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    1. Chip, Thank you very much for your reaction ! And the ID of these pieces, shoulder straps are most certainly not my strong point ! Happy 2009 ! Best from Johan
    2. Hi, Can anyone ID these shoulder boards ? It is said that they are all civilian ones, but I have serious doubts about it. http://www.forumeerstewereldoorlog.nl/viewtopic.php?t=17359 Never seen anything like the middle one before... Thanks and best from Johan
    3. Hi, Can anyone tell me what German units were stationed between the Frezenberg and Zonnebeke village in this period ? Some suggestions are the 1st Landwehr Division or 236 Division. I'm trying to piece together the history of the area where the new Scottish Memorial has been placed. Thanks ! Best from Jo
    4. This is really great information on the man ! Do you also have a photo of him ?
    5. Just found a photo from February 1916 with all number 2's on the shako's. II Marine Infanterie Regiment, confirmed. The shako was in service untill 1917 it seems. 17 June 1916 an order was confirmed for 7500 helmets for the Marinekorps Flandern. In January 1917 only 4000 had been delivered ! Funny thing is that they were delivered first at the units serving in the front line, which had to pass them on at the ones who replaced them !!! These helmets had first been overpainted at the Kaiserliche Werft at Brugge because the colour was too shiny ! The problem is that I have so much information on the Marinekorps, that I sometimes forget what I have !
    6. Rick, Could you check please what it exactly said on these photo's ? I just find it curious that the 3 Marine Infanterie Regiment had the IX Seebataillon.
    7. Interesting material ! Especially the 1916 photo's are most interesting concerning the uniforms, will have to check a few things alter this evening. The numbering is also curious, will see if I can find out more on that. The location is Zevecote, near Gistel. The other photo is indeed of HMS Vindictive at Oostende !
    8. Rick, The last photo is HMS Sirius and Brilliant, photo taken at Oostende (Ostend) after the completely failed blockade operation on St-George's Day 1918 over there. It has been, unfortunately, often been described as Thetis and Iphigenia, which is wrong. Probably also what it says on the back of your photo. One has to look out with a lot of these post war photo's (concerning publication) which very often describe the wrong location. I have seen photo's of a Deutschland battery gun at Bredene, marked as Zeebrugge. Or the Long Max gun at Koekelare at Moere (there exist thousands of these) or as in the vincinity of Nieuwpoort. The first photo is completely new for me, and probably has been taken in the Westende (Westend) area. One can clearly see the entrance to a typical trench construction in the dunes in the background. At the bottom of this 2nd page in the Strandfest topic from our Flemish/Dutch WW I Forum you can see some photo's : http://www.forumeerstewereldoorlog.nl/view...sc&start=50 Lot's of photo's of the Nieuwpoort-Lombardsijde-Westende area can be seen on the next page of the topic also : http://www.forumeerstewereldoorlog.nl/view...c&start=100 I'm curious to see the Seebataillone photo's ! I've always enjoyed these very much as they are not very easy to find, certainly not on the Flanders period.
    9. Parts of the Matrosendivisione (not the Marine Divisione) seem also to have been active at Gallipoli, but this is still as good as unknown territory. They partially manned some batteries in fortresses etc.
