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    Everything posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. Translated: ORDER No 17065 to 53rd Tank Regiment, 69th mechanized Proskurov holding Order of the Red Banner Brigade February 22, 1945 № 03/N Acting Army In the name of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union, awarded are: WITH THE MEDAL FOR COURAGE 9. KOLESNIK Andrey Leontyevich, submachine gunner, Red Army man, for the fact that being in the fights for MOKRAU village he personally annihilated 3 wagons and 12 enemy soldiers and officers. Born in 1925, Ukrainian, non-party member, education ? 7 grades, in the Red Army since 1943. Home address: Vinnitsa region, Sidkovetsky district, Vasilyevka village. Commander of the 53rd Tank Regiment Major (signed) /MOROZ/ Written in five copies 1 ? 4 co No 5 ? to unit file Executor V.S. February 22, 1945
    2. The recommendation for his Medal for Bravery, #2140084. Does anyone happen to know where it lives today???
    3. And the translation. Record card Order book No Б 651745 1. Last name: KOLESNIK 2. First, middle names: Andrey Leontyevich 3. Military rank: private 4. Sex: Male 5. Year of birth: 1925 6. Place of birth: Vinnitsa region, Sitkovetsky district, Vasilyevka village 7. Party membership since: Non- party 8. Education: 7 grades 9. Nationality: Ukrainian 10. In the Red Army since: May 1944 11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied when awarded: 53rd tank regiment, 69th mechanized brigade ? submachine gunner 12. Current place of service and position: 112th detached motor cycle battalion, 19th mechanized division ? junior tank mechanic 13. Home address of the awardee: Vinnitsa region, Sitkovetsky district, Vasilyevka village 14. Record of previous awards Names of orders, medals Their numbers Document numbers Ground for award Checked For Courage 2140084 Д-784940 Order to 53rd tank regiment No 03/ N of February 22, 1945 *Order of Glory 3rd class 406715 Temp. cert. Ж-052639 Order to 9th mechanized corps No 096/N of May 14, 1945 *Ground: Reg.717037, file 3478, page 339. Signature of awardee (signed) ________________________ Data correctness and signature of awardee Commander of 112th motor cycle battalion attested by: Major (signed) /Shakhmeister/ June 7, 1947
    4. The last (aren't you happy) of my recently researched Glory 3s, this # 406715.
    5. And the translation. ORDER to the 1247th Rifle Regiment, 33rd Rifle Valginskaya holding Order of the Red Banner Division June 9, 1945 № 026/N Acting Army In the name of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union, awarded are: WITH MEDAL FOR MILITARY MERITS 9. TRETYAKOV Konstantin Ignatyevich, section leader of the 1st machine-gun company, Sergeant, for the attack of enemy trenches and dislodging the enemy in the fights for Irlava of Tukumssky uezd, Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic, on May 7, 1945. In this fight, during one day with the help of his gun-machine he destroyed 3 enemy soldiers, stopped the enemy gun-machine fire. Born in 1919, Byelorussian, non-party member, in the Red Army since November 20, 1943. Drafted by Domanovichevsky District Military Commissariat, Polesskaya region. Home address: Polesskaya region, Domanovichevsky district, Kryukovichi village. Wife - Tretyakova Yevdokiya Vasilyevna. On December 22, 1943 was lightly wounded. Was awarded with the Order of Glory, 3rd class, Order to the units of 377th Rifle Valginskaya holding Order of the Red Banner Division №017/N of April 8, 1945. Commander of the 1247th Rifle Regiment Lieutenant Colonel (signed) /Panichev/ Chief of Staff (signed) /Yud/
