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    Everything posted by Motorhead

    1. Yes,because a fellow collector has given up his collection I was able to close some gaps........ Micha
    2. Nothing spectacular,but I like it-a good,clean L/52 screwback(the maker mark above the little pin/12'o clock arm). Micha
    3. Very nice Souval,Danny! Not so easy to find maker marked! It took me a while to upgrade mine.......but yours is nearly perfect-that's the way I like EKs! Micha
    4. Gerg,wasn't it Winkler? I've asked the seller but didn't received an answer until now.And stupid as I was I had deleted the pics..... Micha
    5. That could be! I will book this one under "EK -curiosity" Do you remember the "keyback" variation I had posted a while ago? http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13233 When I got the pictures I had my doubts....now that EK has landed finally in my own collection and it appears to me a s a legit variation! Anyway-I will have to find more examples or pics from this variation........ Micha
    6. This one is really strange -a real huge screw and a DRGM "engraving".....I haven't got any doubts about the EK and the screw,but the DRGM looks a little like "home improvement".Have you seen this kind of marking before or do you have pictures in your databases?I know one of these EKs was sold by Winkler a while ago but I don't know if this one is the same cross- as the seller didn't answered my last mail..... Micha
    7. Joe,the only thing I know about this maker is-there's also a 2nd class! We really don't know anything about this maker... Micha
    8. When dreams come true.....I'm very shure that there are not many of them around-This is the Nr.2 I know,the other one is somewhere at the other side of the planet. Micha
    9. When I think about the variations-we have AWS pilowbacks,Deutscher Offiziersverein,marked and unmarked-we have the typical Deumer core with a big zinc washer on two screws and theCD 800 core variation,stamped always with "square" or "800",both core variations are possible!And of course both K.M.S.T variations,but they are no really screwbacks-more a kind of "High Tech" solution! Have I forgotten something? Micha
    10. Don't forget the "Frankenstein" K.M.S.T. variations....... Micha
    11. This one is a little bit strange-with the cross itself I haven't got any problems..it's the screw that's not textbook! I'm sure that I have seen this variation somewhere before,but I can't tell anymore where or when that was.EK and screw have got the same "look" that makes me thinking both belong together-the stamping is correct inside the screw-what do you think? Micha
    12. @Rich-my screwback looks almost identical to my W&L L55 Now I', really unshure what to do with this Ek! It looks like that Juncker has used a lot of different hardware.Well,I will keep my eyes open for a "regular" L/12 with cross hatching........ Micha @Joe-you've got there a variation that I haven't seen very often-I don't collect the 3rd Reich made '14 EKs,but yours is one I would make an exception!
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