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    Colin Davie

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    Everything posted by Colin Davie

    1. I got mine from Detlev Niemann years ago. They sit really well next to the Meschede badge you also have, very similar design, I think the Okt. Meschede one was based on the Okt. Braunschweig badge almost exactly 2 years later. Cheers Claymore C.
    2. An example of a postcard complimenting a tinnie for display.. I think they help bring tinnies to life. C.
    3. Paint a bit hard to read. "Wehrwettkampfe der S.A. - Gruppe Niederrhein 1939" C.
    4. Not entirely SA per se, but features their logo at the bottom.. one of my favourite tinnies this one. C.
    5. Sorry can't get the programme small enough without making it useless. In the meantime here's a cardboard one for Claymore. C
    6. There was programmes on sale at some events, here's a pic. of one I nicked from an ebay auction, was not in a position to bid at the time unfortunately or I would have gone for it. Front cover features the tinnie from the event. I try and collect the postcards that accompany tinnie events too, make nice displays. C Sorry pic. was slightly too big.. will try resize it and come back later.
    7. That Brigade 34 badge has to be a contender for best tinnie ever.. congrats on getting one Claymore, your collection of SA tinnies is fast becoming one of the best. C
    8. Well I would imagine they will become very common because the abuse those guys, and also their colleagues in the Fire Service get on a very regular basis from all the neds and idiots every time they get called out is unbelievable. Considering the duty they provide, they are very under appreciated at times and certainly deserve a medal just for turning out every day. C
    9. I posted this list on WAF many, many moons ago, there was a list of all the M#/ numbers on a site somewhere, but it did not include many of the makers here in the M9 section, I added quite a few myself over the years, if anyone can add to it I'd be grateful. C Tinnie makers and their respective RZM codes that I know of. M9 - tinnie M9/1 F. W. Assmann & S?hne, L?denscheid M9/2 Rud. Mayer, Pforzheim M9/3 L. Chr. Lauer, N?rnberg M9/4 Gustav Brehmer, Markneukirchen M9/5 Fugen Schmidh?ussler, Pforzheim M9/6 Julius Dinnebier Nachf., L?denscheid M9/7 Foerster & Barth, Pforzheim M9/8 Christian Thomas Dicke, L?denscheid M9/9 Ferdinand Wagner, Pforzheim M9/10 Robert Hauschild, Pforzheim M9/11 Carl Poellath, Schrobenhausen M9/12 C. Baimberger, N?rnberg M9/13 Gustav Hahl, Pforzheim M9/14 M. Kutsch, Attendorn M9/15 Otto Schickle, Pforzheim M9/16 Berg & Nolte AG, L?denscheid M9/17 Friedrich Keck, Pforzheim M9/18 Karl Wild, Hamburg M9/19 Ernst Schneider, L?denscheid M9/20 "Walgo". Inh. Goseberg, Kierspe M9/21 Glaser & Sohn, Dresden M9/22 Dr. Franke & Co., KG., Ludenscheid M9/23 Ossenberg & Co., Dahle und Altena M9/24 Wilhelm Schroder & Co., L?denscheid M9/25 Richard Sieper & S?hne, L?denscheid M9/26 Hessische Fahnenfabrik Georg Schubkegel, Darmstadt M9/27 Bockle & Co., Geringswalde M9/28 Ferdinand Hoffst?tter, Bonn M9/29 Rud Wachtler & Lange. Mittweida M9/30 Bernhard Haarmann, L?denscheid M9/31 Biedermann & Co., Obercassel M9/32 G. Danner, Muhihausen M9/33 Karl Hensler, Pforzheim M9/34 Werner Linker, Duisburg-Hochfeld M9/35 Gebr?der