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    Igor Ostapenko

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    Posts posted by Igor Ostapenko

    1. Един от най-смелите и най-достойни царски офицери – генерал-майор Димитър Айранов (1893–1950). Служи в свитата на Н.Вел. Цар Борис ІІІ (от 1929 г.) и заема длъжностите командир на Автомобилната дружина (1932), командир на 2-ри инженерен полк (1935), началник отделение в Инженерна инспекция (1935) и командир на 4-та пехотна дивизия в Шумен, с която влиза във възвърнатата ни Южна Добруджа (септември 1940 г.). От 11 август 1941 г. до 9 септември 1944 г. е командир на Военновъздушните на Н.В. войски. Уволнен от армията веднага след преврата на 9.09., осъден е на 15 год. затвор от "народния съд", умира при съмнителни обстоятелества през 1950 г. Когато идва време да излезе от затвора, семейството му го очаква, но той така и не се появява на входа. Вместо да бъде освободен, той е бил убит в затвора. Официално се води безследно изчезнал!


      But … 

      WITHOUT Order of Bravery :) 

    2. On 03/03/2016 at 19:10, paja said:

      I'm pleased to say that the author gave me permission to publish the list of king Milan's decorations from his book.
      All the credit for compiling the list goes to Mr. Acović to whom I am grateful. 


      -Order of Franz Joseph, Grand Cross (1869)
      -Order of Leopold, Grand Cross 
      -Order of St. Stephen, Grand Cross (1880)

      -Order of St. Hubert (1884)

      -Order of Leopold, Grand Cordon (1881)

      -Order of Henry the Lion

      -Order of Bravery, I grade (1882)
      -Order of Saint Alexander, Grand Cross (1882)

      -Order of the Elephant (1882)

      -Legion of Honour, Grand Cross (1873) 
      His son's Legion of Honor was stolen by the Germans during occupation. Today it is kept in National Museum in Prague thanks to Václav Měřička.

      -Order of the Redeemer, Grand Cross (1880)

      -Order of Kalākaua, Grand Cross (1882)
      Hawaiian king awarded Milan when they met in Vienna. On that occasionKing Kalākaua received the Order of the Cross of Takovo.

      -Ludwig Order, Grand Cross (1882)

      -Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Grand Cross

      -Order of the Holy Sepulchre 
      According to king's wishes he was buried with this order in Krušedol monastery.

      -Order of the Wendish Crown, Grand Cross (1882)

      -Order of Saint-Charles, Grand Cross (1883)

      -Order of Danilo I, Grand Cross (1869)

      -Order of the Netherlands Lion, Grand Cross (1882)

      -House and Merit Order of Peter Frederick Louis (1882)

      -Order of the Lion and the Sun (1878)

      -Combined Order of Christ and St. Benedict of Aviz (1882)

      -Order of the Star of Romania, Grand Cross (1878)
      -Military Virtue Medal
      -Defenders of Independence Medal 1877-78
      -Crossing of the Danube Cross 1877

      -Order of St. George 3rd class (1878)
      -Order of St. Andrew (1881)
      Which means he automatically received:
      -Order St. Alexander Nevsky
      -Order of the White Eagle
      -Order of St. Anna
      1st class and
      -Order of St. Stanislaus 1st class

      -Saxe-Ernestine House Order, Grand Cross (1882)

      -Order of the White Falcon, Grand Cross (1882)

      -Order of the Rue Crown (1882)

      -Order of Charles III, Grand Cross (1882)

      -Order of Osmanieh with Brilliants (1874)

      -Order of the Seraphim (1882)

      -Order of the Crown, Grand Cross for Sovereigns (1882)



      ? ?
      I’m sure - it’s King Milan’s bulgarian order of St. Alexander 1st. class ! 
      ( not order second class of King Alexander ) 




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