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    1. Good morning! My dear friend! Thank you very much for your reply! The experts on this site are very friendly and knowledgeable! Please allow me, a young man, to be able to ask more questions and learn more from all the experts! It is indeed a beautiful collection. I understand that some of the BZ's cross arms material changed from tourmaline to green crystal to the green glass. Also I'm pretty sure that some of the lion parts on the back were replaced by silver instead of gold, and the certificates for BZ were simplified a lot, as you said it was the war that changed this. It is for this reason that I am basically sure my lions are gold, but not sure if the swords are gold. Now that I have confirmed the name and specific army position of the winner, I wish I could learn the fascinating story behind him. Also I learned about the website GenWiki, which may look up the list of awards from the BZ, but it's such a huge job that I had to ask for help from you experts. After all, this PAPER BAG is just a PACKAGE and not an official certificate. Here are the castle and the lion on my BZ, they are very beautiful. From the bottom of my heart I wish you all a wonderful day!
    2. Sorry I'm not very good with these types of sites, so I'll reply to you again I thank you very much for your very quick reply! You are just too great !!!This is the BZ that I received at the same time, but I think the ribbon is a replica. Is the green part of the BZ just green glass? I am very excited! I have some other questions for you! I would appreciate it if you could answer them! 1. Did you recognize the person as a lieutenant by the line above the name? 2. Where did you get the exact date of commissioning and can you tell me about his military career? 3. Was RIR 249 part of the Baden army and are there any records available?
    3. I thank you very much for your very quick reply! You are just too great !!!This is the BZ that I received at the same time, but I think the ribbon is a replica. Is the green part of the BZ just green glass? I am very excited! I have some other questions for you! I would appreciate it if you could answer them! 1. Did you recognize the person as a lieutenant by the line above the name? 2. Where did you get the exact date of commissioning and can you tell me about his military career? 3. Was RIR 249 part of the Baden army and are there any records available?
    4. Hello everyone. I recently acquired a similar Zähringer lion paper bag, can anyone identify the army number on it? All I know is that the name of the person on the paper is Fritz Heydecke, and I'm guessing that the owner was a lieutenant, but I'm having trouble distinguishing the writing on the other lines of the paper.  If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it!
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