Gloerfeld KG, L?denscheid M9/36 Philipp und Gustav Fest, Hanau M9/37 Carl Winkler, Hanau M9/38 Tweer & Turck, L?denscheid M9/39 Wilhelm Deumer, L?denscheid M9/40 Karl Wurster, Markneukirchen M9/41 Julius Maurer G.m.b.H., Oberstein M9/42 Fritz Zimmermann, Stuttgart M9/43 Lohmann & Welschehold, Meinerzhagen M9/44 Alexander Wolfram, Dessau M9/45 Dransfeld & Co., Menden M9/46 Otto Fechler, Bernsbach M9/47 Adolf Baumeister, L?denscheid M9/48 E. F. Wiedmann, Frankfurt am M. M9/49 Heinrich Muth, Hanau M9/50 Steinhauer & L?ck, L?denscheid M9/51 Hermann Aurich, Dresden M9/52 Schmidt & Bruckmann, Pforzheim M9/53 Friedrich Linden, L?denscheid M9/54 Funcke & Bruninghaus, L?denscheid M9/55 Hermann Wemstein, Jena-L?bstedt M9/56 Werner Redo, Saarlautern M9/57 Gebr?der Lange, L?denscheid M9/58 Alfred Stubbe, Inh. Herben Tegge, Berlin M9/60 Paulmann & Crone, L?denscheid M9/61 Gebr?der Albert, Menden. M9/62 Berthold Kuhn, Catterfeld M9/63 Albert Ihne, L?denscheid M9/65 Friedrich Keller, Oberstein M9/66 Gottlieb Fr. Keck & Sohn, Pforzheim M9/67 Overhoft & Cie, L?denscheid M9/68 Gebr?der Mardey & Co., Wuppertal-Langerfeld M9/69 K. E. Haas, Hamburg M9/70 Walter Demmer, L?denscheid M9/71 Stuttgarter Metallwerk-Fabrik Mayer & Wilhelm, Stuttgart M9/72 Wilhelm Kolwitz, Bergedorf b. Hamburg M9/73 Julius Bauer S?hne, Zella-Mehlis, Thur. M9/74 Heinrich Vogt, Pforzheim M9/75 M. Nett, F?rth M9/76 Hermann Bauer, Schw?b.-Gm?nd. M9/77 Josef Fuess, M?nchen M9/78 Stefan Merkl, N?rnberg M9/79 Max Kamper, L?denscheid M9/80 Kruse & S?hne, Wuppertal-Barmen M9/81 Franz Reischauer, Idan M9/82 Matthias Ochsier & Sohn KG., Ansbach M9/83 Lehmann & Wundenberg, Hannover M9/84 Gebr?der Rood, Solingen M9/85 Gebr?der Hahne, L?denscheid M9/86 Adam Donner, Wuppertal-Elberfeld M9/87 Adolf Besson, Schw?b.-Gmjind. M9/88 A. Kunze & Co., Buchholz M9/89 Hillenbrand & Br?er, L?denscheid M9/90 Inh. Eugen Frederich Katz, L?denscheid M9/91 Wilhelm Fuhner, Pforzheim M9/92 Paul Meybauer, Berlin M9/93 Frank & Reif o.H.G., Stuttgart M9/94 Walter Horn]ein, Schw?b.-Gm?nd. M9/95 Pleuger & Voss, L?denscheid M9/96 Kallenbach, Meyer & Franke, Luckenwalde M9/97 Gebr?der Fobke, Stettin M9/98 Theodor Seibod, Offenbach a. M. M9/99 Hans Aich, Schw?b.-Gm?nd. M9/100 Emil Oberholz, Reiligenhaus M9/102 Gebr?der Bender, Oberstein a. d. N. M9/103 Schimmel, Schmieder & Co., Schm?lin M9/104 Fritz Zobel, Breslau M9/105 Karl Kahle, Flensburg M9/106 Richard Masseck, Weisswasser M9/107 Ossenberg-Engels, Iserlohn M9/108 L. 0. Stillgebauer, Solingen M9/109 Emil Vogelsang, Glauchau M9/110 Fritz Kohm, Pforzheim M9/111 Schauerte & H?hfeld, L?denscheid M9/112 Wurttembergische Metallwarenfabrik, Geislingen a. d St. M9/113 Ernst Conze, L?denscheid M9/114 Hermann Kn?ller, L?denscheid M9/115 Rob Hasenmayer Jr., Pforzheim M9/116 Wuh. A. Jager, Frankfurt a. M M9/117 Chn Bauer, Welzheim M9/118 Josef Preissier, Pforzheim M9/119 Alois Rettenmaier, Schw?b-Om?nd. M9/120 Gustav Schuft, Cottbus M9/121 Furstenberger Porzellanfabrik, Furstenberg a. d. Weser M9/122 Stempel-Reich, Breslau M9/123 Gebr?der Cramer, Menden M9/124 Karl Pfohl, Pforzheim M9/125 Jakob Bengel, Inh. E., Hartenberger, Oberstein a. d. N. M9/126 Fried. Wuh. Schnurle, Duisburg am Rhein M9/127 Heinrich Schmidt, Sprottau M9/128 Paul Schulze & Co., Lubeck M9/129 J?rgum & Trefz, Frankfurt am Main M9/130 Bruno Mitlehner, Berlin M9/131 Noelle & Hueck KG, L?denscheid M9/132 Hermann Schulte Sohn, L?denscheid M9/133 Bebritpressstoffwerke G.m.b.H., Bebra M9/134 Seiler & Co., Geldern M9/135 C. W. Lots, Adorf M9/136 Ernst Scheiter, Eibenstock M9/137 H. D?rvel, Braunschweig M9/138 Prokop, Jager & S?hne, Rosenthal-Schweizermuhle M9/139 Bruno Winkler, Zittau M9/140 Leop. Kleins Witwe, Wien M9/141 Gl?ckner & Co., Annaberg M9/142 Otto Kunze, Fraureuth M9/143 R. Conrad Nach & Co. KG, Schmiedeberg. M9/144 Julius Moser sen., Inh. C., Moser, Oberstein a. d. N. M9/145 Kuhr & Langer, Eisenach M9/146 Mayer & Sohn, Erbach M9/147 Eduard Mutscheiknauss, Pforzheim M9/148 E. O. Friedrich, Leipzig M9/149 Willy Annetsberger, Munchen M9/150 Friedrich Roediger & Co., Hanau a. M. M9/151 Petz & Lorenz, Unterreichenbach M9/152 Stuffmann & Co., Haan M9/153 Staatl Bemstein-Manufaktur, K?nigsberg M9/154 Karl Forster & Grat Schw?b-Gm?nd. M9/155 Lindner & Maak, Dresden M9/156 Ad. Schwerdt, Stuttgart M9/157 Lind & Meyer, Oberstein a. d. N. M9/158 Ochs & Bonn, Hanau a. M. M9/159 Wilhelm Helbing, Leipzig M9/160 Max Kremhelmer, Munchen M9/161 Sohni, Heubach & Co., Oberstein a d. N. M9/162 Ziemer & S?hne, Oberstein a. d. N. M9/163 Otto Wolter, Schw?b-Gmund. M9/164 Paul Merkens, Dusseldorf M9/165 Giesse & Schmidt, Ruhla M9/166 Hymmen & Co., L?denscheid M9/167 Emil B?xenstein, Pforzheim M9/168 Gustav M?ssmer, Offenbach am Main M9/169 Deschler & Sohn, M?nchen M9/170 Karl Erbacher, Pforzheim M9/171 Rudolf Freund, Solingen M9/172 Eduard Hahn, Oberstein a. d. N. M9/173 P. C. Turck Witwe, L?denscheid M9/174 Otto Kogler, Wien M9/175 Franz Kaukal?s Wwe, Wien M9/176 List & Hertl, Wien M9/177 August Menze & Sohn, Wien M9/178 C. W. Motz & Co., Brandenburg a. d.H. M9/179 Karl Gschiermeister, Wien M9/180 Adalbert Kanngiesser, Wien. M9/181 Sohni & Co., Oberstein a. d. N. M9/182 Karl Kuhn & Co. AG, Wien M9/183 Schar-Smolka, Schwechat b. Wien M9/184 Bruno Mulde, Bremen M9/185 J. E. Hammer & S?hne, Geringswalde M9/186 Konrad Seiboth, Gablonz a. N. M9/187 Grossmann & Co. Inh. Lorenz Hoffst?tter u.L. Siefener, Wien M9/188 Schaeffer, Homberg G.m.b.H., Wuppertal -Barmen M9/189 Rudolf St?rz, Gablonz a. N. M9/190 Rudolf Richter, Schlag Nr 244 M9/191 Wilhelm Borgas, Entingen M9/192 Albert Noswitz, Gablonz a. N. M9/193 Emil Peukert, Gablonz a. N. M9/194 Franz Schiffner, Gablonz a. N. M9/195 Franz Schmidt, Gablonz a. N. M9/196 Rudolf Lucke & Co., Gablonz a. N. M9/197 Gustav Miksch, Gablonz a. N. M9/198 Camill Bergmann & Co., Gablonz a. N. M9/199 Rudolf Pfeiffers Nachf., Hoschka & Pesch, Gablonz a. N. M9/200 Heinrich St?rz jr., Gablonz a. N. M9/201 Otto Lang, Gablonz a. N M9/202 Josef R?ssler & Co., Gablonz a. N. M9/203 Wilhelm Pala, Gablonz a. N. M9/204 Franz Wenzeis Sohn, Braunau Heuscheuer M9/205 Fritz Zasche, Gablonz a. N. M9/206 J. C. Gante in, Berlin M9/207 Georg Patzner, Breslau. M9/208 Josef Feix S?hne, Gablonz a. N. M9/209 Gebr?der J?ger, Gablonz M9/210 Rudolf Lang, Kukan Nr.226 b. Gablonz M9/211 Adolf Scholze, Gr?nwald a. N. M9/212 Julius Rauchf?hs, Schonwald u. Pirna M9/213 Eduard Gorlach & S?hne, Gablonz a. N. M9/214 August G. Tham, Gablonz a. N. M9/215 Rudolf Tham, Gablonz a. N. M9/216 Matth. Ochsier & Sohn AG, Riegersdor b. Bodenbach M9/217 A. Karneth & Sohn, Gablonz a. N. M9/218 Matth Salcher & S?hne AG., Wagstadt M9/219 Augustin Hieke, Tyssa b. Bodenbach M9/221 Richard Simm & S?hne, Gablonz