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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. Bit hard to read: Finnish Cross (Medal?) of Liberty 2nd class to Unteroffizier and Offiziersaspirant Otto Lenuweit from Groß Puskeppeln (?) Kreis Ragnit

      From Königsberger Hartungsche Zeitung, 28./29. August 1918


      This is probably the Medal, not the Cross 1st cl, to Gefr Hellmut Hoffmann. 

      From Freiburger Zeitung, 19.8.1918


      Not sure what exactly the "Finländische Befreiungsband" is meant to be, but Musketier Heinrich Overwaul from IR 255 is credited with it: 

      From Münsterischer Anzeiger, 9./10.10.1918


    2. (Posted it in the HHOX thread, but thought it would be good to have it here as well)

      Chance find: a number of Finnish awards nicely together 

      From Kölner Local-Anzeiger, 2.6.1918


      And death notice to: Lt zS Bruno Blank

      From Arnsberger Zeitung, Okt 1918



      Finnish award to Jäger Bernhard Knüfing. 

      From Münsterischer Anzeiger, 13.9.1918


      Finnish Freiheitskreuz 2nd class to Divisionspfarrer Kreutz. 

      From Freiburger Zeitung, 4.6.1918


      Anton Ilting, Flugzeug-Obermatrose, from Bocholt. Should probably read Medal of Liberty, not Cross:

      From Münsterischer Anzeiger, 17.8.1918


      Finnish golden bravery medal to Unteroffizier Paul Pollscheit from Rastenburg.

      From Königsberger Hartungsche Zeitung, 14.6.1918


      And Hindenburg + Ludendorff, July 1918:


    3. WOW! Surprise find:

      Looking further through the Königsberg newspaper... found this:

      It's either a new one or a new first name. We have a Lt dL Papendick in the HHOX list. MWB notice from 4.6.1918 - though I am not sure this is him.

      What I found is - a relative (ok, wife's side). Lt (should be dR) Emil Papendick from Sokaiten in East Prussia. And nobody in the family had known about it anymore.

      From Königsberger Hartungsche Zeitung, 9.7.1918



      This was Emil Papendick (1886-1945) as Einj.Freiwilliger in GR 3, 1907: 

      1907wohl - Emil Papendick als EJF Gefr.jpg

      Back of the card:

      1907wohl - Emil Papendick Rückseite.jpg

      He got commissioned as Lt dR (Landwehrbezirk Tilsit) on 22.3.1915 into LIR 33. (I remember Glenn found the date years ago.). He got wounded in 1915. In 1916, probably until the end of WW1 (though this is not certain), he was Kp.führer in IR 45X (see below).

      This is him during WW1 (to the right):

      1915-03nach - Emil Papendick im Feld.jpg

      Here standing, on the right: 


      1915-03nach - 1. WK - rechts hinten Emil Papendick.jpg

      And with his sister:

      1915-03nach - Frieda und Emil Papendick.jpg


      But no photo shows his HHOX. 

      I have this postcard to him, but it was cut unfortunately. So the regiment might be IR 451, 457 or even 456, I think. I have looked through the regimental history of IR 451 and couldn’t find him. 


    4. On 16/12/2020 at 13:24, webr55 said:

      This mentions a Hans Roth (1896-1958) with HHOX who was a pastor in Oldenburg, so different from the Generalmajor Hans Roth: 


      I might have found the HHOX notice for that Hans Roth above:

      From Nachrichten für Stadt und Land (Oldenburg), 18.10.1918


    5. Not clear to me if this is a new one: Maj zD Ernst Bielitz 

      It does neither say "Royal" nor "with swords". Although, his Zähringen WAS with swords, even if the death notice does not say so. (Also, Herrnleben above, who definitely got the Royal HHOX, was mentioned in exactly the same way, with "Ritterkreuz des Hausordens von Hohenzollern".)

      If he is the Hptm Bielitz who was from FR40, he had a Princely Hohenzollern Ehrenkreuz without swords before the war. 

      From Aachener Anzeiger, 25.10.1918


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