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    Eric Schena

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    Everything posted by Eric Schena

    1. For those who can read Albanian, here is the complete text of Law 6133, dated 12 February 1980, that outlines the Albanian orders system. This law stayed in effect until 1996 when Sali Berisha replaced the old order with new ones in 1996. Source: http://www.qpz.gov.al/doc.jsp?doc=docs/Lig...012-02-1980.htm -------- Ligj Nr.6133, dat? 12.2.1980 P?r titujt e nderit dhe dekoratat e Republik?s Popullore Socialiste t? Shqip?ris? Me q?llim q? titujt e nderit dhe dekoratat, si stimuj t? lart? moral?, t? luajn? rolin e tyre t? madh p?r t? shp?rblyer dhe p?r t? nxitur masat punonj?se n? pun?n e tyre vetmohuese, p?r t? arritur fitore gjithnj? e m? t? m?dha n? nd?rtimin e plot? t? socializmit n? vendin ton?, p?r mbrojtjen me besnik?ri t? patundur t? marksiz?m-leninizmit dhe p?r forcimin e aft?sis? mbrojt?se t? Atdheut ton? socialist, N? mb?shtetje t? nenit 67 t? Kushtetut?s, Kuvendi Popullor i Republik?s Popullore Socialiste t? Shqip?ris? Vendosi: Neni 1 Titulli ?Hero i Popullit? ?Hero i Popullit? ?sht? titulli m? i lart? n? Republik?n Popullore Socialiste t? Shqip?ris? dhe u jepet shtetasve, rretheve, qyteteve, fshatrave, nj?sive, reparteve e n?nreparteve ushtrake, organizatave shoq?rore, q? me vepra heroizmi i kan? b?r? sh?rbime t? m?dha Atdheut dhe popullit. Neni 2 Titulli ?Hero i Pun?s Socialiste? ?Hero i Pun?s Socialiste? ?sht? titulli m? i lart? n? fush?n e nd?rtimit t? socializmit n? Republik?n Popullore Socialiste t? Shqip?ris? dhe u jepet shtetasve, rretheve, qyteteve, fshatrave, organizatave shoq?rore, institucioneve, nd?rmarrjeve, kooperativave bujq?sore, fabrikave, sektor?ve, brigadave, nj?sive, reparteve e n?nreparteve ushtarake dhe grupeve t? punonj?sve p?r p?rfundime t? jasht?zakonshme dhe t? q?ndrueshme me r?nd?si t? madhe p?r t? gjith? vendin, t? arritura n? sektorin e ekonomis?, t? shkenc?s, kultur?s, artit, t? revolucionit tekniko-shkencor dhe p?r veprimtari e merita shum? t? shquara n? sh?rbim t? Republik?s Popullore Socialiste t? Shqip?ris?. Neni 3 Urdhri i liris? ?Urdhri i Liris?? u jepet shtetasve, rretheve, qyteteve, fshatrave, organizatave shoq?rore, institucioneve, nd?rmarrjeve, kooperativave bujq?sore, fabrikave, sektor?ve, brigadave, nj?sive, reparteve e n?nreparteve ushtarake dhe grupeve t? punonj?sve p?r merita t? larta patriotike n? sigurimin e liris?, t? t?r?sis? tok?sore dhe t? pavar?sis? s? vendit, si edhe p?r sh?rbime t? shquara n? nd?rtimin socialist t? vendit dhe n? forcimin e aft?sis? mbrojt?se t? Atdheut. ?Urdhri i Liris?? ka tri klasa: I, II, III. Neni 4 Urdhri i flamurit ?Urdhri i Flamurit? u jepet shtetasve, rretheve, qyteteve, fshatrave, orgnizatave shoq?rore, institucioneve, nd?rmarrjeve, kooperativave bujq?sore, sektor?ve, brigadave, nj?sive reparteve e n?nreparteve ushtarake dhe grupeve t? punonj?sve p?r veprimtari dhe merita shum? t? m?dha n? nd?rtimin socialist t? vendit dhe n? forcimin e aft?sis? mbrojt?se t? Atdheut, p?r arritje t? larta sasiore e cil?sore n? industri, miniera, bujq?si, nd?rtim, transport etj. Dhe p?r merita t? larta n? l?min e shkencave, t? arsimit, t? artit e t? kultur?s. Neni 5 T? gjith? ata q? jan? dekoruar me ?Urdhrin e Flamurit? p?r veprimtari gjat? Luft?s Nacional?lirimtare do t? vazhdojn? ta mbajn? k?t? urdh?r me motivacionin q? p?rmban certifikata e l?shuar. Neni 6 Medalja e kujtimit ?Medalja e Kujtimit? mbahet nga njer?zit, formacionet e