a. N. M9/222 Otto Glausch, Grunwald b. Gablonz M9/223 Bruno Sch?ffel, Kukan M9/224 Walter & Henlein, Gablonz a. N. M9/225 Franz Maschke & Co., Gablonz a. N. M9/226 Heinrich Wander, Gablonz a. N. M9/227 Vereinigte Knopf-Werker Alfred Maborny, Wohlau M9/229 M. Schaubmayr, Wien M9/230 Josef R?cker & Sohn, Gablonz a. N. M9/231 Louis Keller, Oberstein M9/232 Magnus Richter, Schwarzbach M9/233 Gustav K?nd, Peterswald b. Bodenbach M9/234 Franz Bernhardt, Tyssa b. Bodenbach. M9/235 Heinr Ulbricht's Wwe., Wien M9/236 Florian Schwarzer, Wien M9/237 Gebr Eichenauer, Hainfeld M9/238 Lenkwerk Br?der Schneider AG., Wien M9/239 A. Beladas Nach. Frz. Jungwirth, Wien M9/240 W. Gruber & Co., Wien M9/241 Ranns Pacher, Wien M9/242 Friedrich Orth, Wien M9/243 Josef Heintschel, Wien M9/244 Franke & Sohn, Heidenreichstein M9/245 Albert Bloudicek, Wien M9/246 Eduard G?sel, Wien M9/247 Rudolf Menschiga, Wien M9/248 Christlbauer & Sohn, Wien M9/249 Josef Mayr, Linz M9/250 Andreas Unger, Wien M9/251 Rudolf Schanes, Wien M9/252 Phil. Turks Wwe., Wien M9/253 Argentor-Werke, Wien M9/254 Hans Hischer, Wien M9/255 Schwenner & Cie., Eggenberg b. Graz M9/256 Franz Petzl, Wien M9/259 Hans Doppler, Wels M9/263 Adolf Klinger, Gr?nwald a. N. M9/264 Rudolf Dressier Jr., Gablonz a. N. M9/265 Eduard Kratzert, Gablonz a. N. M9/268 Franz Klamt & S?hne, Gablonz a. N. M9/269 Arno Wailpach, Salzburg M9/270 Wilhelm Tschinkel Abtl. II, Ober Kreibitz -Schonfeld M9/271 Gustav Wenzel, Nieder-Preschkau, Kr. Tetschen M9/272 Rudolf Fischer Jr., Nixdorf M9/273 Franz Lang, Gablonz a. N. M9/274 Karl Unger & Sohn, Gablonz a. N. M9/275 Erwin Hoffmann, Seidenschwanz M9/276 Josef P?rner, Gablonz a. N. M9/277 Franz Erben jr, Seidenschwanz M9/278 Reichelmann & Co., Tellnitz b. Aussig M9/279 E. Wohlmann, Gablonz a. N. M9/280 Rudolf Bergs, Gablonz a. N. M9/281 Richard Feix, Gablonz a. N. M9/282 Wilhelm Hammesfahr, Solingen M9/283 Emil Herrmann & Co. Gablonz a. N. M9/284 Robert Rudolf, Gablonz a. N. M9/285 Oskar Frech, Gablonz a. N. M9/286 Adolf Kofer, Sebnitz M9/287 Ewald Turck, L?denscheid M9/288 Klein & Quenzer AG., Oberstein a. d. N. M9/289 Gottlieb & Wagner, Oberstein a. d. N. M9/290 Otto Geiger, L?denscheid M9/291 Oswald Posselt, Gablonz a. N. M9/292 Ernst H?bner, Gablonz a. N. M9/293 Adolf Seidel Gablonz a. N. M9/294 W. Lehmann, Karlsbad-Weheditz M9/295 Josef Bergs & Co., Gablonz a. N. M9/296 Franz Sch?nbach, Riegersdorf M9/297 August Halter, Tolkemit, Kr. Elbing M9/298 Br?der Paul, Tyssa b. Bodenbach M9/299 Paul Garthe, Muspe M9/300 Volkskunst der Grafschaft Glatz, Kurt Klammt, Glatz-Neuland M9/301 Otto Sedlak, Gablonz a. N. M9/302 Bruno Pfeifer, Gablonz a. N. M9/303 Anton Markovskys S?hne, Gablonz a. N M9/304 Karl Schlenker, Schw?b.-Gm?nd. M9/305 Rudolf Zappa, Bad Schlag b. Gablonz a. N. M9/306 R. Richard Haasis, Zittau M9/307 Kamill Sch?ffel, Grunwald a. N M9/308 Laurenz M?ller, Gross-Schonau. M9/309 Willy Engel, Morchenstern, Kr. Gablonz M9/310 Otto Mischek, Gablonz a. N M9/311 Gralit-Kunstharzpresswerk, Grossmann, Pietschmann & Co., Nixdorf M9/312 Fritz Mannheim G.m.b.H., Kaiserslautern M9/313 Karl Pichl, Innsbruck M9/314 Moritz Hertwig KG., Tannenberg M9/315 Arno Melzer, Dresden M9/316 Rudolf Strake, Leipa M9/317 Franz Simon, Gablonz a. N. M9/318 Heinrich & Heinrich, Gablonz a. N. M9/319 Buttig & Co., Gablonz a. N. M9/320 Zappe & Co., Gablonz a. N. M9/321 Wiliy Zappe, Gablonz a. N. M9/322 Oskar Zappe Jr., Gablonz a. N. M9/323 Max Hering, Oldenburg i. 0. M9/324 Staatliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Meissen M9/325 Rosenthal-Porzellan AG., Selb. M9/326 Karl Schram, Brunn (Protektorat M?hren) M9/327 Otto M?ller, Gablonz a. N M9/328 Julius Gerhard. Pforzheim M9/329 Max Ulbrich, Gablonz a. N. M9/330 Ewald Ress, Wien M9/331 Erhard & S?hne AG, Schw?b.