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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Christophe

    1. He, he... Not sure... but I hope the speed will increase... Marc, Your turn, now !!! Cheers. Ch.
    2. Hi Marc, Here in Paris.... but no more in Russia : TGIF !! Cheers. Ch.
    3. Marc, Bravo and congrats!!! This is your second victory in 3 questions!!! Good beginning!!!! Next one is yours!!! Cheers. Ch.
    4. Hi Christian, I can guess cyrillic letters have been used by Auke... Cheers. Ch.
    5. A few stats... Quiz 2008 is now well launched. * 2 questions asked, * with 48 answers, * This Quiz has been viewed more than 360 times. Nb of good answers for the Quiz 2008 : * 1 : Auke (Ferdinand) & Marc (Lapa). Complete statistics give since this Quiz has been launched (on 1 Nov. 2005) : * 173 questions asked, * with 2,193 answers, * This quiz has been viewed more than 22,630 times. * 37 Members of the Forum played, and 28 correctly answered at least 1 question : Nb of good answers : * 35 : Christian (Zulus) * 31 : Christophe * 12 : Frank (Knarf) & Jim (JimZ) * 11 : Bryan (Soviet) * 8 : Simon (Red Threat) * 7 : Auke (Ferdinand) * 6 : Belaruski, Carol I & Ed (Haynes) * 5 : Dan (Hauptman) * 4 : Wild Card. * 3 : Andreas (Alfred), Ivan (Piramida) & Kim (Kimj). * 2 : Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Jan (vatjan) & Order of Victory. * 1 : Charles (Hunyadi), Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Dudeman, Filip (Drugo), Marc (Lapa), Rick (Stogieman) & Steen (Ammentorp). This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation in this Quiz. Now, let's have fun with the 174th question, Auke's !!!! Cheers. Ch.
    6. Hi Auke, Congrats for your victory!!! We will be impatient to see it tomorrow... Cheers. Ch.
    7. Thanks Marc for the precision, and for the good question!!! Cheers. Ch.
    8. Raymond Cambefort is officially excluded from French government lists, as it only counts those with more than three months of combat service. He signed up on August 28, 1918. Ch.
    9. Hi Paul and Ed, You can find a lot of details on the last survivors of WW1 on this site (in french) : http://dersdesders.free.fr/index.html All bios are here. Very well done. Cheers. Ch.
    10. Here is a quick online translation of the AFP article : Death of one of the two last "Poilus" of the Great War PARIS (AFP) - Louis de Cazenave, one of the two last Poilus, fighting the First World War ( 1914-18 ), died on Sunday, at the age of 110, as it was learnt with the Veterans Administration. He died on Sunday morning in his place of residence of Brioude, in the Haute Loire (east central region), clarified the ministry, quoting the local prefecture. Born on October 16th, 1897, Louis de Cazenave was the dean of Poilus surviving. Engaged in 1916, he had been a part of the 5th Senegalese battalion from December, 1916 till September, 1917. In 1919, after the end of the conflict, he had become a railroad employee. The last war veteran of the "great war" alive is Lazare Ponticelli, been born on December 7th, 1897. He will have " solemn burial of national reach ", according to a decision taken in 2005 by the ex--pr?sident Jacques Chirac." Ch.
    11. Here is more information, acording to AFP (sorry in french) : "D?c?s d'un des deux derniers poilus de la Grande Guerre PARIS (AFP) ? Louis de Cazenave, un des deux derniers "poilus" fran?ais, combattant de la Premi?re Guerre mondiale (1914-18), est d?c?d? dimanche, ? l'?ge de 110 ans, a-t-on appris aupr?s du minist?re des anciens combattants. Il est d?c?d? dimanche matin ? son domicile de Brioude, dans la haute-Loire (centre-est), a pr?cis? le minist?re, citant la pr?fecture locale. N? le 16 octobre 1897, Louis de Cazenave ?tait le doyen des poilus survivants. Engag? en 1916, il avait fait partie du 5e bataillon s?n?galais de d?cembre 1916 ? septembre 1917. En 1919, apr?s la fin du conflit, il ?tait devenu cheminot. Le dernier ancien combattant de la "grande guerre" en vie est Lazare Ponticelli, n? le 7 d?cembre 1897. Il aura des "obs?ques solennelles de port?e nationale", selon une d?cision prise en 2005 par l'ex-pr?sident Jacques Chirac." Ch. Pic : AFP - Louis de Cazenave at Brioude on 16 October 2007, the day of his 110th birthday.