    10. Ok, meanwhile here's a summary I made on the aerial unit's of the Marinekorps Flandern. For the moment I'm working on the war diaries of these unit's to make a list of the most important events. Text is under copyright. GERMAN NAVAL AIR SERVICE AT THE BELGIAN COAST 1914-1918 During World War I the largest part of the Belgian coast was occupied by the German Marinekorps Flandern, a part of the Kaiserliche Marine. This Marinekorps stood under the command of Admiral Ludwig von Schr?der. The harbours of Zeebrugge and Oostende and the connection between them via the port at Brugge by canals made these ideal U-boat bases. No less then 2554 ships went down due to the I and II U-Flottille Flandern. There also operated torpedo boats and destroyers from these harbours. To protect these bases and pre vent an Allied landing on the Belgian beaches, a large number of coastal batteries were constructed. Naval air units were responsible for reconnaissance over the North Sea and the frontline, became very active in bombing England and other targets, defended the air against enemy intruders. The first real co-ordinated operation between ground troops with air support happened here at Flanders during the Strandfest on the 10th of July 1917 near Nieuwpoort. It was an enormous success. The airfield of Jabbeke-Snellegem also often identified as Varsenare by the Allies was to become the most important one of the northern part of West-Flanders. The base at Zeebrugge mole the most important one of the western front concerning seaplanes. But there were several other aerodromes from where the naval air units operated. SEEFLUGSTATION FLANDERN I On the 24111 of November 1914 the German Marine-Amt gave orders to commission the commanding officers to the unit. Commanding officer became Oblt.z.S. von Arnauld de la Perri?re. He was the brother of the famous U-boat commander Lothar, the highest scoring U-boat commander of all time with 194 ships for about 450,000 tons sunk. Al ready on the 5th of December 1914 the unit was established at Zeebrugge on the harbour mole and on the 17th of the same month the unit was already amongst those that were operational. Equipped with seaplanes of a memorable quality, it would in fact not be before early 1917 that the unit could be called really successful and completely operational. Especially for this unit a number of changes were made on the harbour mole at Zeebrugge. First of all the Passengers-centre, was reconstructed into a large base for the seaplanes. Next to it were constructed a number of hangars for these. A number of storage rooms followed for the fuel, ammunition, bombs and torpedo's. The cranes on the harbour mole were extremely useful to get the seaplanes in and out of the water. The unit was also very fortunate to have a railway connection from the harbour mole to the mainland This made it possible to trans port the seaplanes by train to Lissewege, where the Germans constructed a large repair and revisions hall for these planes. It would also become the Marinekorps Flandern Flugpark. Another part of the flugpark would be installed at the Koolkerke aerodrome, near Brugge and near the canal Brugge-Zeebrugge. Most famous commander of this unit is without any doubt Oblt.d.R. Friedrich Christiansen, also called the fighter pilot of Zeebrugge. The story of this plot-CO is completely different in comparison with that of the other German air aces. He never flew a one-seater and amongst his colleagues he could certainly be called an old man as he was al ready thirty-six when he scored his first successes. Most of the other fighter pilots and observers were in their early twenties! Although his age Christiansen became a real ace and his value as an instructor in his own unit was at least comparable with the one of another legend of the skies, no body else than Boelcke, who had 40 victories on his name. On the 17th of December 1915, exactly one year leter the unit became operational, they also lost their first commanding officer. Off De Panne the 493 (a Friedrichshafen FF33 E) of von Arnauld and Lt.z.S. Hans Wirchow had to make a forced landing due to engine trouble. Both became prisoner of war of the French and were taken to Dunkirk for further interrogation. Von Arnauld was succeeded by Lt.z.S. Bernhard von Tschirschky und B?gendorff who was promoted Kap.lt. On the 15th of September 1917 Oblt.d.R. Friedrich Christiansen became the new commander of the station. Second in command became Oblt.zS. Erich Killinger. Von Tschirschky became Gruppenkommandeur der Seeflieger. On the lst October 1918 all personnel from the sister unit at Oostende arrived at Zeebrugge. All luggage was loaded on a barge and went in the direction of Antwerp. For the personnel it was retreat but it was not a bad moment as the U-boats had brought in special provisions "Which meant that they had the best wines, chocolate, cognac