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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. The Major "Marschalk", who got the HHOX in late 1918, puzzles me a bit. There is no "Marschalk" in the ERL. There were two Obersten "Marschalck von Bachtenbrock", but it can be neither Wilhelm, from DR 21 (he was already OTL by 1917), nor Arnold (a zD OTL). 

      Of the officers with name "Marschall", only one would fit: Alfred Ernst Erich Marschall from IR 132, born 13.3.1872 in Mescherin. 


      If it's not him, then it could only be one of the several Majore "Marschall von Bieberstein", but that would have meant several mistakes had been made in the MWB. 

    2. Bernhard Ruberg became SS-Brigadeführer, died 1945:




      20 hours ago, Dave Danner said:

      A Hauptmann Freiherr von Schade was gazetted with the HOH3X in September 1917. Unfortunately, there were two such Hauptleute, and I have no idea which was the HOH3X recipient. Max was a general staff officer, so he seems like the best bet, but Hermann was an infantry combat officer, so he can't be ruled out.


      1. Schade, Albert Carl Fritz Max Freiherr von, *07.05.1886 in Münster in Westfalen, gefallen 21.01.1945 in Ratibor.

      27.02.1904 aus der Hauptkadettenanstalt als Fähnrich dem Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 13 überwiesen
      27.01.1905 Leutnant mit Patent vom 22.06.1903 (5)
      01.11.1911 zur Kriegsakademie kommandiert
      19.06.1912 Oberleutnant (J21)
      xx.08.1914 ins Feld als Führer der M.G.-Kompanie des Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 13
      24.08.1914 verwundet
      12.10.1914 zum Regiment zurück
      28.11.1914 Hauptmann (Vv)
      xx.xx.1916 im Generalstabe des VI. Reservekorps
      xx.xx.1918 im Generalstabe der 11. Reserve-Division
      16.05.1920 im Generalstabe des Reichswehr-Gruppenkommandos 2 (laut Stellenbesetzung)
      01.10.1920 im Generalstabe des Gruppenkommandos 2 (laut Stellenbesetzung)
      01.10.1921 im Infanterie-Regiment 15, kommandiert zum Generalstabe des Gruppenkommandos 2 (laut Stellenbesetzung)
      30.11.1922 ausgeschieden

       - A char. Major i.G. a.D., he was a Prokurist in Ratibor and later Hamburg, and was reactivated as a Generalstabsoffizier der Reserve.

      20.01.1941 Führerreserve OKH, kommandiert zum Generalkommando des VIII. Armeekorps
      16.03.1941 Ia der 305. Infanterie-Division
      27.12.1941 Ia der 246. Infanterie-Division
      16.01.1943 Führerreserve OKH
      12.02.1943 Chef des Stabes des Kommandanten des rückw. Armee-Gebiets 582
      01.04.1943 Oberst i.G. d.R.
      25.08.1943 Führerreserve OKH

      xx.xx.1945 Führer einer Kampfgruppe


      Known decorations:

      24.07.1915 Herzoglich Sachsen-Meiningsches Ehrenkreuz für Verdienst im Kriege
      20.12.1941 Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
      12.03.1942 1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuze 2. Klasse
      03.08.1942 Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42"
      05.08.1942 1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuze 1. Klasse


      2. Schade, Hermann Carl Freiherr von, *03.10.1888 in Münster in Westfalen, † 21.11.2009 in Hamburg

      14.03.1907 aus der Hauptkadettenanstalt als Leutnant, vorläufig ohne Patent, dem Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 13 überwiesen
      14.06.1907 Patent als Leutnant (Vv)
      01.10.1912 Adjutant des I. Bataillons
      03.09.1914 Regiments-Adjutant
      24.12.1914 Oberleutnant
      05.10.1916 Hauptmann (N4n)
      30.08.1919 zur Disposition gestellt,  Hauptmann a.D.

      13.09.1938 SS-Brigadeführer


      Hermann's SS personnel file lists the EK1 and "Landesorden", among other later awards. Since the HOH3X is a Landesorden, he can't be ruled out on that alone.


      The third of the three brothers Freiherr von Schade was Carl Alfred, *18.09.1887 in Münster in Westfalen, †12.05.1955 in Wiesbaden. He was an Oberleutnant (5.9.1914) in the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika, and was wounded and taken prisoner in March 1915. He was not promoted to Hauptmann until 1919 (backdated to 18.9.1915), so he can be ruled out for the HOH3X. He received a Charakter bump to Major which is not shown in the Ehrenrangliste. Other than the basic awards he would have had as a ST SWA officer (EK2, wound badge, Elefant), the only known award for Carl is the Rettungsmedaille am Bande, which he received on 23.4.1926.


      Some research about the SS-Schade (1888-1966) was done at AHF, the bio shown there (though I don't know where it comes from) does not list a HHOX:


    3. About the two Lotze:


      One is Robert Franz Benevenuto Lotze, Major aD from Pioniere, born 2.9.1875 in Osterode, died 1965, as is mentioned here:



      The other Lotze was Hauptmann aD in 1918, originally from FR 36. In 1914 as Lt kommandiert zur Haupt-Kadetten-Anstalt, but I don't find his first name.



    4. We have a Karl von Hake, but I think we don't have him yet:


      Fritz Adolf Carl von Hake, born 15.8.1874 in Soldin. 1914 Hptm in 5. GzF. Cdr of IR 462, Maj aD. 


      Died 30.9.1958 in Bad Hersfeld (acc. to data from myheritage). 


      His HHOX is mentioned along with his other awards in a publication "Geschichte der brandenburgischen Familie von Hake", 1928: 



    5. Major Dencker can only be Fritz Hermann Dencker, cdr of FußAR 10:

      (Glenn provided the info: https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=104571


      Died 28. Aug. 1952 in Haselünne as OTL aD acc. to data from myheritage (they have his birth date as 24 Jan 1869 in Solingen). 




      Hptm Davids is Adolf Wilhelm Davids, born 24.4.1881 in Schleswig, died 31.3.1933 (ancestry).

      We had him here already: https://gmic.co.uk/topic/39659-ek2-18701914-spange-baden-mystery-medal-bar/


    6. The Lt dR "Belimack" in our list is probably a misread Fraktur writing of "Behmack". Belimack does not exist as a name. 

      We have a Lt dR Kurt Behmack in the VL, from MG-Kompanie of IR 72. From Bunzlau/Schlesien. 


      This looks like another fascinating story: born 1887, he was from a Jewish family, became Zahnarzt in Torgau, emigrated to Paraguay in 1939 and returned to Germany, died in 1962.



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