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    Everything posted by jonv

    1. toll! amtlich bestätigt. jetzt bin ich auf der Suche nach einem Alt-Berlin Photo von Magdeburger Platz, was schräg gegenüber vom Hauptquartier (immer noch) steht. vielen Dank für die Hilfe Jungs! http://home.comcast.net/~jcviser/army/distgk.htm
    2. sehr schön Dave, nur merkwürdig (ärgerlich) das ich das Gebäude im Stadtplan nicht finden kann. http://www.alt-berlin.info/
    3. ok, weil die Adresse "Hinter dem Gießhause" ist, darf man annehmen, daß der Haupteingang des GenKdos an der Westseite des Zeughauses war?? ich interessiere mich also für die Fassade. ... und was dem GenKdo des III.AKs betrifft: Genthiner Straße Nr 2 sehe ich schon, im Berliner Stadtplan ist das Gebäude aber nicht zu finden, oder? Map 3
    4. Dave - vielen Dank! das III.AK Gebaude hab ich gefunden. Das mit dem GK ist aber problematisch, was ich zur Zeit mit Glenn in einem anderen Forum bespreche: also, der Standort "Hinter dem Gießhause 3.1." steht im Berliner Adressebuch. Also seh ich das Zeughaus und ein "Kommand" (war das GK-GenKdo im Zeughause??) Map 1 ...ich habe aber auch eine zweite Adresse fur GK-GenKdo gefunden und zwar in der Alt-Moabit Str, genau gegenüber von der Haftanstalt und ein gutes Stück vom Zeughaus entfernt! Map 2 und jetzt frage ich mich, ob das GK beide Gebäude zur selben Zeit verwendet hat, oder ob das Korps irgendwann umgezogen sind??
    5. Wo findet man das General-Kommando des III.Armeekorps in Berlin, also wo sich das Gebäude auf dem Stadtplan befindet? Ich suche entweder die Straße oder mindestens den Stadtteil. genau das Gleiche suche ich apropos des Gardekorps danke im voraus - Jon http://home.comcast.net/~jcviser/army/dist_main.htm
    6. thank you Chip. I'm taking good notes, although in grayscale or sepia photos, the difference between light gray vs fieldgray is not always so apparent to me - sure wish I could get ahold of a good reference work. * can you answer if the first two images below are indeed Litewkas (and that Ludendorff is actually in a kleiner Rock?)
    7. So, some very good points. although sadly this further clouds any understanding I thought I had. Regards the three double-breasted tunics (Ueberrock, kleiner Rock, and Litewka): * are there ways to positively distinguish one from the other? * is there a definitive work that might cover this issue? and re attached thumbs: image 1: definitely an Ueberrock because of the length, but is it without a doubt dark blue? image 2: do the Litzen here serve as positive ID for a kleiner Rock (or can the kleiner Rock and Litewka even be distinguished from one another) thanks! - JV
    8. Finding very little information on the wear of an Ueberrock by Prussian general officers, although it seems to typically show up in studio photos. Main question: to confirm that there was a dark blue pre-War version, such as in example Nr.1, and also later a field gray variant. If that is true, can someone confirm the dates that dark blue was replaced by the field gray, and if there were any additional upgrades? Any suggested bibliography that might deal with this issue would also be very appreciated. thank! Jon V http://home.comcast.net/~jcviser/page_10.htm
    9. At first glance, appeared to be Gen d Kav Max von Laffert, but not even certain he's Saxon (??) http://home.comcast.net/~jcviser/aka/laffert.htm
    10. very good Chris!...had to think about that one for a sec. http://home.comcast.net/~jcviser/aok/eichhorn.htm
    11. thanks Glenn, they look similar, although if so - the mustache has drooped with old age
    12. Thanks Christophe! - can you tell me if this photo is of Konrad?
    13. Although this image is listed by BPK as being Prussian Kriegsminister GdI Heinrich von Gossler, it sure looks like a PLM he's wearing. Is he instead a match for 11.ID commander GL Konrad von Gossler (VI.RK commander on MTag and PLM 10.08.1916)? thanks for any help Jon http://home.comcast.net/~jcviser/index.htm
    14. thank you Glenn; would you know if these Abkürzungen are Latin, French?
    15. Württemberg MVO (Militärverdienstorden) ... searching for dates when following received this medal: MVO-Grosskreuz Albrecht Herzog von Württemberg MVO-Komtur Wilhelm Heye Fritz von Loßberg Ritter Wilhelm Groener
    16. Could somebody please decode for me the abbreviation / symbology associated with the following: on the epaulet there is either a UR, AR, CCR?? Another common abbreviation that I should know, this time on the Dienstaltersliste entry for Gen von Woyrsch: he is Chef IR 51 ... then looks like "ic" or possibly "rc"
    17. Is there a Saxon medal / order which would be considered the premier award for a general officer or staff officer? ... one that might equate to Bavaria's MMJO? thanks for any info or opinion Jon Prussian Machine
    18. Hi Glenn - thank you for the help! I should really take your on-line Decorations Recognition course. cheers Jon
    19. Can someone confirm if this image is indeed Bavarian Kriegsminister Otto Frh Kress von Kressenstein? 16.05.1914 thank you! Jon Prusssian Machine
    20. ok, thanks Dave! ... now for some serious back-to-the-drawing-board
    21. I was told it might be Polish, but it looked similar to old German script. Maybe Lithuanian(?)
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