and all kinds of other liquors. The next day the unit left Zeebrugge and went back to the fatherland. SEEFLUGSTATION FLANDERN II On the 11th March 1917 the Seeflugstation F1andern U at Oostende became a fact From that moment on the Seeflugstation F1andern I at Zeebrugge would become also known as the Holland Staffel, because they were to operate in the most northern part of the area after the repartition of the operating area. Works at the Oostende 'Spuikom' seem to have started at the end of October 1916. By March 1917 the unit could tell everyone they were operational. They were equipped with a pane hangar, a harbour crane, a downward slope to let the seaplanes in the water, which can still be seen today. By the end of the war the unit was housed in four larger hangars and two smaller ones. The crane was only used to take the planes out of the water. As already referred to with the seaplane base at Oostende becoming operational, tasks were re-divided between the Seeflugstation units. Zeebrugge became responsible for the area called the 'Hoofden', this being located between the Dutch coast off Scheveningen over the Channel to Yarmouth, going down the British coast to the mouth of the Thames river, going in a straight line back to Zeebrugge. 0ostende received an area from the mouth of Thames river down the coast to Ramsgate going from there back to Oostende also in a straight line. They had to control all shipping traffic, enemy U-boats, minefields, navigation boys, barrage nets, etc. They also were responsible for reporting all changes in positions of these. Of course the ot her tasks such as attacks on enemy blockade ships and defence of the area against enemy aerial units. 00 the 11 th March the unit was officially established as already mentioned and CO became Kap.lt. B?cker. The unit started with 4 seapanes,5 pilots and about 100 men personnel. Already 00 the 14th March the unit had it's first official victory. ft seems to have been a French flying boat However the unit would become really successful in aerial combat from 191800. SEEFLUGSTATION FLANDERN III This unit was taken out of the 2nd Staffel of the Seefrosta on the lst August 1918. Commanding officer was Ltz.S. Rowehl. ft is not completely clear if the unit stayed at the airfield of Nieuwmunster of if they went somewhere else. Fact is however that they still were there on the 31st August as that day there was a crash of a plane from the Seeflugstation III that crashed on it during trials with a plane. The personnel moved on the 1st October 1918 also to Zeebrugge and two days later the installations in the harbour and the harbour mole were destructed Orders came for retreat. As this unit had land based planes and not seaplanes, they retreated with the other such units of the Marinekorps to Maldegem and Eeklo. By the end of November the personnel of all three Seeflugstations were back at their naval headquarters at Johannistal near Berlin. TORPOSTAFFEL I At Zeebrugge Seeflugstation it became clear that it would be interesting to dispose of a unit that could attack enemy ships and warships in an effective way. And what could better be used for that purpose than torpedo's? It even seems that the Seeflugstation F1andern I had some experience in the field. The Torpedostaffel I was re-established on the 1st September 1917 at F1ensburg and arrived on the 4th of September at Zeebrugge. On the 9th they already had their first success. North-west of their base they attacked a steamer and did hit the ship twice. As the ship only measured 440 BRT, it is probably needless to say that it sank ! ft was a British ship named the Storm and it went down 1 mile south-east of the Sunk light vessel. The unit flew Hansa Brandenburg GW's, Friedrichshafen FF41A's, Gotha WD 11 and WDII's. Commander of the unit was Lt.z.S. Max Stinsky. On the 18th September the unit left Zeebrugge and moved to Windau, where they arrived on-the 23rd of the same month, only to return to Zeebrugge on the 6th of November where they arrived on the 12th. They stayed there until the unit was disbandoned somewhere in April 1918. TORPEDOSTAFFEL II This unit arrived at Zeebrugge in the middle of March 1917. She was established on the 16 of that month and it's CO was Obltz.S. Hans Albrecht Wedel, a pilot. The personnel was housed in the ship Brugge, the former SS Brussels of the famous captain Fryatt, and at the same place were also staying most of the personnel members of the Seeflugstation. They were active against shipping at the North Sea and the Channel. For example early August they attacked a ship off Calais. On the 13th November 1917 came the order from the Marineflugchef to disbandon the unit This seems to have happened quite fast because on the 26th of that month, all the personnel that was not transferred to another unit of tbe Marinekorps had already left Zeebrugge. THE KUSTENFLIEGERABTEILUNGEN On