    12. We just learn the death today of Louis de Cazenave, one of the two last surviving "Poilus". He died this morning, aged of 110 years. More infos to come. RIP. Ch. Pic : AFP / Louis de Cazenave, at the age of 18.
    13. Hi Marc, When you will confirm Auke's right answer, please tell us what awards he got. Cheers. Ch.
    14. Wooow, Auke!!! I don't know if you are right; but if you are, I would be interested in knowing how you did THAT !!!! Cheers. Ch.
    15. I believe the Quiz 2008 is now launched!!!!! Let's find this answer!!! Ch.
    16. Tried, but not sure... Is our man Space related ? Cheers. Ch.
    17. Thanks Marc, for the question. We'll work on it!!! Cheers. Ch.
    18. Only 62 surviving Companions of the Liberation. On 13 January 2008 died Paul Bonaldi, Companion of the Lib?ration. Paul Bonaldi, born in 1917, was serving in Chad in the French colonial troups before WW2. As soon as June 1940, he joined the French free Forces, and took part to the Koufra, Fezzan, Tripolitaine and Tunisia campaigns. He took part to the landing in Normandey in the 2nd DB, and participated to the Liberation of France. He will be one of the few Frenchs to enter Hitler's eagle Nest in Berchtesgaden. After the war, he bacame a salesman and manager. Here is his bio (in French) : http://www.ordredelaliberation.fr/fr_compagnon/118.html After his death, there are now only 62 surviving Companions of the Liberation. Ch. Pic / Theatrum Belli
    19. Here is a pic of Galina Lashkunova, mother of five children. Source : site of the newspaper "Evening Minsk". Cheers. Ch. Pic : http://www.newsvm.com/
    20. Hi Gaston, Please, have a look at this webpage, about this Order : http://belawards.narod.ru/OMother.htm Yours is not issued, and I have not found info about the 5000 already awarded. Only one class for this order. If this may help, here is a "online" translation fo the page I indicated. "Award of Mother The award is founded by the Decision of the Supreme body of Byelorussia N 3726-XII from 13.04.1995 Position about an award The award of Mother awards the women who given birth and have brought up five and more children. Rewarding by an award of Mother is made at achievement by last child of age of one year and at presence in alive other children of this mother. At rewarding by an award of Mother children are considered also: Adopted in the order established(installed) by the law; Victims or missing persons at protection of Fatherland and its(his) state interests, execution(performance) of a civic duty on rescue of a human life, maintenance of legality and the law and order, and also died as a result of wound, a mutilation, the disease, received under the specified circumstances, or as a result of a labour mutilation or occupational disease. The award of Mother rushes on the left party(side) of a breast and at presence of other awards settles down above them. The description of an award The award of Mother represents the nine-final relief star entered in a circle in diameter of 40 mm. In the center - the relief image of the woman and the child in beams of the sun, framed by a wreath from oak and laurel leaves, in the bottom part of a wreath - a white-blue bow from enamel. The underside of an award has a smooth surface, in the center there is number of an award. The award by means of ушка and rings incorporates with pentagonal колодкой, the fitted moire tape of blue color to a longitudinal dark blue strip in the middle. The award is made from томпака with silvering and gilding. History of an award Award of Mother - the unique Belarus award intended for rewarding of women for merits in a birth and education of children. In Soviet наградной to system existed six similar awards (a medal of motherhood of two degrees, an award " Parent Glory " three degrees and the maximum(supreme) distinction - an award "Mother-heroine"). The Belarus award of Mother is intended for rewarding the women who have brought up five and more children, and corresponds(meets) to the Soviet medal of motherhood of II degree. The first Decree of President РБ about rewarding having many children mothers by an award of Mother has left on October, 14th, 1996. According to the Decree an award were награждены 124 women. Features and versions of an award Sign on an award цельноштампованный without unprofitable(superimposed) details. A reverser of an award smooth. On a reverser six--place number of an award before which figures there is a convex badge "N" is located. Number is put(rendered) by a rotating tool. At number the brand of manufacturer " БЕЛВАР " settles down." Hope this helps. Cheers. Ch.
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