Ushtris? Nacional?lirimtare e tjera, q? kan? marr? pjes? n? Luft?n Nacional?lirimtare pa nd?rprerje para dat?s 10 korrik 1943 (data e formimit t? Shtabit t? P?rgjithsh?m t? Ushtris? Nacional?lirimtare) e gjer n? ?lirimin e Shqip?ris? me arm? n? dor? ose me veprimtari politike t? organizuar. Neni 7 Urdhri ?Ylli partizan? Urdhri ?Ylli Partizan? u jepet oficer?ve aktiv? dhe rezervist? t? Ushtris? Popullore, t? Ministris? s? Pun?ve t? Brendshme dhe t? Forcave Vullnetare t? Vet?mbrojtjes Popullore, nj?sive, reparteve dhe n?nreparteve ushtarake p?r merita t? ve?anta politiko-luftarake dhe p?r udh?heqje me heroiz?m e mbar?si, t? nj?sive, reparteve dhe n?nreparteve ushtarake n? koh? lufte. Urdhri ?Ylli Partizan? ka tri klasa: I, II, III. Neni 8 Urdhri i Sk?nderbeut ?Urdhri i Sk?nderbeut? u jepet oficer?ve aktiv? e rezervist? t? Ushtris? Popullore, t? Ministris? s? Pun?ve t? Brendshme dhe t? Forcave Vullnetare t? Vet?mbrojtjes Popullore, nj?sive, reparteve e n?nreparteve ushtarake p?r udh?heqje e veprimtari t? shquar n? luft?, p?r cil?si t? larta politiko-luftarake dhe p?r sh?rbime t? m?dha ndaj Atdheut dhe popullit n? fush?n e organizimit, t? p?rgatitjes, t? modernizimit e t? forcimit t? mtejsh?m t? Forcave t? Armatosura t? Republik?s Popullore Socialiste t? Shqip?ris?. ?Urdhri i Sk?nderbeut? ka tri klasa: I, II, III. Neni 9 Urdhri dhe medalja ?P?r veprimtari patriotike? Urdhri dhe Medalja ?P?r veprimtari patriotike? u jepet njer?zve q? jan? dalluar p?r atdhedashuri e p?r veprimtari me pend? ose me arm? n? p?rpjekjet e popullit p?r pavar?si komb?tare, liri e p?rparim dhe q? i kan? b?r? Atdheut e popullit sh?rbime t? m?dha n? t? gjitha fushat. Urdhri ?P?r veprimtari patriotike? ka tri klasa: I, II, III. Neni 10 Urdhri ?P?r mbrojtjen e Atdheut Socialist? Urdhri ?P?r mbrojtjen e Atdheut Socialist? u jepet oficer?ve, n?noficer?ve, ushtar?ve, aktiv? dhe rezervist?, polic?ve, nj?sive, reparteve e n?nreparteve t? Ushtris? Popullore, t? Ministris? s? Pun?ve t? Brendshme, t? Forcave Vullnetare t? Vet?mbrojtjes Popullore dhe ?do shtetasi, t? cil?t, n? rast agresioni ose provokacioni n? shkall? t? gjer? kund?r Republik?s Popullore Socialiste t? Shqip?ris?, shquhen p?r aft?si komandimi, p?r zbatim t? shk?lqyer t? detyr?s s? posa?me ushtarake t? ngarkuar, p?r p?rdorim t? shk?lqyer t? teknik?s luftarake ose kryejn? vepra t? guximshme trim?rie e vet?mohimi p?r zmbrapsjen e sulmeve t? armikut. Urdhri ?P?r mbrojtjen e Atdheut socialist? ka tri klasa: I, II, III. Neni 11 Urdhri ?P?r mbrojtjen e Atdheut socialist? u jepet edhe shtetasve t? tjer? q?, megjith?se nuk p?rfshihen n forcat e armatosura, marrin pjes? drejtp?rs?drejti n? luftime dhe kryejn? vepra trim?rie ose shquhen p?r ndihm?n e r?nd?sishme q? i japin Ushtris? Pop?ullore, forcave t? Ministris? s? Pun?ve t? Brendshme dhe Forcave Vullnetare t? vet?mbrojtjes Popullore n? rast lufte e p?rpjekjesh p?r mbrojtjen e Atdheut socialist. Neni 12 Urdhri ?Flamuri i kuq i pun?s? Urdhri ?Flamuri i kuq i pun?s? u jepet shtetasve, rretheve, qyteteve, fshatrave, organizatave shoq?rore, institucioneve, nd?rmarrjeve, kooperativave bujq?sore, nj?sive, reparteve e n?nreparteve ushtarake dhe grupeve t? punonj?sve q? shquhen n? m?nyr? t? ve?ant? n? p?rpjekjet p?r nd?rtimin socialist t? vendit, p?r forcimin e aft?sis? mbrojt?se t? Atdheut, p?r arritje t? m?dha sasiore e cil?sore n? ekonomi, si n? transport, miniera, bujq?si, nd?rtim, tregti etj dhe n? l?min e shkencave, t? arsimit, artit, kultur?s e n? fushat e tjera. Urdhri ?Flamuri i kuq i pun?s? ka dy klasa: I, II.
