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    Everything posted by italianpolitic

    1. You can see here (in italian) http://www.blitzkriegmilitaria-forum.com/showthread.php?t=5751
    2. Yes, but it is normal for italian soldier wearing medal backwards or in wrong order. The 2 bars on right arms are for 2 war wounds
    3. Hi the first picture is for a 'Vigile Urbano' (city police), pictured on 20ies, after WW1. The third photo (taked before this) is for a Guardia Regia, a police corps endend in early 20ies (if I remember well in 23-23). Probably, when Guardia Regia was closed, him was recruited by Civic Police.
    4. H i, This one is for Engineers. The backin' color is Cremisi (crimson). This color is for Engineers. Other badge, with yellow back, is for 'Regia Guardia di Finanzza' (Royal Economic and Financial Police). The cross in the circle, is for School. IP
    5. Yes, moreover the R in 'R Consolato Gen. D'Italia Londra' inscription is for Royal. Also the Z for Regia Zecca have a little royal crown on top. On 1959 the crown is less... IP
    6. Ok, thanks. I asked only for know more about it. Regards, IP
    7. Hi Jacques, nice award (better than mine). Why don't have the oval stamp? It is normal? In mine award (only 3 for different medal) there is in all. Thanks, IP
    8. As I promise, here is my Cruz Roya MM document awarded to an italian Black Skirt. I hope you enjoy. IP
    9. Scott, I don't have it here at home now. I hope tomorrow to do the picture to post. Greetengs, IP
    10. I've one for a italian, but now I can't post it. I'll try tomorrow if you are interested. IP
    11. Hi all, is a badge for the private's great uniform for royal air force. There is double, for left & right shoulder. This is for left shoulder. Other have hawk head turn on the other side. Not is for officer cap. Couple it is quite common. IP
    12. Hello Panzerpionier, thanks for your precious info. The document is for a graduate of black shirts & I don't think the medal was of the same person, but they came at same time in a big lot of italian document/awards many, many years ago. For the medal, you think it was made after 1940, but possibly wartime (<'45) or '60ies made? If you know, how many people take twice or more Cruz de Guerra? I see a spanish website of a veteran that show a third! Many thanks, IP
    13. Hello all, the '2 heads' badge was made in 1938 for Fuhrer visit to Italy. There are some variation for size, graphics and, of course, with Adolf or Benito on front or back. Many thousand of those badges was made. However there isn't a badge for Associazione Italo Germanica di Cultura. The front Fuhrer version was made in Germany by Deschler. The reason of wearing this badge on your photo it's impossible to know... IP
    14. Hi Rich, many thanks for explain the marks. Possibly made at war time or postwar? On a spanish website, the description of the colour of the cross is: de oro brillante o amarillo (In shining gold or yellow). Is it possible that yellow enamel is in order to simulate gold colour? Thanks, IP
    15. The marks, anybody knows something about them? Thanks, IP
    16. Back
    17. Here is the cross. A hand made jewel, whit yellow enamel on cross. I posted on other forums, but I have not received exaustive answers... I forgot, this is a quite rare twice awarded badge, look the 2 bars on it
    18. Hi all, I've a very 'strange' Merito en Campagna, possibly awarded to an italian fascsit. I picked up many years ago, whit this document
    19. Elmar, I really hope that new Brambilla edition is the definitive book (also for english tests) for italian medals and correct mistakes of older edition of SM, Heyden & so on (many author copies notice & mistake from this older books & don't made new research about medals) Those books have more than 30 years & of course many notice are wrong or not exact & are only in italian language. But they have picture & Brambilla's first edition has handmade designs (& good information too) Please let us know when book are printed. Ciao, IP
    20. Hi Elmar, I sempyfied the answer because the questions are about 1ww valour medal. I know, of course, all Italian Mint marks. The only book (at the time) for valour medal is from Stato Maggiore (Cezanne made), with integral decree of all medals issued. For oldest items (risorimental medal) the Hayden book are OK (but not explain so much). I'm waiting for Brambilla new issue . IP PS Nice to meet you in this rooms. B
    21. Yes, In war time (and before of course) they use both white & blue. I've a picture of my Uncle in 1939/40 that has a white one with R N Nicotera ribbon. Ip
    22. Ciao. This ribbon are used only during 2WW. The navy, for military secret, in 1940, reemoved ribbon whit name unit & took rbbon with only Regia Marina, Regie Navi, Squadra Navale, Siluranti, etc.. This ribbon, if I remember well, was instituited on 1941. After war, come back ribbons with unit name (without R N - meaning of Regia Nave, but only Nave, Because Italy was proclamed Republic Instead Kingdom). Nice ribbons IP
    23. Original has this mark: Crowned Z is for Regia Zecca (royal mint) & FG for Giuseppe Ferraris, who designed the medal on 1831, when was insituited. There are many private coins, also marked with SJ, 38 MI, Amafoso, etc.. Is it possible that was awarded medals not well marked Z FG 'on the field', normally without name and date (named later), but it's impossible to know if there are the 'original' or copy. In Italy only Z FG (or older model only FG marked) are collected as original. Other models not so collected too much, & value are about 1/3 of a Zecca production. I picked up the CCJ picture to show marks IP
    24. Hi Chris, your medal is a copy. Only Z F.G. are official (like CCJ's one). More copy are double of original medal, for wearing on parade and take original in a box. Other copies are for Bravery association banner (they put 1 medal for each awarded person). IP
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