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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. The same source also has info about another member of the same Burschenschaft, a Hauptmann Eggers.

      The Jan/Feb 1918 issue mentions his HHOX:

      This is not Hptm Friedrich Eggers, he got his HHOX already in 1916. 


      He also got the ÖM3K, which is mentioned in the May/June 1917 issue - but still no first name:


      ok, so he was Hptm dR in RIR 232, at least when the Sep/Okt/Nov 1916 issue came out:


      In Jan 1915, he was Olt dR in IR 77. Still no first name. 


    2. Another Schmidt, Major Georg Schmidt from IR 61. As I understand, this cannot be the Georg Schmidt who was commander of IR 82. 

      From Die Presse, 28.5.1918 


      This might be the same Schmidt, published by a different (his former?) regiment, but not sure. His career would have to be checked. 

      Die Presse, 24.5.1918


      yes, indeed the same one, confirmed here (Die Presse, 23.5.1918):



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