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    Igor Ostapenko

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    Igor Ostapenko last won the day on August 26 2023

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    About Igor Ostapenko

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    1. https://www.signorumcarpathica.com/article/history-of-post-1918-order-of-st-stephen-insignia-by-rothe
    2. Photograph have very interesting For Civil Merits order VI class Rothe production
    3. not PRO virtuti militari . virtuti militari , without PRO . of course, you are right, SPINK production from WWII . cannot to be in a lot with Order of Crown 1st. model. This is my PRO Virtute Militari
    4. Fake star of St. Alexander https://bid.sofedesignauctions.com/lots/view/4-D4A37N/kingdom-of-bulgaria-silver-civil-breast-star-of-the-order-of-bravery
    5. Dear Hendrik , It’s great ! Thank you very much !!! AMAZING !!!!!!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍
    6. Hi Werner, today I receive one more medal without crown too … Can you help me with name of receipient ? Thank you very much !
    7. Bulgarian production for “simple people” , WWI , not expensive for government …
    8. Hi Bratavanov, very nice crosses 1st type , 2nd variant . 👍 very interesting ribbon !!!!!
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