-Gm?nd. M9/332 Dmk. Sch?nbaumfelds Sohn, Wien M9/333 Alfred Simet, Wien M9/334 Augustin Prager, Gablonz a. N. M9/335 R. Kreisel, Gablonz a. N. M9/336 W. Hobacher, Wien Wilhelm Schwahn, Hanau
    10. I don't know how long this group went on into the war, if you look at the front of the card, it's a membership card valid from 1st April 1942 thru 31st March 1943, those are the only dates on it, I have all his HJ docs and there is no card for 43 thru 44, I am still going through them all, it is a very large group belonging to both this guy and his brother (who was not a member of this group). C
    11. Hi Toby, very interesting those badges, being named I would imagine they are an award item of some sort.. this particular badge is shown on page 90 of Baker's volume 2, there it is shown cased, I assume the case is still with the badge, making it a very rare combo indeed, congarats on owning such a fine item, and thanks for letting us see it so well, it's a B&W picture in the book. C
    12. Thanks claymore, the extra badges would be worth it to me, I suppose it's quite q major update, will pick up a copy of them both in Sept. when I'm back in Europe. Cheers again C
    13. Hi, I am working with an enamellist dating various forms of enamel product, am I correct in saying the attached piece is from after 1970? The pinned topic above from Rick seems to say so, But as dating is important I'd like to check. Thanks for any help C
    14. Check out this guys hardware. Is there anything he does'nt have? C http://cgi.ebay.de/Foto-Portrait-AK-Orden-...1QQcmdZViewItem
    15. Here is a link that shows modern versions of Japanese medals being produced. Hope others find it interesting, as I did. C http://www.mint.go.jp/eng/operations/order/process01.html
    16. I guess as most of us have been collecting militaria for so many years we all look back at times when we could have had REAL bargains, and I always feel these ribbon bars were a perfect example, I remember when huge long WW1/2 German ribbon bars would just sit in the dealers display for ever... no-one wanted them, and they cost next to nothing too, god only knows what was there, I thought about buying a couple but never did. A crystal ball would have been handy I suppose. C
    17. MEIJI - TAISHO - SHOWA My take on the 3 versions shown above are based on observing the wing tips, which on Meiji has the 3rd feather as longest, and then on to the belt loops for the other 2 which have the 2nd feather as longest, Showa belt has a hole missing. I will edit to say that the Taisho piece came with the ribbon bow type lapel fixing, and of course to acknowledge that Paul's article is far more detailed and better to study than this. Nice to see you again Rick C
    18. For Laurence, sorry I've taken really good scans, but I'm not being allowed to upload them, hope this will suffice... take3 C
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