    6. And the recommendation for his Medal for Military Merit, #2499028. Does anyone happen to know where it is now???
    7. And the translation: AWARD CITATION 1. First, middle and last names Tretyakov Konstantin Ignatyevich 2. Rank Lance-corporal 3. Position, unit Machine gunner of the 1st machine-gun company, 1247th rifle regiment, 77th rifle Valginskaya holding order of the Red Banner division. Is recommended for the order of Glory, 3d class 4. Year of birth 1919 5. Nationality Belorussian 6. Party membership Non-party 7. Participation in the civil war and other military actions aimed at the defense of the USSR and in the Patriotic War Leningrad front since December 15, 1943 2nd Pribaltiysky front since 1944 8. Wounds or contusions received during the Patriotic War Lightly wounded on December 22, 1943 9. In the Red Army since Since November 20, 1943 10. Drafted by what district military commissariat Domanovichevsky district military commissariat, Polessky region 11. Previous awards None 12. Permanent home address (of the prospective awardee and his family) Polessky region, Dolmanavichevsky district, Kryukovichi village I. Brief description of personal feat or merits On April 3, 1945, in offensive battle for Tigikes khutor, Tukumskaya volost, Latvian SSR, when fulfilling a combat mission he showed courage and valour. By means of his machine gun he destroyed an enemy?s hand gun and due to his skillful actions forced 2 German soldiers to give themselves up. During an interrogation these soldiers submitted valuable information. Deserves to be recommended for the government award, the order of Glory, 3d class. Commander of the 1247th rifle regiment. Major (signed) /Panychev/ April 6, 1945 Awarded with the order of Glory, 3d cl. By order to 377th rifle division №017-N of April 8, 1945 Commander of 377th rifle division Major (signed) /???/
    8. The translation. Record card Order book No A 853162 1. Last name: TRETYAKOV 2. First, middle names: Konstantin Ignatyevich 3. Military rank: Sergeant in reserve 4. Sex: Male 5. Year of birth: 1919 6. Place of birth: Polesskaya region, Domanovichevsky district, Kryukovichi village 7. Party membership since: Non- party 8. Education: Elementary 9. Nationality: Byelorussian 10. In the Red Army since: 1939-1946 11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied when awarded: 1247th rifle regiment, 377th rifle division ? gunner of the heavy machine-gun 12. Current place of service and position: kolkhoz ?Zorka Byelorussii? ? accounts clerk 13. Home address of the awardee: Polesskaya region, Domanovichevsky district, Kryukovichi village 14. Record of previous awards Names of orders, medals Their numbers Document numbers Ground for award Checked Glory 3rd class 281418 Temp. cert. 916361 - Order to 377th rifle division No 017/ N of April 8, 1945 For Military Merits 2499028 Temp. cert. 501412 - Order to 1247th rifle division No 026/N of June 9, 1945 Signature of awardee (signed) ________________________ Data correctness and signature of awardee Acting as Distrcit Military Commissar October 2, 1946
    9. And, for comparison, the service record from his long-service MMM recommendation.
    10. Translation of the service record, part 1. I hope these come out AT ALL legible.
    11. Absolutely, Doc. Did you catch that ". . . when a sub-unit commander had quitted the ranks . . ." bit?!
    12. And the translation: AWARD CITATION 1. First, middle and last names Netsenko Matvey Pavlovich 2. Rank Red Army man 3. Position, unit Rifleman of the 7th rifle ???, 1273rd rifle regiment, 387th rifle Perekop division. Is recommended for the order of Glory 3rd class 4. Year of birth 1906 5. Nationality Russian 6. Party membership Non party 7. Participation in the civil war and other military actions aimed at the defense of the USSR (where and when) The Patriotic War since September 25, 1943 4th Ukrainian front 8. Wounds or contusions received during the Patriotic War Wounded on October 26, 1943, January ??, 1944 and on May 12, 1944 9. In the Red Army since September 25, 1943 10. Drafted by what district military commissariat Novo-Vasilyevsky district military commissariat 11. Previous awards None 12. Permanent home address (of the prospective awardee or his/her family) Voroshilovgrad region, Voroshilovsky district, Golovinovka village. Wife ? Netsenko Nadezhda Petrovna I. Brief description of personal feat or merits Netsenko Matvey Pavlovich, Red Army man, had been participating in the Patriotic War since September, 25, 1943. On October 25, 1944, in the ranks of the 416th Taganskaya division he took part in battle near Melitopol where he was wounded. In this battle comrade Netsenko neutralized the enemy?s fire by means of his hand machine gun, killed up to 17 German soldiers. And when a sub-unit commander had quitted the ranks he courageously undertook commander?s functions and continued the battle. When breaking through the strong enemy?s defensive position near Sevastopol he repulsed 3 enemy?s counter-attacks by means of his machine gun and took 6 German soldiers and 1 officer. On May 12, 1944 in Khersonesku bay he neutralized fire of 2 enemy?s weapon emplacements by means of his machine gun and killed up to 8 German offices. In this battle he was wounded, but didn?t quit the battlefield, thus enabling our infantry sub-units to force a crossing over a river. Comrade Netsenko deserves the government award, order of Glory 3rd class. Commander of the 1273rd rifle regiment Guards Lieutenant Colonel (signed) /Deykin/ June, 1945 II. Conclusion of the Higher Command Award with the order of Glory 3rd class Commander of 387th rifle Perekop division Colonel (signed) /Barakhtenov/ June 30, 1945 III. Conclusion of the Army Military Council IV. Conclusion of the Front Military Council V. Conclusion of the Award Commission of the People?s Commissariat of Defense VI. Award Record Awarded with the order of Glory 3rd class By order to the 387th rifle Perekop division No 012/N of July 1, 1945 Chief of Personnel Department (signed) /Allakhverdov/ June, 7, 1945
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