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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. Interesting, I was not aware that Duesterberg was in the Hanoverian Field Artillery Regiment No. 10 (Scharnhorst). Actually, one of my relatives served in that regiment during WW1. His name was Erich Beutnagel, Lt d R. He was also active in the Stahlhelm during Weimar time, and anti-Nazi from a conservative angle. Must have known Duesterberg well.

      192X - Erich Beutnagel als Stahlhelmführer.jpg

    2. On 18/08/2020 at 11:51, Daniel Krause said:

      @AlbertR, good question.

      I have to find a date to say "now it is o.k.".

      As long as I get nearly weekly additions, first names, birth/death dates, units and so, I think I will never be ready....




      That is great to hear, Daniel! 

      I think it might be helpful to have the current list of names, just so we know who you already have. It would probably also help if we had more indications about sources, for example, which regimental histories have not yet been looked into. This might make the process more efficient and systematic. 


    3. Has it really been 14 years already? Anyway, time for an update: As was suggested by Rick a long time ago, I have gone through Holm's website (http://ww2.dk) again and compiled all the missing Flak Oberstleutnants: 

      So both the list above and this additional one constitute a compilation of those Flak Obersten and Oberstleutnants who were

      - commanders of a Flak Regiment, Flak Scheinwerfer Regiment, Flak Ersatz Regiment, Flak Sturm Regiment, Festungs Flak Regiment, Flak Lehr Regiment or Heimat Flak Abteilung,

      - commanders of a Flak Brigade,

      - commanders of a Flak Division,

      - chiefs of staff of the general command of a Flakkorps,

      - Higher Flak commanders in a Luftkreis,

      - Ia officers of an air defense command (Luftverteidigungskommando),

      (For Flak Generals, see the Luftwaffe Generals' Bios Series.)


      1)    Obstlt Walter Barg, Kdr FlakR 122, 27.12.43 - 15.2.45

      2)    Obstlt Fritz Benthin, Kdr FlakR 152, 14.11.44 - 8.5.45

      3)    Obstlt Hans Bertram, Kdr FlakR 142, 20.12.43 - 3.9.44

      4)    Obstlt Friedrich-Wilhelm Boehme, 3.2.45 - 5.45 (Chef des Stabes: Generalkommando V. Flakkorps)

      5)    Obstlt Hans-Friedrich Bolte, Kdr FlakR 124, 2.44 - 30.11.44

      6)    Obstlt Johann Büttner, Kdr FlakSturmR 3, 8.44 - 2.11.44

      7)    Obstlt Bruno Dannehl, Kdr FlakR 130, 11.44 - 11.12.44

      8 )   Obstlt Oskar-Bruno Dennhardt, Kdr FlakScheinwR 113, 1.3.44 - 5.45

      9)    Obstlt Wilhelm Deventer, Kdr FlakR 104, 4.45 - 5.45

      10)Obstlt Hans Dilschneider, Kdr FlakR 15, 2.10.44 - 21.1.45, Kdr FlakR 18, 24.1.45 - 8.5.45

      11)Obstlt Erich Dittrich, Kdr FlakR 255, 16.7.44 - 8.5.45

      12)Obstlt Fritz Dörpfeld, Kdr FlakR 138, 2.2.44 - 31.8.44

      13)Obstlt Josef Eder, Kdr FlakR 128, 8.44 - 8.5.45

      14)Obstlt Erich Elson, Ia Flak-Brigade VII, ? – 1945

      15)Obstlt Herbert Fischer, Kdr FlakR 135, 6.7.43 - 9.12.44

      16)Obstlt Kurt-Helmut Fischer, 17.9.44 - 4.45 (Chef des Stabes: Generalkommando IV. Flakkorps), Ia 1. Flak-Division 1944 - 9.44

      17)Obstlt Dr. Heinrich Garve, Kdr FlakR 137, 11.8.44 - 8.5.45

      18)Obstlt Erwin Grolig, Kdr Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 59, 8.1.45 - 8.5.45

      19)Obstlt Karl Hahn, Kdr FlakR 103, 5.10.44 - 5.45

      20)Obstlt Ernst-Joachim Heisig, 1944 - 2.45, Ia 18. Flak-Div.

