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    Everything posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. And (no reason to show the folder?) . . . (Nice to see one filled out -- for a CHANGE!!)
    2. Recommendatiuon translation from researcher: "In the Republic Afghanistan since 30 May 1987, he participated in two combat missions aimed at the destruction of mutineers' bandit units. During those missions he proved to be a courageous ensign, who was able to make quick and correct decisions in combat situations. "He especially distinguished himself on 13 August 1988 nearby the town of Baglany [?]. Being positioned in the leading armored personnel carrier he was first to spot mutineers' movement alongside of the road. In the following exchange of fire three mutineers were killed. "After the road checkup a fougasse [?] has been founded. Due to brave and courageous actions of senior ensign Basovich A. Z. large personnel losses were avoided. In the exchange of fire with the mutineers he, with his personal weapon, destroyed the mutineers' firing position. "While in combat he acted courageously and resolutely and commanded with confidence. "For bravery and courage showed while fulfilling the mission of providing international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan he deserves to be awarded with the medal 'For combat service'." Additional wisdom and information begged . . . .
    3. Translation of recommendation from the researcher: "Comrade Vas'kovsky V. V. while being a security officer of the Special Department of KGB USSR showed himself an active, disciplined, and responsible officer. He actively participates in works of the local party chamber and is a candidate of local party bureau. "He participated in five long-haul voyages. In November 1982 as K-424 crew member he participated in the development of new tactical procedures, including the use of an atomic submarine under the ice fields of the Central Arctic. That included fourteen ice-breaking surfacings done by K-424. He did a great amount of work to ensure the state security amongst the crew of the submarine. "Both in everyday life and during the long-haul voyages, he spends all his energy maintaining high combat readiness of the atomic submarine and strengthening personnel?s military discipline. "His active work helps the Command fulfill combat missions aimed at the defense and protection of the state interests of the USSR. "For successful fulfillment of Command's tasks and developing new tactical procedures for use of atomic submarine?s weapons from under the ice fields of Central Arctic he deserves to be awarded with the medal 'For Valiant Labor'." TRANSLATOR?S NOTE: Everywhere in the original text when referring to an atomic submarine they actually use abbreviation "RPK SN", which stands for "Underwater Missile Cruiser of Strategic Use". For the sake of ease of understanding I have replaced it with more common "Atomic Sub". Also I used the word "voyage" to describe submarine's 80-90 day fully autonomic dives since that sounds closest to the original text. However, those also could be called "trips" or "missions". All other wisdom welcomed!!
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