the 14th of September 1917 was given the order to establish 3 Kustenfliegerabteilungen under the command of Kap.lt Franz Schr?ter, who became Gruppenkommandeur der K?stenflieger. These Kustenflieger Abteilungen were in charge of mainly reconnaissance and observation flights off the coastal line and the fire guidance of the coastal batteries. They went looking for enemy shipping and when they came within reach of the coastal batteries they wired the position and gave the order to fire. They were also looking for friendly ships in need, that got in other trouble or were attacked by enemy planes or ships. I KUSTENFLIEGERSTAFFEL SEEBRUGGE OR KUSTENFLIEGER ABTEILUNG I It can be considered as logical that they were also stationed on the Zeebrugge harbour mole together with the Seeflugstation as both units were co-operating very closely with one another. As there were also two of these units the partition of the area in which trey operated was identical with the one of the Seeflugstations I and ll. Commanding officer of the unit was until the end of the war Ltd.R. Thorm?hlen, who started with 4 HFT planes. The unit retreated with the other units that had seaplanes on the 2nd and 3rd October 1918. II KUSTENFLIEGERSTAFFEL OOSTENDE OR KUSTENFLIEGER ABTEILUNG II This unit was stationed at the same location as the Seeflugstation Flandern II at Oostende and used the same hangars and infrastructure. The first CO of this unit was Ltz.S. von Frankenberg und Proschlitz witb four HFT planes. In Mau 1918 the unit was under the command of Lt.d.R. Kaume. III KUSTENFLIEGERSTAFFEL UITKERKE OR KUSTENFLIEGER ABTEILUNG III Works for the Uitkerke aerodrome , of which two remaining personnel bunkers still remain as silent witnesses today ,started in the first part 00917. The commanding officer of the unit was Oblt.d.S.L Schwarzlose with S HFT planes. On the 19tb March 1918 the command was transferred to Lt.dR.M.A. Leffler. In May of 1918 all units on this airfield disposed of six planes. On Wednesday night the 6tb of October 1918 the unit left the Uitkerke aerodrome for retreat towards Germany. IV KUSTENFLIEGER ABTEILUNG IV This unit was also stationed at Uitkerke and was under the command of Ltd.R. Majewski. They also left the aerodrome on the 6tb of October 1918 to retreat for the Allied Army group Flanders. THE MARINE LANDFLIEGER AND FELDFLIEGER ABTEILUNGEN I MARINE LANDFLIEGER ABTEILUNG Indirectly the decision for the construction of an airfield for the navy in the Oostende area bad already been taken on the 21st August 1914 by the Kommando des Freiwilliges Marine Fliegerkorps at Johannistal near Berlin. Shortly after the occupation of the city, on the 15th of October1914 a start was taken for the preparation of the construction. It was the 8th of November when the Marine Amt gave final orders for the construction of an aerodrome at Mariakerke. On the 17tb of December, the unit, or what was ready of it, was staying at Snaaskerke, near Gistel where there also was an aerodrome and there was already a commanding officer for the unit: Obltz.S. von Skrbensky. He arrived with his 113 men and officers at Mariakerke on the 21.t of December and had the city of Oostende, despite a number of protests, construct airplane hangars and other facilities. Ditches and canals were filled up and it didn't take long before the first planes arrived on the location, unarmed Albatros biplanes with Mercedes engines 0000 HP. It seems these were the models BI and Bll. By the end of December the Marine also established the Kommando des Luftfahrtwesens Some reports also mention that by the end of March the first Albatros C1 planes des Marinekorps Flandern, of which Kap.z.S. Herr became the CO. By the 21st of January the unit was operational and from that moment on can be found reports of bombardment flights and reconnaissance flights arrived a the unit, but the question remains if this was a real amelioration. On the 7th September 1915 there was big alarm at the Belgian coast, more especially off Oostende and surroundings. Not less then 38 Allied vessels were coming close to the coastline with the purpose of bombarding the shore. It was not only a very busy day for the unit, it was also a black day for them as their CO von Skrbensky was shot down and killed in unknown circumstances. He probably was succeeded by Lt.z.S. Koch. On the 20th September 1915 the I and II Marine Landflieger Abteilung melt together into the I Marine Landflieger Abteilung. The unit is divided into two Halb Abteilungen, the first one under the command of Alfred Ritscher, the second under command of the Korps Weder. The III Marine Landflieger Abteilung, stationed at Nieuwmunster became 80 aIl of a sudden the II Marine Landflieger Abteilung. I MARINE FELD FLIEGER ABTEILUNG One month later the unit also changed it's name. From the 20th October on the new name was I Marine Feldflieger Abteilung. The