipedia သာသနာ ၂၅၀၀ စေတီတော် ရေလယ်ဘုရား - ဝီကီပီးဒီးယား Buddhism Book in Myanmar Language Yours sincerely, No one
    4. Dear Gentlemen, For the first line I found this, but I'm not sure of the meaning: သာသနာ( ၂၅၀၀ ) ေက်ာ္လာရင္ >>♥... - Myanmar စြယ္စုံဗဟုသုတ | Facebook Yours sincerely, No one
    5. Dear Gentlemen, I think I found it. It's to commemorate the "Sixth Synod": Yours sincerely, No one
    6. Dear Gentlemen, I would like to thank both of you for your kind words. Yours sincerely, No one
    7. Dear Gentlemen, Without a doubt, it is Buddhist and the period covered is 1954-1956. Yours sincerely, No one
    8. Dear Gentlemen, 気球連隊 - Wikipedia 千葉市立郷土博物館:小企画展「陸軍気球連隊と第二格納庫」 Yours sincerely, No one
    9. Dear Gordon Craig, The map of Indochina, including Annam, Cochinchina, Cambodia, and Laos, is white with no borders except for the northern part, Tonkin, which has its borders and is red. But, I may be mistaken. ImagesDéfense - Indochine : les pionnières de l’armée française Yours sincerely, No one
    10. Dear DavidS, Picture courtesy Yahoo auction 2017‎年‎3‎月‎28‎日: This is the statement made by the seller: "第三次蒙古大会の記念章です。蒙古連合自治政府の旗に、地図は蒙古と満洲のつもりだと思います。状態は、綬の合わせ目がほとんど解れており、別糸で直そうとしたような形跡も見られますが、状態悪いです。そのほか、経年の汚れや章身の変色などが見られます。又、箱は共箱だと思いますが、全体にかなりド素人の滅茶苦茶な補修がされていますので、箱はジャンク品扱いでお願い致します。" Yours sincerely, No one
    11. Dear DavidS, I hope you don't mind, if I may, " 會大古蒙议三第 " the third caracter is "次" not "议", " 會大古蒙次三第 ". Picture courtesy Yahoo auction 2017‎年‎3‎月‎28‎日: Yours sincerely, No one
    12. Dear Gentlemen, The insignia of the Corps of Women's Army Auxiliaries (Corps des Auxiliaires Féminines de l’Armée de Terre - A.F.A.T.), homologué H 720 in 1949, Drago-Paris-Nice 43, rue Olivier Metra Déposé: (more precisely, Detachment of the Female Auxiliaries of the Army of the French Troops in North Indochina - Détachement des Auxiliaires Féminines de l'Armée de Terre des Troupes Françaises en Indochine Nord - not specifically Colonial Troops, but all arms.) Auxiliaires féminines de l'Armée de terre — Wikipédia Yours sincerely, No one
    13. Dear Noor, You are welcome. Yours sincerely, No one
    14. Dear pieter1012, You are welcome. "So most likely a souvernir medal from the Meiji Shrine in Tokyo." Yes, I think so too. Yours sincerely, No one
    15. Dear Noor, "Heian Relocation Capital 1100th Anniversary Festival Sponsorship" (AD 1895 - Imperial Era 2555 - Meiji 28) Yours sincerely, No one
    16. Dear DavidS, Nice one too. It can be inferred from the date 'Kangde era' that it was included in Manchukuo. Horqin Left Middle Banner - Wikipedia The constellalion is Ursa Major, also known as the Great Bear, I think. Yours sincerely, No one
    17. Dear Noor, The other one is also a Fire Department badge: Yours sincerely, No one
    18. Dear pieter1012, 明治神宮 Meiji Shrine - Wikipedia Yours sincerely, No one
    19. Dear Noor, "Hyogo Prefecture Fire Department Association" - "Instructor Badge" Yours sincerely, No one
    20. Dear Gentlemen, Nice medal by the way, I like it. The ribbon is adorned with the colours of Manchukuo. hulunbuir grasslands - Google 検索 Yours sincerely, No one
    21. Dear Gentlemen, The insignia of the 23rd Artillery Observation Aviation Group (23e Groupe d'Aviation d'Observation d'Artillerie - 23e G.A.O.A. ex 3e Groupe d'Aviation d'Observation d'Artillerie - 3e G.A.O.A.), 1947~1950, non homologué, Drago-Paris-Nice 43, rue Olivier Metra: Historique 23e GAOA Indochine Alat - ALAT.FR Historique 3e GAOA Indochine Alat - ALAT.FR ImagesDéfense - Le 23e groupe aérien d'observation d'artillerie (23e GAOA) d'Hanoï. ImagesDéfense - Préparation d'un avion de reconnaissance du 23e groupe aérien d'observation d'artillerie (23e GAOA) d'Hanoï avant un départ en mission. Yours sincerely, No one
    22. Dear DavidS, Thank you for taking the time to answer, very interesting. Yours sincerely, No one
