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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. Btw, it seems that the later General dF Helmuth Förster is missing on the list: 



      GM Leopold Graf Fugger birth/death data: 1893-1966


      Some Lw sources credit Generalrichter Egon Koepsch with HHOX, but the attached picture of him shows he got the Princely one. 


      Koepsch, Egon 01.jpg

    2. This is one with a fascinating background story: I came across this article in the Hamburger Nachrichten (18.8.1931) written by an "A. Agricola", who mentions that he got the HHOX as Nachrichtenoffizieru while being involved in the armistice between Austria and Russia. Some research turned out that this name was only an alias for the real name Alexander Bauermeister (translated into Latin), who became famous after WW1 for writing about his secret service activities, both in German and English ("Spies Break Through: Memoirs of a German Secret Service Officer", https://books.google.de/books/about/Spies_Break_Through.html?id=wYcCAAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y).


      He was originally from KürR 5, ended WW1 as Olt aD. 


    3. This is at least a new first name, from the Eberbacher Geschichtsblätter: H Franz Külp, KIA as a flyer 1917:



      At least a first name: Lt Gerhard Anders, from Jagdstaffel 73, KIA 1918:


    4. Great addition!  

      What I have from the Luftwaffe sources:

      CANSTEIN, Richard, Freiherr von. (DOB: 24.02.95). 01.04.34 RDA as Hptm. 02.04.35 Hptm., b.d.Offz.z.b.V.d.R.d.L. (Sonstige-Offz.) attended Infanterie-Lehrgang Königsbrück (to 28.05.35). 09.39 Maj./Obstlt., Stab/JG 3. 1940 in Stab/JG 51 and then Stab/JG 3. 01.09.42 provisional Kdt. Fl.H.Kdtr. 35/XI, promo to Obstlt.(z.D.). 05.12.42 appt Kdt. Fl.H.Kdtr. Rheine. 08.03.44 Obstlt., appt Kdt. Fl.H.Kdtr. A(o) 10/VI, Bonn-Hangelar (still 02.45).


      But I cannot find him either before that. Must have come in during WW1 as a Reserve Officer. 

    5. I have looked through the RK lists, and it seems that GL Friedrich Weinknecht also had the HHOX:





      Just a typo: GM Ernst Dreschel seems to be listed as "Drechsel":




      Also, it looks as if we don't have GL (Lw) Alfred Gerstenberg yet:




      And are we listing famous flyer Wolfgang von Gronau's rare Hohenzollern without swords or not?

    6. On 29/11/2020 at 20:39, David M said:

      What an amazing story. This Major Ritgen must have been in his late 40/ early 50 minimum. Is there an overview of his career? And that of his father

      I did some research, others will have more career info: This is Major Wilhelm Ritgen (1870-1918), so he was 48 when he was KIA. Born 22nd April 1870. In 1914, he is listed in FAR 70.

      His father was Hauptmann Hermann Ludwig Aloysius Ritgen (1834-1870), KIA at Colombé near Metz, 14th August 1870. He had just married Charlotte Buschendorff (1845-1920) in 1869, so Wilhelm was the only child. 

      Wilhelm had three children, Liselotte, Ilse and Wilhelm. 

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