reason for this was rather simple and silly. The army units were all Feldflieger Abteilungen and at the navy there was the exception of Landflieger. On the 22nd of July 1916 the unit had to move to Gistel aerodrome. With the construction of the batteries Aachen and Antwerpen just north of tbe Mariakerke aerodrome, the airfield did not become a safer place, so there was decided to abandon Mariakerke. By noon of the 28th September 1916 a crew from this unit would write military history by flying on their own as the very first to London for a bombardment. In March 1917 Lt.d.R. Treitscbke became the new commanding officer of the unit. The exact day is not known. What we do know however is that the unit moved once more on the 19th of June 1917 to VIissegem aerodrome and that they moved once more between the 8th and the 27th of December to... Gistel! On the11th of July permission was given for a number of new constructions on the airfield such as personnel barracks, a Werkstatt Baracke and 2 or 3 shelters. ft is not al known when that this unit left Gistel. We do know that they went to VIissegem again and that by the 2nd of June 1918 the 11 Marine Feldflieger Abteilung was at Gistel. So they probably mover shortly before or after. II MARINE LANDFLIEGER ABTEILUNG The decision fell on the 10th of January and was confirmed on the 13th of the same month of1915. The unit it's commanding officer was Oblt.z.S. Alfred Ritscher (the man who gave name to Ritscherland in the Antarctic). On the 22nd of February the unit finally was ready to see action and arrived at Mariakerke airfield. The decision of forming two units did come in fact for one reason only: to make a difference between the planes at Oostende of the unit and those on other places which were at the disposition of the army, in this case the 4th German Army. Concerning this last fact some commotion followed in the ranks. Kap.z.S. Herr had to intervene personally and ease the minds of them explaining that they perhaps flew for the army, but that they would return to the navy in the appropriate time and would keep all their service years, grade and decorations. This seems to have been enough to solve the small conflict. On the11th March they even were told that they could decide themselves where they wanted to have their new aerodrome, and they found indeed a very good terrain south-west of the village of Moorsele. The Generalkommando of the Marinekorps Flandern at Brugge directly took a Pioneer Abteilung under the arm to start the construction of the airfield where they arrived two days later. On the 16th two planes were flown from Mariakerke to Rumbeke for the first mission of the 27th Res. Korps. Meanwhile the first nine men and one NCO of the II MFFA arrived at Moorsele. Preparations were made to construct plane hangars and personnel barracks. On the 17 new canvas hangars arrived as one of those already installed bad suffered severe damage from a storm and was to be replaced. On the 19th the rest of the men arrived at Moorsele. In an area where the population had seen nothing but army men the marines were something really special for the first weeks after their arrival. The unit also did get a Fesselballon that day, which had arrived by train in the station of Kortrijk. On the 20tb three planes were flown over from Oostende. Probably it were Albatros B I planes. On the 20th of September they were again at the disposition of the navy and the same day they returned to Oostende. They also bad their name changed and became a Halbabteilung of the I Marine Landflieger Abteilung. The fact that they were back with the navy was in fact on demand of Ritscher himself. He had asked the 4th AOK if it was possible to be relieved by the 30th of August Official news had only followed on the 19tb September telling them that they would be replaced by the Feldflieger Abteilung 33. So one should think that on this moment the unit stopped existing, if it wasn't of the fact that it was reborn directly...?! The III Marine Landflieger Abteilung became now the II Marine Landflieger Abteilung. On the 13th of October 1915 the unit is mentioned as being located at Nieuwmunster aerodrome. On the 20th of that month they also changed of name an became the II Marine Feldflieger Abteilung. II MARINE FELDFLIEGER ABTEILUNG The 29th November 1915 admission ~ granted to improve the field This improvement resulted in fact in the construction of a wooden runway of 10 by 190 meters. In March 1916 the unit disposed of 9 pilots and 5 observers. The unit was now under the command of Lt.d.R. Mettlich. Most of the planes were AGO C I's. On the 27th of April 1917 the unit moved to Jabbeke-Snellegem aerodrome. This airfield had just been finished and construction works for it had started at the end of 1916. IC we say that it was finished, we mean in fact that Faze I of the airfield was finished. An aerial photograph