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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. Ah-thank you!

      Now, what did he do to get that medal do you suppose? the picture i have dates from @ late 1938... as it's part of a series of the rgts' officers and some are wearing the Anschluss medal.

      Absolutely no idea. His assignments during that time give no hint:

      Company-Chief in the 19th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1920-01 Oct 1928)

      With the Staff of Command-Office Munich (01 Oct 1928-01 Feb 1931)

      Commander of III. Battalion of the 21st Infantry-Regiment (01 Feb 1931-01 Oct 1933)

      With the Staff of the 21st Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1933-06 Oct 1935)

      Commander of the 20th Infantry-Regiment (06 Oct 1935-01 Jan 1939)

      Commander of Supplemental-Troops XII (01 Jan 1939-01 Sep 1939)

      Commander of the 263rd Infantry-Division (01 Sep 1939-14 Nov 1940)

    2. #15: Josias von Plüskow, Lt 1. GzF, Oberlt 22.3.10 V8v, Hptm 5.9.14 Ww, Unteroffizierschule Esslingen, Major aD

      #17: Weckert, Oberlt 16.6.10 P3p in IR62, Hptm 28.11.14 G14g, KIA 21.8.18 in Sturm-Abteilung 5. Res.-Div.

      #22: Freiherr v. Perfall, Lt 20.12.05 in IR 97, Hptm 18.9.15 F3f, Major aD

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