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    lew last won the day on March 7 2024

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    1. Be very careful, there're some new fakes, look at the hinge pin. https://www.ebay.de/itm/335751262530?itmmeta=01JGCWPPN53M7TQEYBYFBQTQFR&hash=item4e2c55b142:g:ZpsAAOSws95nctpF&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwMxmj%2BiGvOveHXEBClPb29h1dwCzutnUgij4WFUTdQzEgtv6qNCsBT0aVUF8Y%2BXIK4AZyqWbpNlt9nTZ8TMI2ufyQ6uR8esYnavij9FSzsgmzfXdPHao23Bwf%2FXrGduQGJgHT4WHeTdbIZY%2BpseNLKv148YT%2BQsz3w6HzbhRxsPu2%2Bfk2yhpj98gJXscZCLgRXsc59RDkl1sz98%2Ff3T4OyFyZMw%2F2rJ7I38vBQf5dYYuVJ%2Bfo6YiVSgNjfRUsjmdXQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR9Tq2pyDZQ
    2. Looks like a decent interwar PLM. Congratulations!
    3. Beautiful fake https://www.ebay.de/itm/315783002275
    4. I was watching as well. IMO the St.Michael, Iron Halfmoon, HoH, KO, 1870EK2 and SA are fine pieces. RAO, Iron Crown and the Brunswick order might be some wearer's replacement pieces.
    5. Cold enamel, soft and missing details. Very dangerous fakes, several were sold even by auction house in recent years.
    6. Sorry but that one is a fake. Here is an original one sold on ebay, with enamel damaged. https://www.ebay.de/itm/186682865694
    7. That’s a good MVO, tarnished but nothing wrong.
    8. Another extraordinary and extensive paperwork grouping of an retired air gunner, including award certificates for air gunner badge, retired pilot badge and EKs. Both air badge certificates are very hard to find. ----- Unmarked Karl Poellath Bavarian pilot badge
    9. --------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- AWS Jubilee cross ------ ------- ------ ------ Another FAI license -------- ------- ------ ------
    10. An extraordinary Freikorps paperwork grouping, including certificate for Iron Division medal, Kurland medal, Baltic cross and EK2.
    11. I woke up at 3AM to watch the bid jump from 300 to 1300USD, still a pretty good deal.
    12. Common fake, nothing close to original with this one. There're many good reference in the forum, do the study yourself.
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