of the 3rd of July 1917 clearly showed the eight large plane hangars that were at the aerodrome. On the 8tb of December the unit is mentioned at Meetkerke aerodrome and it's CO seems to be Oblt. Schmidt-Koppen. On the 18th December they moved to Male airfield, between Brugge and Sijsele. Male was originally constructed as a reserve airfield for the Marine Feld Jagdstaffel. On the 9th of February 1918 Oblt. Wilhelm Baumbach became the new CO of the unit. On the 2nd of June the unit moved once again, this time from Male back to Gistel. This is also were the story of the unit ends when they had to retreat in early October 1918. III MARINE LANDFLIEGER ABTEILUNG This unit's base could be found at Nieuwmunster aerodrome, which was freshly constructed and finished on the 20th July 1915. It is not clear when exactly that the unit arrived over there but it must have been shortly afterwards the 20th of July. The unit was a Kampflugzeug Abteilung, a fighter unit, which had as purpose to defend the very important area between the cities of Brugge-Zeebrugge and Oostende. On the 20th September 1915 the unit became officially the II Marine Landflieger Abteilung as I had already explained. THE MARINE KEK'S Only rather recently we did find out that the I and II Marine Feldflieger Abteilung were having it's own KEK's (Kamp Einsitzer Kommando) in 1916. These KEK's remained a full part of both these units, so in fact they didn't become any new units on paper. The MFFA 11 seems to have been the first unit that had a KEK, and this one should have been established somewhere in April 1916. They were flying Fokker one-seaters. As already mentioned they were flying for the largest part AGO C I's before that. In May however this seems to have been changing. Until recently before that moment, the planes of Flieger Abteilung 40 at Handzame aerodrome were quite active in the protection of the naval air units of the Marinekorps Flandern, being the I and II MFFA. On the 1st of November Kap.z.S. Herr wrote that the II MFFA had at it's disposition 4 Fokker D types, one Fokker E type with a 160 HP Gnome engine, one with a 100 HP engine and one with a 80 HP engine. He urgently requests 12 first class fighter planes. It looks as if the Fokker one seaters were replaced in December 1916. This led eventually, when the new demanded planes had arrived, to the establishment of a Marine Einsitzer Kommando under the command of Oblt. Von Santen. They seem to have received eight planes, were flying from Nieuwmunster aerodrome and one of the pilots was Gotthard Sachsenberg, the future ace with 31 victories. On the 1st of February the former KEK pilot's of the II MFFA, now being the Marine Einsitzer Kommando became the I Marine Feldjagdstaffel. MFFA I did get it's own KEK on the 6th of October 1916. It is very probably that this happened with the establishment of the North and South group within the MFFA I. The Sudgruppe was stationed at Beveren near Roeselare and was under the command of Oblt Schmidt-Koppen. They had 5 planes. On the 29th of December the Sudgruppe seems to be at Handzame aerodrome and was to return to the Nordgruppe which was based at Gistel airfield, and this in the first days of 1917. On the 1st November 1916 Kap.z.S. Herr wrote that the I MFFA had 12 planes in total, partly of the C type and partly Fokker D types. De Nordgruppe of the I MFFA disposed of three LVG220 HP planes and one Rumpler of 160 HP. This second KEK probably became the newly created Marine Kesta which became an under part of the I Marine Feldjasta on the 18th July 1917 and was commanded by Lt.d.R. Reusch, and it was this unit which would become later the II Marine Feldjasta. THE MARINE JAGDGESCHWADER On the 1st September 1918, when Marine Feldjasta IV and V were established, Ltd.R. Gotthard Sachsenberg became the commanding officer of the Marine Jagdgeschwader until the end of the war. The Marine Feldjasta's were the counterparts of the army's classic Jasta's and were responsible for the protection of the airspace of the Marinekorps Flandern. I MARINEFELDJASTA The unit was established on the 1st February 1917. First CO was Oblt Von Santen, but this became very soon afterwards Gotthard Sachsenberg. The unit moved on the 15th of April to Aartrijke aerodrome and on the 10th of September 1917 towards Koolkerke. They probably moved again to J abbeke-Snellegem aerodrome on or around the 3rd April 1918. On the 2nd of September Lt.z.S. Philip Becht became the new unit's commander. II MARINEFELDJASTA Established on the 19th October 1917 at Koolkerke airfield out of the Marine Kesta. They were to stay over there until the 3rd of April of the next year. On that moment they moved to Snellegem-Jabbeke aerodrome, which was becoming the most important airfield of the northern part of West Flanders, not to say of the whole province. First CO of this unit was Oblt.d.R. Reusch and on the 