The medal name is a "陆海空军奖章“,in chinese,"陆" mean is "land",in there mean is "ground force","海" mean is"sea",in there mean is "navy","空" in there mean is "air force",so the translate is "armed force medal",Just like Sorth Vetnam,officer and common people receive different medal,such as this medal ,four class in medal ,"甲种一等(first class in officer)""甲种二等(second class in officer)""乙种一等(first class in common)""乙种二等(second class in common)"
The medal name is a "陆海空军奖章“,in chinese,"陆" mean is "land",in there mean is "ground force","海" mean is"sea",in there mean is "navy","空" in there mean is "air force",so the translate is "armed force medal",Just like Sorth Vetnam,officer and common people receive different medal,such as this medal ,four class in medal ,"甲种一等(first class in officer)""甲种二等(second class in officer)""乙种一等(first class in common)""乙种二等(second class in common)".