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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. Hello, two years ago I acquired this nice miniature chain of a Reserve/Landwehr Officer with both an Italian as well as a Siam Crown Order, and an Ottoman medal. Must have been in alive in 1934. The Siam order is not very common on German bars or chains. I find one good candidate:


      Lt dR Willy Koßmann (Kossmann) from Lw Fußartillerie, Berlin V, 1. Aufgebot, with an LD1, JK5 and SK5


      According to DOA born 12.8.1875, was Geheimer expedierender Sekretär with the German Gesandtschaft in Bangkok in 1908. Also had the "Commemorative Medal on the Occasion of the Longest Reign Celebrations of the Accession to the Throne of H.M King Chulalongkorn" (see: https://gmic.co.uk/topic/76456-miniature-medal-of-the-most-exalted-order-of-the-white-elephant/), but he probably couldn't find a miniature for that.  


      He was a diplomat in North Africa, Spain and Portugal, and later some kind of department head in the office of Reichspräsident Hindenburg, under Otto Meissner. 


      According to MyHeritage, an "Ernst Johannes Willy Kossmann", born in Berlin, died 17.7.1934 in Osterode/Harz, I guess this is him. But might have still received the Hindenburg. 




    2. Koepchen was "Landesassessor beim Landesdirektorium" Hannover.


      Hannov. Kurier, 14.9.1918





      Köstermann was Lehrer in Wehrbeck.


      Hannov. Kurier, 16.8.1918





      We had him in this thread already, but here is the original award notice: Lt dR Hermann Bartels from Hannover and RIR 73. 


      Hannov. Kurier, 23.9.1918




    3. A little more info on Dr. Gerhard Kip. 




      Born 2.6.1884 in Neuenhaus/Bentheim. Dr. phil. Univ. Halle 1910. I couldn't find his death year, but he got the Federal Merit Cross as Oberstudiendirektor a.D. in Wiesbaden in 1958: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProjekt_Bundesverdienstkreuz/1958



      And I suppose this is a Princely one? Thun (27.6.1918).



    4. Here is an interesting notice: several officers of IR 74 got the HHOX at the same time. It seems they were all listed in the Staatsanzeiger with date 28.05.1918.


      We have some of them already with full names, but not these (but now we know they must all be from IR 74):


      Hptm Fischer (couldn't find first name)

      Hptm dR Brandes (couldn't find first name)

      Lt Teichmann, should be Carl Otto (sometimes Karl), from Harderode, acc. to VL

      Lt dR Wendebourg, should be Gerhard acc. to VL, died from his wounds around July 1918



      Hannoverscher Kurier, 16.5.1918


    5. And indeed, a few days later, several further recipients from the Hagen region were posted:


      Hermann Kracht - we had him already.


      Paul Noelle/Nölle - new first name, from 1. GzF. 


      Erich Schmolinski - we had him, went into RAD. 


      August Tempelmann - new first name. 



      Hagener Zeitung, 12.7.1934



      One of the Wolffs, Regierungsrat aD Paul Wolff, died 1945.


      Hagener Zeitung, 3.3.1945




    6. No new info here, but it looks like in the 1930s, people seemed to regionally collect names of HHOX recipients (we had an example here earlier from Halle). Those lists would have been interesting - from Hagen only one is named here, Rektor Franz Wurm (we have him already). 


      Hagener Zeitung, 29.6.1934






      New first name: OTL aD Otto Schmitz, died 1926.


      Hagener Zeitung, 2.8.1926





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