doh! you are right don. i passed on one of those spanish crosses once because i didn't know enough about them and didn't want to risk it. the seller also didn't know what he had and was offering it at a very reasonable price. a few months later i saw a thread about this type.... ok, i guess the next step would be to verify if Petz & Lorenz (Unterreichenbach) actually sold these crosses. does anyone know of a forum member who specializes in catalogs or has a catalog/reprint of this firm from the late 30's? also, did anything happen in braunschweig during the late 30s that would have caused a commemorative piece to be struck? an event such as a funeral, 20-year anniversary, etc? any theories out there? p.s. rick r: i looked very closely at the finish, and it doesn't look to be stripped. the existing finish is actually coming off of one of the cross arm tips, showing a darker base metal. bronze or copper-ish. thank you, guys!