    23. Dear Gentlemen, The insignia of the 1st Artillery Observation Aviation Group (1er Groupe d'Aviation d'Observation d'Artillerie - 1er G.A.O.A.) 1947~1950, non homologué: Les groupes aériens d’observation d’artillerie en Indochine Google translation: "Brief history of the GAOA 1 During the summer of 1945, the General Staff decided that the artillery of the Indochina Expeditionary Force would be equipped with a light aviation formed by the organic elements of the9th Colonial Infantry Division, with five sections of Piper L-4, and by two British-type Artillery Observation Air Groups (GAOA) with twelve observation aircraft each. A ministerial decision of August 1945 prescribed that pilots and mechanics must belong exclusively to the Air Force. The 1stGAOA 1, intended to operate in Tonkin, landed in February 1946. It is equipped with Morane 500, more commonly known as "Locust". The 2ndGAOA 2 arrived in Indochina in March 1946. Stationed in Cochinchina, he did an excellent job, but, as in Tonkin, his aircraft, which had arrived in the same state of disrepair, were quickly out of order. In May 1947, the 3rdGAOA was created, it was stationed in Haiphong. But in August 1947, artillery aviation, after an intense but precarious activity, practically ceased to exist. 2 It was not until 1948 that the three GAOAs were reorganized: the 1stin Annam, the 2ndin Cochinchina and the3rd in Tonkin. Their Morane fleet was gradually increased to 18 and then 20 aircraft. In 1950, the Commander-in-Chief in Indochina decided that the GAOA, while remaining artillery units, would be placed at the disposal of the Air Force Command in the Far East. The three GAOAs changed their nameson 1 October, to form the 21st, 22nd and23rd GAOA 3. In January 1952, the growing needs of the Morane in Tonkin led to the transfer of the21st GAOA to this territory. The allocations of the21st GAOA (Cat Bi) and23rd GAOA (Gia Lam) are increased to 24 aircraft, the22nd GAOA (Tan Son Nhut), meanwhile, has 14 Morane. The effects of the decree of 3 March 1952, officially creating the light artillery observation aviation (ALOA), were felt in February 1953 with the arrival in Saigon of the first army pilots, followed by a contingent of mechanics. From then on, the succession will continue in accordance with the planned plan. On1 August 1953, the artillery observation air detachment became the 24th GAOA and received 14 aircraft. The GAOAs are all attached for use to the tactical air groups (GATAC) and operated as part of air support. On1 January 1954, the GAOA were fully taken into account by the land forces. The Morane's replacement did not begin until March, with the arrival of American-origin aircraft, the Cessna L-19A. The22nd GAOA was equipped with them during the month of May and the23rd GAOA in July. The ceasefire came into force on 11 August 1954, and the formations regrouped in the south, then were repatriated to mainland France or North Africa." "What is a GAOA 10 An artillery observation air group is a mixed unit comprising Air Force personnel: pilots, mechanics, assistant mechanics, i.e. aviation technicians; and the personnel of the artillery arm: observers; as well as the general services of the unit. An artillery observation air group is made up of three platoons of four aircraft. It comprised: 19 officers, 50 non-commissioned officers and 88 enlisted men, i.e. 167 people. The staff needs a fairly long adaptation: "To become operational, a pilot needed a month's training, a mechanic two to three months. For an observing officer, 60 to 80 hours of operational flight time was required for it to be safe and efficient. 8 The flying equipment was supplied and maintained by the Air Force. A complete group must be able to provide three detachments with the possibility of operating alone for a certain period of time with the necessary means of maintenance, liaison, communications and general services." Historique 1e GAOA Indochine Alat - ALAT.FR Yours sincerely, No one
    24. Dear Gentlemen, The insignia of the 1st Colonial Artillery Anti-Aircraft Group of the Far East (1er Groupe Antiaérien d’Artillerie Coloniale d’Extrême-Orient - 1er G.A.A.C.E.O.), homologué G 834 in 1951 Drago-Paris-Nice 43, rue Olivier Metra Déposé: 048- Historique des Formations Coloniales de DCA créées après 1945 Group formed on 1/12/1950 with personnel from the 1st and 2nd Groups of the RACM, the marching battery of the 12th RAAC coming from France and elements of the 4th RAC. Elements of the Group are present at Dien-Bien-Phu (2 sections of 12.7 mm quaritubes). The 1°GAAC-EO was transformed into the Colonial Artillery Anti-Aircraf Regiment of the Far East, on 1/11/1954. ImagesDéfense - Le GAACEO (groupe d'artillerie antiaérienne coloniale d'Extrême-Orient) présente ses 40 mm Bofors et ses mitrailleuses lourdes anti-aériennes à l'occasion de la Fête de Jeanne d'Arc. Yours sincerely, No one
    25. Dear DavidS, I wrote what was written on the medal. Do you know why the two " ' ' " are missing? Yours sincerely, No one
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