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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. The Major at the center can probably not be identified, but he is wearing a number of 1920s unofficial awards like the Kyffhäuser Medal - and he also has the Hungarian War Remembrance Medal. This actually means that the photo must have been taken between 1929, when this Medal was first handed out, and 1934, when the Hindenburg Cross replaced all the unofficial awards. 


    2. The one second from right is

      Generalleutnant Ludwig Ritter von Tutschek (1864-1937)

      At the neck, he is wearing the Max Joseph Commander grade above his Pour le Merite. He also has the Bavarian Military Merit Order 2nd class star with swords, and on his bar you see, in second-to-last position, a Swedish Order of the Sword (listed in the 1914 ranklist and in his DOA 1908/09 entry).



    3. 10 hours ago, GdC26 said:

      Thanks Chris. I was trying to find his face on the web - do you have a picture of hte Generalleuntant? You're right about the officers cross (introduced in 1905 if I'm not mistaken), but Lang was certainly not the only Bavarian general who got one.





      Not the only one, no. But there are not too many with the Officer's Cross. After looking into the rank lists, I can rule out all the others. 

      This general has surprisingly many plain-looking medals on his bar, for a general. Actually, that fits, because Lang held the Centenary and the China Medal, both unusual for a Bavarian. I'm pretty sure it is him. 

    4. 10 hours ago, JapanX said:

      He died January 11, 1920

      Looks like lieutenant-colonel.

      Thanks! So probably, the photo was taken in 1905, after the Russo-Japanese war, when he got 3rd class Kite and Rising Sun.


    5. Oh! Thanks for that! So the Who's Who spelt his name incorrectly. For some reason, I didn't check the Japanese Wikipedia. So he died in 1920.

      I'm not too familiar with Japanese uniforms. What rank does he have in the Wikipedia picture?

    6. The back says "Herrn Hauptmann Pophal zur freundlichen Erinnerung, 1896-99, Niro Inouye, Major in Japan".

      Partly because of different spellings, it was not easy to find out anything about Major Inouye, but eventually I did. I consulted the "Who's Who in Japan" from 1913 and 1916, and there he is. This is a picture of the later

      Lt. General Niro Inouye (in Japanese characters:  井上仁廊 )

      born May 1864 in Ehime-ken, second son of Wataru Inouye and Yoshi

      • 1885 graduated from the Military Academy 
      • 1885 Sub-Lieutenant of the Engineers
      • 1888 Lieutenant
      • 1893 Captain
      • 1895-99 Sent to Germany for Training
      • 1900 Major
      • 1902 Lieutenant-Colonel
      • 1906 Colonel
      • 1910 Major-General
      • 1915 Lieutenant-General

      In the Russo-Japanese war of 1905, the Who's Who says, he "rendered excellent services in the administrations of the Military railways, for which he was awarded the 3rd Order of the Rising Sun together with the 3rd Class of the Golden Kite." His address in 1913 was No. 14, Nakacho, Ushigome, Tokyo.

      In 1916, he was commander of the Communication Brigade and Member of the Committee for the Study of Military Aeroplanes


      Major Inouye's awards on his bar are:

      Order of the Golden Kite 5th or 6th class
      Order of the Sacred Treasure 5th or 6th class
      1894-95 China War Medal
      Imperial Constitution Promulgation Commemorative Medal (probably)




      Here is the entry from Who's Who in Japan 1913:





      The German officer the picture card was dedicated to is (thanks to Glenn for some of the info!)

      Generalmajor Paul Pophal (27 Sep 1854 - 18 Jan 1924)

      Sekonde-Lieutenant: 13.10.77
      Premier-Lieutenant: 12.6.86 (served in Eisenbahn (Train)-Regiment Berlin)
      From 1890 on, he taught at the Technische Hochschule (Technical University) Berlin (where he met Inouye)
      Hauptmann: 19.9.91 (served in Eisenbahn-Regiment Nr. 3, Berlin)
      22.5.1900 Major
      In 1906, he was teacher at the military-technical academy in Berlin.
      21.5.1906 Oberstleutnant
      19.8.1909 Oberst

      Direktor der Militär-Eisenbahn from 18 Oct 1909 - 18 Nov 1911 when he retired as an Oberst. He was recalled for service in WW1 and served as the Chef d. Bau-Direktion 10.

      Awards as of 1911: Red Eagle 3rd class with bow, Crown Order 3rd class, Long Service Award, Austrian Military Merit Cross 3rd class.


    7. This is an interesting photo I got from Detlev many years ago. Finally, I have been able to research some of its background story.

      The picture was given by a Japanese officer, then Major, to a German officer, then Hauptmann, in Berlin in 1899. 



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