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    Everything posted by Motorhead

    1. '14 S&L EKs made in '39 are not that rare-I've seen a few of them for sale! I would agree with Russel about the "special" Hansen-never seen one for sale ever! KMST pinbacks are popping up sometimes,the other attachment systems are difficult to find but it's possible(exept the one Gordon has shown in his book..).Godet with fangs are expensive,but not impossible to find.The double post screwback "AWS"is a different thing-very hard to find(I'm still looking for one) but.......all of these crosses are with some special kind of attachments-what about the makers? How many "JWS" pinbacks have you seen? I know 2 of them in collections...or the legendary "Fr.W"? Dough See has shown one at the WAF....and I know where the other one will be next week! These makers wouldn't reach top prices at Ebay because they are unspectacular pinbacks,,in a german forum an "R.W" was shown..........Once I've shown an unmagnetic one piece screwback stamped with "Fincke,Berlin"-for shure a retailer like Sedlatzek,but I have found his old adress in Berlin in an article(BDOS magazine,I think).So,who knows more makers they are worth to be collected? Micha
    2. I've seen an L/13 Meybauer EK2 with round 3 for sale somewhere-but I'm sceptical about that one..... Micha
    3. It's to hot,I'm a little bored(not much postings here)-tell me,what is the rarest 1914 EK1 maker ? I'm not talking about K.M.S.T-the really hard to find ones! What must I hunt next? Micha
    4. And here's a 2nd class by Orth,maker marked with "15"-please have a look at the core!
    5. After all the Souvals I would like to stay in austria-here is a really hard to find Ek! An L/14 maker marked screwback by Friedrich Orth! The frame is from Souval,the core is Orth! Here are the only two other examples I know-please have a look and compare the EKs! Micha
    6. Now Nr.2-different core and material...looks like zink to me(definitely no brass,but also non magnetic)
    7. Now we are coming to the big brothers....the screwbacks! Nr.1 is a brass core variation.
    8. Here's another L/58 pinback-this time with a little different core(please notice the size of the swaz and compare it with the brass core).Here we have a kind of zink? No brass for shure!
    9. I know that Souval EKs are not really in the middle of interest when it comes to '39 Eks.....I hope you don't mind when I want to show you some of the non magnetic examples in different variations.Of course all EKs are maker marked! First we start with a brass core pinback-please notice the size of the swaz! (my camera is on the best way to get dumped-sorry about the bad pics!)
    10. That's a perfect one,Marcus!And now I have to find a"hooked 7" pinback....it seems to be the search will never have an end! Or maybe a "straight 7" pinback..... .I don't know-it looks like for every hole filled in my collection two or three new ones are popping up! Micha
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