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    1. Hi everyone, this is great. Thanks for the additional information as well. Ok, here is a Rittmeister in FEA 11 - but who?
    2. Thanks guys! Ok, here is another one - Kampfstaffel 19 (Schutzstaffel 19)
    3. Hello, This is probably Karl Gottlieb Zielke (b. 27/06/1887) who married Erna Rentel in 1917. Died in 1942 as a Major aD as per Ancestry.
    4. Hi all, In addition to the Hermann Becker mentioned on page 43 of this thread, I have found the below newspaper article. I'm not sure if this is the same man, or yet another Lt dR Hermann Becker. Wiesbadener Zeitung dated 14 Oct 1920
    5. Hi Dave, Thanks a lot. I was thinking this unknown Oberst might be Schüz, but it doesn't appear to be him.
    6. Hi Dave, Is there a personnel file for the Luftwaffe GM Hans Schüz? I'd love to see a decent photo of him.
    7. Another person I couldn't find in the MWB was Oberst aD Ludwig Haushalter. He was mentioned previously on this thread.
    8. Brilliant, thank you! I'll keep going. This one is of FAA 262 just after the end of WW1 :-
    9. Many thanks for your replies. Here's another one I'd like your help with please - Oblt & deputy leader of FAA 283
    10. Some grisly photos there! I can only provide the following webpages about Herr Maaß https://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14039 http://www.luftfahrtarchiv-koeln.de/Gaestebuch_Fliegerstaton.htm
    11. Here's a first name, but you'll have to squint to read it - Lt dR Karl Peltzer. This is from 'Die Luftflotte' dated September 1918.
    12. Hi all, Any guesses on this signature please? Kampfstaffel 3 in 1917. Thank you.
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