      21)Obstlt Gerhard Henze, Kdr FlakR 35, 1.44 - 3.44, Kdr FlakR 151,  2.45 - 3.45

      22)Obstlt Oskar Hermanuz, Kdr FlakScheinwR 7, 1.45 - 4.45

      23)Obstlt Bernhard Hildebrandt, Kdr FlakR 107, 28.8.43 - 30.1.45

      24)Obstlt Uwe Hingst, Kdr FlakR 181, 1.2.44 - 5.2.45

      25)Obstlt Erich Georg Hornig, 1944 - 5.45, Ia 12. Flak-Div. 

      26)Obstlt Kurt Hortian, Kdr FlakR 133, 22.9.44 - 8.5.45

      27)Obstlt Alfred Karlhuber, Kdr FlakR 142, 4.9.44 - 8.5.45

      28)Obstlt Albert Kissling, Kdr FlakR 148, 22.8.44 - 5.45

      29)Obstlt Erich Köhler, Kdr FlakR 8, 9.44 - 10.44, Kdr FlakR 86,  4.10.44 - 5.45

      30)Obstlt Richard Kolb, Kdr FlakR 43, 24.1.44 - 5.44 und 7.44 - 2.8.44

      31)Obstlt Georg König, Kdr FlakR 126, 10.6.43 - 20.9.44, Kdr FlakR 88, 21.9.44 - 14.1.45

      32)Obstlt Kurt Krebs, Kdr FlakR 120, 29.10.44 - 8.5.45

      33)Obstlt Johann Edler von Krziwanek, Kdr FlakScheinwR 146, 4.45 - 4.45

      34)Obstlt Herbert Künne, Kdr FlakR 72, 5.11.44 - 8.5.45

      35)Obstlt Hans-Jens Lorenzen, Kdr FlakR 111, 23.6.44 - 14.1.45

      36)Obstlt Wilhelm Mätje, Kdr FlakSturmR 2, 3.10.44 - 5.45

      37)Obstlt Dr. Johannes Maus, Kdr FlakR 9, 12.9.44 - 7.5.45

      38)Obstlt Fritz Mertelmeier, Kdr Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 3, 10.43 - 5.45

      39)Obstlt Minkmeier, Kdr FlakR 42, 11.44 - 5.45

      40)Obstlt Hans Montka, Kdr FlakR 201, 22.8.44 - 27.3.45

      41)Obstlt Arpad Müller-Wildfelden, Kdr FlakScheinwR 139, 1.8.42 - 1944

      42)Obstlt Ulrich Nicolai, Kdr FlakR 88, 20.11.43 - 20.9.44, Kdr FlakR 126, 21.9.44 - 8.5.45

      43)Obstlt Alexander Paling, Ia Flak-Brigade XXI, ? - 4.45

      44)Obstlt Heinrich Pollwein, Ia Flak-Brigade IV 23.10.44 - 5.45

      45)Obstlt Walter Prilipp, , Kdr FlakR 39, 6.6.44 - 14.11.44

      46)Obstlt Friedrich Ringelband, Kdr FlakScheinwR 108, 22.10.44 - 5.45

      47)Obstlt Nikolaus Ritter, Kdr FlakR 63, 1.45 – 1945, Kdr FlakR 60, 17.3.45 - 8.5.45, 

      48)Obstlt Friedrich Römer, Kdr FlakR 60, 24.11.44 - 16.3.45. Kdr FlakR 66, 17.3.45 - 8.5.45

      49)Obstlt Erich Rösner, Kdr FlakR 96, 1.1.44 - 9.44, Kdr Flak-Brigade XVI, 24.10.44 - 4.45