2lst March 1918 Ltd.R. Theodor Osterkamp, already a naval ace on that moment, came in command of the fighter unit. Another famous ace in this unit was Vizeflugmeister Alexandre Zenses. III MARINEFELDJASTA Established at Jabbeke aerodrome on the 23rd June 1918 and the unit came under the command of Lt.z.S. Brockhoff. The unit would remain on the same airfield under the same CO until retreat came in early October 1918. Most important ace in this unit was Vizeflugmeister Hans Goerth. IV MARINEFELDJASTA Established September lst 1918 and CO became Lt.z.S. Reinhold Poss. The unit was based at Jabbeke-Snellegem aerodrome. Poss became a prisoner of war on the 15th October and command was taken from that moment on by Lt.z.S. Wilhelm, till the end of the war. Biggest scorers in this unit were Poss himself and Flugmeister Gerhard 'Kucken' Hubricb. V MARINEFELDJAS TA Also established on the lst of September 1918. CO of the unit was Lt.z.S. Paul Acbilles. The discussion remains about the airfield were the unit stayed. Some think that they stayed at Nieuwmunster (both units were formed from the Seefrosta 1), other say that this unit also moved to Jabbeke-Snellegem. Achilles himself scored 8 victories for his unit and Flugmaat Karl Engelfried 6. SEEFROSTA I (Seefrontstaffel) In September 1917 Lt.d.R. Hans Rolshoven was ordered to create a new unit which would be specifically busy with the protection of the rather heavy seaplanes, operating from Nieuwmunster aerodrome. On the 21st of October 1917 the unit was already operational as they seem to have made a reconnaissance fligbt to Dunkirk and Calais. As they were flying most of the time over the sea, the planes received airbags which seem to have been placed in the fuselage for the case they had to do a forced landing at sea. On the 28th October the unit had already seven pilots and twelve of the fifteen planes were air worthy. On the 6th of May 1918 Hans Rolshoven died in a crash and was succeeded by Lt.z.S. Reinhold Poss. Poss would become the CO of the newly formed Marine Feldjasta IV on the lst of September when the Seefrosta was dissolved. SEEFROSTA 11 Seems to have been formed on the lst of August 1918. On the fifth they had five Fokker DVII planes and two not further named planes that were not air worthy. On the lst of September the unit seems already to have been dissolved with the creation of the IV and V Marine Feldjasta. SEEFROSTA III This unit seems to have had a very brief life. ft had to replace the Seefrosta l and lI in the future but was al ready dissolved on the 15tb September 1918 as it was regarded as unnecessary. DE MARINE SCHUSTA'S / SCHLASTA'S The order for creation of the unit came on the 14th September 1917, together with the creation of the three Kustenfliegerstaffeln. De I Marineschusta seems to have been operational on the 23 September 1917. They flew with three Albatros CVIIl's and three DFW's. The first commander normally was Lt.d.R. Leffler and this until the 19th March 1918. During his leave in November-December there was temporarily command of the unit for Lt. Arthur Greiser. Then Leffler was ordered to Kusta III as CO, replacing Oblt.z.S. Schwarzlose on the 19th March. Schusta I was now under the command of Lt.d.R. Conrad. Seems this was however an ad interim as on the 2lst March Oblt.d.R. Reusch became the CO of the unit and afterwards Lt. Friedrich Lange and this until the end of the war. It is not completely clear when the II Marine Schutzstaffel was formed but the unit most certainly existed on the 11th April and was known on that moment as the Schlachtstaffel Nagel, named after it's CO Lt.d.R. Nagel. The text also mentions that the unit was going to be enlarged and was moving to Gistel aerodrome. Half May the unit most certainly had returned to Uitkerke airfield and both units were already known as Marine Schlachtstaffeln or Marine Schlasta's. The Schutzstaffeln of the army already were renamed as Schlachtstaffeln on the 24th March 1918 according to a number of documents but this seems to be questionable. Lt. Reusch became the new CO of the II Marineschusta somewhere in May 1918. However there is only an official Marine Schlasta I and II from the 16th October 1918 on, probably while based at Eeklo. The I absorbed the III Marine Kusta and the II the IV Marine Kusta. On the 16th also, Lt. Bruno Majewski became CO of the II Marine Schlasta. THE BALLOON UNITS On the 17th December 1914 this was the situation regarding the balloon units of the Marinekorps Flandern : Festungs Luftschiffer Abteilung 29 was located at Leffinge under the command of Hauptmann M?schke. Marine Fesselballon Abteilung is not given any location, however strongly suspected to have been at Bredene. The unit's CO was Lt. Mallmann. Marine Luftschiffer Abteilung located at Wijnendale, under the command of Hauptmann Stein. Early November 1917 followed a reorganisation of the names given to the balloon units starting November 4th : Marine Fesselballon Abteilung became the Feldluftschiffer Abteilung 47. Ballonzug I at Knokke became the BZ 133, Ballonzug II at Stene became the BZ 134 and Ballonzug III at Wenduine became the BZ 135 Johan R. Ryheul Jabbeke, 4th October 2002