    2. That's really interesting! None of the regulations I have on hand indicate that there are multiple classes of this order. I wonder if this was a manufacturing variation or perhaps the finish rubbed off or something (hard to tell w/o seeing it in person). If you can read Albanian, here's the text from Law No. 6133 (P?r titujt e nderit dhe dekoratat e Republik?s Popullore Socialiste t? Shqip?ris?) from 1980 that specifies the honors system and this law does specify classes if there are multiple classes: Neni 44 Urdhri dhe Medalja ?P?r sh?rbim t? mir? popullit? Urdhri dhe Medalja ?P?r sh?rbim t? mir? popullit? u jepet kolektivave punonj?se dhe punonj?sve t? tregtis?, t? sh?ndet?sis?, t? komunales, t? transportit, t? PT, t? arkave t? kursimit dhe punonj?sve t? tjer?, q? kan? lidhje me sh?rbimet, p?r pritje shum? t? mir? t? popullit dhe p?r sh?rbim t? shpejt? e shembullor ndaj tij, p?r organizim dhe drejtim shum? t? mir? t? pun?s n? sektorin ku punojn?, p?r zbatim n? m?nyr? t? p?rsosur t? t? gjitha rregullave higjieno-sanitare n? vendin ku punojn?, p?r kujdes t? madh n? ruajtjen dhe mir?mbajtjen e pasuris? socialiste dhe p?r tejkalimin e planit t? shtetit n? t? gjith? treguesit tekniko-ekonomik?.
    3. Here are a couple of others: http://www.enverhoxha.info/ This site is a pro-Enver site and probably aligned with the PKSh, so you will have to filter out the editorial commentary if you're so inclined. That said, this site does have some good pictures and, more importantly, period newsreels from Albania. Some are in English, while a few, especially the funeral ones, are in Albanian without subtitles. When was the last time you saw an Albanian newsreel? http://www.qpz.gov.al/kerkime.jsp The Albanian State Archives site, this is entirely in Albanian so you'll have to know at least a few words of Shqip to navigate around and get any meaningful benefit out of it. However, several of the laws and decrees concerning orders and decorations from the RPSh/RPSSh era are retrievable from the site. http://www.argjiro.net/fjalor/ This is an online English-Albanian/Albanian-English dictionary. It's very useful for getting many words quickly, however, you'll still probably need to get the Oxford Albanian-English dictionary for more thorough coverage.
    4. Hi Bob: The Order of the Black Eagle was created by Wilhelm of Wied in March 1914 in 5 classes (Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer, and Knight) and three classes of an adjunct medal in gold, silver, and bronze. The order was made by the German jeweller Paul Telge (if I recall correctly), while the medal was struck by Arthus Bertrand et Cie in Paris. I was talking to someone about this order and the original purchase orders still exist for the medal. 250 of the silver class were prepared, however only some 14 are believed to have been awarded. It should be noted that Wilhelm continued to assert his claim to the Albanian throne up until Ahmed Bej Zogu became president (and later king), and, in the capacity of a monarch in exile, Wilhelm may have continued to hand out the order and medal. Interestingly, the silver class is the more common of the three classes - bronze medals show up from time to time, but I've not seen a gold medal. Oh, to bring this a litle more on topic , the second edition is complete, so look for it here sometime real soon! I will add this comment: in the short time since I wrapped up the 2nd edition, I did get a few more pictures and some additional info that I'll include for the next version which I may actually submit for publishing. More on that later... Cheers, Eric
    5. I have NEVER seen or heard of numbered Albanian awards of any sort - that's a stunner. Plus, it has the typical IKOM silver mark. That's a heck of a find! I may have to contact you about that scan That's the great thing about forums like this - scarcely 2 years ago, absolutely nothing was known about these things and now there are all sorts of varieties being discovered. Great stuff! Cheers, Eric