      50)Obstlt Wilhelm Röttger, Kdr FlakR 9, 10.4.43 - 11.9.44, Kdr FlakR 25, 22.11.44 - 5.45

      51)Obstlt Franz Rubesch, Kdr FlakR 80, 22.9.44 - 4.45

      52)Obstlt Erich Ruthenberg, Kdr Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 59, 13.10.44 - 8.1.45

      53)Obstlt Erhard Scheffel, Kdr FlakR 118, 29.10.44 - 8.5.45

      54)Obstlt Wilhelm Schlodder, 10.2.45 - 8.5.45 (Chef des Stabes: Generalkommando VI. Flakkorps

      55)Obstlt Heinrich Schnier, Kdr FlakR 105, 6.7.43 - 28.2.44

      56)Obstlt Heinrich Schönemeyer, Kdr FlakR 134, 2.44 - 19.11.44

      57)Obstlt Hans-Henning Schreiber, Kdr FlakR 26, 17.3.45 - 5.45

      58)Obstlt Hans-Heinrich Schreiber, Kdr FlakR 66, 1.10.43 - 16.3.45

      59)Obstlt Friedrich Schröck, Kdr FlakR 44, 4.8.44 - 1.45

      60)Obstlt Günter Schwarzenberger, Kdr FlakR 21, 11.12.44 - 9.4.45

      61)Obstlt Hermann Sell, Kdr FlakR 48, 24.10.43 - 8.5.45

      62)Obstlt Friedrich Siebert, Kdr FlakR 28, 29.10.44 - 5.45

      63)Obstlt Wilhelm Smollenski, Kdr FlakR 22, 2.2.44 - 2.5.45

      64)Obstlt Alfred Thoran, Kdr FlakR 145, 1.11.44 - 8.2.45, Kdr FlakR 71, 10.4.45 - 4.45

      65)Obstlt Hans Tödt, Kdr FlakR 107, 31.1.45 - 25.2.45, Kdr FlakR 54, 24.3.45 - 5.45

      66)Obstlt Walter Weiss, Kdr FlakR 59, 1.44 - 14.11.44

      67)Obstlt Johann Zieger, Kdr FlakR 131, 10.12.43 - 11.9.44, Kdr FlakR 78, 3.44 - 5.45

      68)Obstlt Ernst Ziem, Kdr FlakR 3, 12.12.44 - 1.45

    4. Tricky, since he is not easily found, being a Turkish officer. Obviously, he is only wearing his wartime awards. If #2 and 3 are German, then they would probably have to be one-rank awards (like Braunschweig or Oldenburg), since if multi-rank, he would have got neck crosses. Except, if he chose to wear neck crosses on the bar (which sometimes happened). 

    5. Five years later, checking the other possible candidates in more detail, one fits also very well:

      Kapitän zS Siegfried Westerkamp (1874-1970), he had a RAO4mKr, China Medal not listed in DOA, but he was in China as Oberlt on SMS Bussard. Chairman of the MOV in 1919. Was in the industry later, and on the Vorstand of the Hafen-Dampfschiffahrts-AG Hamburg around 1941 (http://www.bundesarchiv.de/aktenreichskanzlei/1919-1933/0pa/adr/adrsz/kap1_5/para2_117.html)


      Couldn't find out much about:

      - Stabszahlmeister Magnus Lange, he is not in the DOA, got the RAO (17.1.1909, Marinestation Ostsee, Abw. Büro als Marine-Stabszahlm.) and PKO (19.1.1902, Marinestation Ostsee als Marine-Oberzahlm.). No DA listed, and China Steel version cannot be ruled out.


      The other suspects are much less likely:

      - char. Konteradmiral Harry Mündel (1876-1946) was not in China in 1901 and not in rear service, so a Steel version is improbable

      - Vizeadmiral Wilhelm Kahlert (1877-1932), same as above

      - OStA Dr. Gersdorf, no evidence of China 



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