    11. Chip, I'm afraid I won't be of much help concerning the uniforms of the Seebataillone. I have seen photo's of uniforms of them and have a few of these in my possesion, but that's about it. However, in the Marinedivision were included a number of the the Seebataillone Marine-Infanterie-Regiment 1- I. Seebataillon - active unit - V. Seebataillon - reserves - VIII. Seebataillon - reserves all together : 12 Infanterie-, 1 Radfahr-, 1 MG-Kompanie Marine-Infanterie-Regiment 2- II. Seebataillon - active unit - IV. Seebataillon - reserves - VI. Seebataillon - reserves also with : 12 Infanterie-, 1 Radfahr-, 1 MG-Kompanie Marine-Infanterie-Regiment 3- VII. Seebataillon - active unit - IX. Seebataillon - reserves - X. Seebataillon reserves and according to some sources also the Kompanie from the Albanien einsatz again 12 Infanterie-, 1 Radfahr-, 1 MG-Kompanie On the 15th November 1914 followed the creation of the 2nd Marine Division. Somewhere in December the name Seebataillon ceased to exist. They became the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Batt. of every Marine Infanterie Regiment. So this probably also changed on shoulderstraps...Uniforms and headgear seem to have been still in use during 1915. However I have no clear evidence when they stopped the use of these. Later they used the feldgrau uniform. I'm very curious as to the sleeve patches by the Marine Flieger. Could you publish or mail me a photo ? I have a few hundred photo's on pilots and planes of these various units. regulusone@skynet.be Concerning cap tally's I've never really done much research on this subject, although I have seen a lot of them on my photo's. I'm not a big collector (most of it are photo's - now somewhere over 2000 on the Marinekorps Flandern), I have a white naval uniform, an Uberzieher, some medals and insignia, a mess dress,... Best from Johan
    12. NAVAL INFANTRY AT YPRES Between the 24th and 29th October 1914 the so called Lessing detachment was active in the first battle of Ypres. It concerned the 2nd and 3rd Battallion of the 1st Marine Infanterie Regiment, the 1st Battery of the Landwehr Feld Artillerie, the Mackensen Eskadron and 2 Marine Radfahrer Abteilungen who were especially active in the Houthulst area. They were part of the XXVI Reserve Korps temporarily. Matrosen Regiment 4 and 5 of the 4th Marine Brigade joined again the XXVI Reserve Korps in April 1915 and the 2 Marine Infanterie Regiment and another Marine Infanterie Batt. joined the 207 Reserve Infanterie Regiment. The 4th Marine Brigade was used from the 22nd of April on as a reserve between Bikschote and Langemark, during the first German gas attack and on the 23rd they took Keerselare and on the 26th St. Junien. Although they had functioned as reserve, they suffered heavy casualties. According to Deseyne the 5 Matrosen Regiment lost 22 officers and 604 men, the 2 Marine Infanterie Regiment 27 officers and 772 men. This unit had also stormed the Vanheule Farm in the period between 7 and 9 May and received a recommendation for this action. On the 8th of May the 4th Marine Brigade and parts of the 2nd Marine Brigade were used to attack Wieltje during the Frezenberg battle. On the 17th of that month the 5 Matrosen Regiment halted the French counter attack at the Pilkem-Legemark region. In total the Marinekorps suffered 1400 losses in the 2nd battle of Ypres. In 1917 the 2nd Matrosen Regiment was at Ypres for the 3rd battle and they were active between the 10th and 30th of June in the Wijtschate area. From October till November 1917 all Marine Infantry Regiments participated at the battle in the Passendale region. NAVAL INFANTRY AT THE SOMME In September 1916 the Marine Infanterie Regiments 1, 2 and 3 became the Marine Infanterie Brigade with the purpose of participation on the battle of the Somme. They were transferred to France on the 26th of the same month and were fighting at Le Sars. They participated in battles at Miraumont, Grandcourt, Butte de Warlencourt, Le Barque, Le Transloy, Bapaume and Cambrai. They would return at the end of October to Flanders. NAVAL INFANTRY IN FRANCE 1918 The 3rd Marine Division also took part in the Kaiserschlacht on the 21st March 1918 and took the city of Albert in France. They would remain in France till the Armistice not to see the coast of Flanders again. The 2nd Matrosen Regiment was still active in the battles around the Kemmelberg from 7 till 15 September and the 2nd battalion of the unit was also fighting at the Leie river during October before returning to Germany.
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