    6. Here is my first type Order of the Red Star (1952-1965). This one was made by Pr?wema.
    7. Hi Gerd: I have no doubt that IKOM and maybe even Mennica Panswowa struck this medal, however, I have no idea how to tell the difference right now. It is neat to see the subtle die differences though! Cheers, Eric
    8. Hi Bob: Nope - there's just one class of the order and one class of medal. The medal is interesting in that there are two versions: one with a reverse inscription (PER SHERBIM TE MIRE POPULLIT) and one without. The order, BTW, was established during the restructuring on 18 January 1965. Cheers, Eric
    9. Hi Rick: I originally thought that, too, however, a friend in Germany who collects all sorts of Eastern Bloc medals went to Albania for regular visits in the early 1990's and actually visited the factory in Tiran? where these things were made and he says that this style of construction is very much a product from that factory. In the years between the first true democratic election in 1992 when the PPSh lost its bid for power and 1996 when Sali Berisha pretty much severed all ties to the old style government, the communist era decorations were still being awarded. What the factory workers told my friend (as he was looking through boxes of unawarded decorations) was that they simply filed off the stars and other communist symbols off the old decorations - which happened to be ones like these late ones with the tube pin assemblies and those decorations were fresh off the presses. Sadly, my friend did not take photos of the factory (oh, how I wish he did ). One thing of interest regarding these barrel pins: at some point in the 1980's, the factory (for reasons unbeknownst to anyone) switched from horizontal to vertical, so if you see a vertical one, it's probably a later piece. That said, I am not sure if this design change was carried over to every decoration. Cheers, Eric
    10. Here's a well worn example of the Medal of Liberation. This was the principle WW II campaign medal and carried a lot of prestige in a nation that held its partisan fighters in very high regard (Enver Hoxha himself was a partisan).
    11. Here's a 3rd class made by IKOM in the 1940's. This one came cased in a titled cardboard box:
    12. This was one of the highest awardes in Albania. The Order of Freedom in the 1st class was the premier order - only the titles of Hero of the People and Hero of Socialist Labor ranked higher. Here's a 1st class made by our friends at Pr?wema:
    13. ...and here's the 3rd class, this one was made by Pr?wema:
    14. I kind of like it compared to the Red Banner of Labor You'll find they are rather substantial in hand (they are made in three pieces) and have a nice heft to them. Here's a later Albanian made 2nd class example:
    15. Established in 1965, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor came in 2 classes, the 1st class in gold and the 2nd class in silver. This was actually one of the higher labor awards in Albania.
    16. The Medal of Labor was an adjunct of the Orderof Labor which was established in 1945. It was awarded to citizens, collectives, public institutions, and social organizations for meeting and exceeding plans and exceeding labor quotas for an uninterrupted period of six months; for demonstrating improved conservation of resources in production; for successful modifying supplied equipment; for the capacity for leadership in various labor sectors; and for good work in the arts, education, and culture. The earliest ones were made in Yugoslavia and can be told by the very high quality of the manufacture. Later on, quality deteriorated and the last ones made in the 1970's and 1980's are rather chintzy in appearance. This one is an early one in its fitted wood case.
    17. The Order for Maintenance of Public Security wasmostly awarded to members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its three principle branches, police, border guards, and Directorate of State Security (the dreaded Sigurimi), who have performed valuable service to the preservation of public order.
    18. As and ye shall receive Here's the Order for Brave Deeds - also established in 1965 (you will find that the January 18, 1965 honors restructuring added many, many new decorations), it pretty much replaced the older Order of Bravery though that was not official until 1980. This was awarded for bravery in battle and against infiltrators. Note that while the pic shows the pin to be of kilter, that is how it was made - quality control was not always that great.
    19. Here is the Order of Civil Bravery. Established in 1965, it was given out essentially as a life saving decoration.
    20. This is the Medal to the Honorary Title of Distinguished Master of Profession and was awarded to those who have received certification that they are a master in a particular occupation and by whose work have achieved great efficiency as well as serve as an example in their line of work.
    21. Here's the simply named "Gold Medal". It was awarded to students in institutions of higher learning (to include high schools and universities) who completed their education with excellent demeanor and to those who have distinguished themselves in youth organizations and in other social work. A version of this decoration continues to be awarded.
    22. Here's an example with a plastic lapel pin wearing mini. These were awarded in 1984 in a satin covered red box. Interestingly, the ribbon on the suspension is made from the same material covering the box.
    23. Here is the Medal of Bravery, also established in July of 1945. Like it's big brother, it was also rendered obsolete sometime between 1965 and 1980.
    24. Hi Gor - welcome to the Forum! That is a great example of a very, very rare decoration. When the title was first established on October 25, 1954, it had a statute fineness of 18 karat gold and a weight of 21.5 grams. In 1970, the fineness of the decoration was set at 20 karats and weight at 18.5 grams. At some point, a gilt bronze version was also issued, though I've not yet been able to figure out when or why the bronze versions began to be manufactured. Cheers, Eric
    25. ...and last for now is a 3rd class screwback, also by Pr?wema:
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