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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. That is Generalmajor Walther Leuze. Here is his bio from the Generals' bios series. It says he got the Italian Crown order commander, but doesn't mention the Yugoslavian order, maybe that was a confusion:

      Born: 31 May 1891 in Landshut, Bavaria (Bayern)

      Died: 13 Feb 1964 in Ammerland


      F?hnrich (08 Mar 1912); Leutnant (25 Oct 1913); Oberleutnant (17 Jan 1917); Rittmeister (01 Feb 1923); Major (01 May 1933); Oberstleutnant (01 Jan 1936); Oberst (01 Jun 1938); Generalmajor (01 Apr 1942)


      Entered Army Service (18 Jul 1911)

      Fahnenjunker in the 2nd Bavarian Heavy Mounted-Regiment (18 Jul 1911-01 Aug 1914)

      Platoon-Leader in the 2nd Bavarian Heavy Mounted-Regiment (01 Aug 1914-01 Apr 1915)

      Unterf?hrer with the Bavarian Cavalry-Pioneer-Battalion (01 Apr 1915-01 Mar 1917)

      Adjutant of the 2nd Bavarian Heavy Mounted-Regiment (01 Mar 1917-01 May 1919)

      Commandant of the Headquarters of Group-Command 4 (01 May 1919-01 Jun 1920)

      Transferred into the 17th Mounted-Regiment (01 Jun 1920-13 Nov 1922)

      Transferred to the Infantry-School Munich (13 Nov 1922-01 Apr 1924)

      Transferred into the 17th Mounted-Regiment (01 Apr 1924-01 Oct 1924)

      Squadron-Chief in the 8th Mounted-Regiment (01 Oct 1924-01 Oct 1930)

      Location-Elder in Ansbach (01 Oct 1930-01 Apr 1932)

      Location-Elder in Straubing (01 Apr 1932-01 Oct 1933)

      Major with the Staff of the 18th Mounted-Regiment (01 Oct 1933-01 Oct 1934)

      Adjutant of the General with Special Duties in the RKM (01 Oct 1934-01 Oct 1935)

      Commander of the 38th Antitank-Battalion (01 Oct 1935-01 Oct 1936)

      Commander of the 33rd Antitank-Battalion (01 Oct 1936-01 Nov 1938)

      Adjutant of Army-Group-Command 1 (01 Nov 1938-02 Sep 1939)

      Adjutant of Army-Group North (02 Sep 1939-20 Oct 1939)

      Wehrmacht-Commandant of W?rzburg (20 Oct 1939-01 Dec 1939)

      Commander of the 343rd Infantry-Regiment (01 Dec 1939-01 Apr 1941)

      Commander of the 687th Infantry-Regiment (01 Apr 1941-20 Apr 1942)

      F?hrer-Reserve (20 Apr 1942-01 May 1942)

      Wehrmacht-Commandant of Wuppertal (01 May 1942-15 Feb 1943)

      Fortress-Commandant of Le Havre (15 Feb 1943-10 Mar 1944)

      F?hrer-Reserve (10 Mar 1944-15 Apr 1944)

      Briefing as a Field-Commandant in St. Cloud (15 Apr 1944-06 Jun 1944)

      Field-Commandant 517, Rouen (06 Jun 1944-15 Aug 1944)

      Commander of the Rear Army Area of 5th Panzer-Army (15 Aug 1944-25 Aug 1944)

      General with Special Duties with Military-District-Command III (01 Oct 1944-02 May 1945)

      In Captivity (02 May 1945-22 May 1948)

      Released (22 May 1948)

      Awards & Decorations:

      - Deutsches Kreuz in Silber: am 30.10.1943 als Generalmajor und Kommandant von Le Havre

      - 1914 EK I

      - 1914 EK II

      - Kgl. Bayer. Milit?r-Verdienstorden IV. Klasse mit Schwertern

      - Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz

      - Ritterkreuz II. Klasse des Herzogl. Sachsen-Ernestinischen Hausordens mit Schwertern

      - k.u.k. ?sterr. Milit?r-Verdienstkreuz III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration

      - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz

      - Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer

      - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis I. Klasse

      - Spange zum EK I

      - Spange zum EK II

      - Kriegsverdienstkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern

      - Kriegsverdienstkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern

      - Komturkreuz des Kgl. Italien. Orden der Krone

    2. Recently made a trip to the Deutsche Schiffahrtsmuseum in Bremerhaven (Link). A great place, but not much in terms of ribbon bars, except for this one. It was on a Bundesmarine Konteradmiral's tunic, but without identification. Sorry for the bad photo.

      An RK winner of the U-boats, with 12+ years by 1939, who made Konteradmiral after 1945. I think this belonged to Hans-Rudolf Rösing (1905-2004). RK as KorvKap and Chief of the 7th U-boat flotilla in 1940. Kap zS by 1945, retired from the Bundesmarine as Konteradmiral in 1965.


    3. The problem is that these Dr. jur. do not always show up in library catalogs, as they were not always required to have their theses published. Nothing on Werner Kaufmann.

      HOWEVER, I can offer a Dr. jur. Franz Herbert Kaufmann, of Jewish origin, born 1886, Referendar before 1914, murdered in KZ Sachsenhausen 1944. Quite a long story:


      No Breslau connection visible, however.

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