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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. On 14/03/2021 at 07:25, The Prussian said:


      According to the last photo.

      The left one is the bulgarian war medal 1914-1918 with swords.

      The right one is unknown to me. Is the middle stripe blue or black? As far as I know, the slovakian medal of bravery (1940) had a blue middle stripe


      Yes, right. The second to last ribbon in the bottom picture is the Bulgarian war medal. 


      The stripe in the middle of the last ribbon is blue, so yes, it could have been this ribbon for the Slovak Bravery Medal:


    2. We have two Lauteschlägers in the list, but I think this is a new one.


      In the list, we have:

      - Reinhard L., born 1872, in 1914 Hptm in FAR 61, held RAO4X and KO4X, among others.

      - Ernst L., born 1869, in 1914 Maj in IR 81. 

      Both got the HHOX already in 1917.


      But then there is another one, in 1914 Olt dL in Landwehrbezirk II Darmstadt, from Artillery. It must be him. 


      Regierungsrat and Hptm dL R. Lauteschläger (I don't find his full first name.)


      From Darmstädter Tagblatt, 9.11.1918




      Ah - it's Rudolf, as per Adressbuch Darmstadt 1918:



    3. KRICHLER, Reinhold. 1940-41 Maj., Kdr. II./Flak-Rgt. 36 (to 03.41). 03.41 appt Kdr. Flak-Abt. 121.

      01.04.42 promo to Obstlt. 01.44 Obstlt., Kdr. Flak-Abt. 214 (still 09.44).

      It seems that he was in IR 161 during WW1.

      He is not in the list above as he was not commander of a Flak-Regiment, only of an Abteilung. The source I used does not cover Abteilung commanders. But it is a good point, I will see whether I can extend the list to include those as well.

    4. Some more info on Bavarian Olt dR Dr. Sonnenschein from FAR3, prosecutor and flyer. 

      From Münchner Neueste Nachrichten, 29.6.1918  

      I find two Dr. Sonnenscheins before 1919 who would fit:

      Dr. Wilhelm Sonnenschein from Werden a.d. Ruhr, who received a Dr. iur. from the University of Erlangen in 1904. (NOT him)

      Dr. Adolf Sonnenschein, 1886-1965, who received a Dr. iur. from the University of Greifswald in 1913. He was also Regierungspräsident in Osnabrück from 1922 to 1933: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Sonnenschein_(Verwaltungsjurist)

      --->  and yes, I can confirm that he is the Bavarian Reserve  Officer "Adolf Sonnenschein genannt Wasserfall" in FAR 3. His file is in the Bavarian Hauptstaatsarchiv, with the same birthdate as the Adolf above: 



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