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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. Well, Dybwad went flying in 1929:


      Lieber Dybwad !

      Soeben erhalte ich Ihre Meldung ?ber Ihr Ausscheiden aus dem Regiment. Ich hoffe, da? Sie mit mir der gleichen Ansicht sind, da? dies nur eine durch die Verh?ltnisse bedingte Formsache ist. Da? Sie sich aber .... .... .... zum Regiment geh?rig betrachten, wie wir Sie auch k?nftig zu den Unseren z?hlen. Jedenfalls, wenn Sie einmal in schwieriger Lage sind, oder sonst nicht recht aus u. ein wissen, wie es immer einmal im Leben vorkommen kann, dann kommen Sie zu mir oder schreiben Sie mir. Ich werde stets bestrebt sein, Ihnen zu helfen, so gut es geht. Auch sonst hoffe ich, da? Sie ab und zu einmal von sich h?ren lassen werden.

      F?r Ihre Fliegerzeit w?nsche ich Ihnen Hals u. Beinbruch, frohe Stunden und auch


      Mit herzlichem Gru? Ihr

      Frhr. v. Fritsch


      Maybe he was forced to leave the Reichswehr due to the conditions of Versailles ("die Verh?ltnisse"), because no officer was allowed to fly?


    2. Georg Johannes Friedrich von Eppstein, raised to "Freiherr" in November 1918. An internet search confirms that he was Jewish and that the Nazi party apparently took issue with this late second ennoblement. It seems that he emigrated to the Netherlands after 1933, because he published something there on "Prins Bernhard" in Dutch in 1936. Or maybe it was just printed by a Dutch publisher.

    3. More things are strange here: An XXV and in before 1897, but still - according to the Volkspflege medal - an Oberleutnant/Oberzahlmeister in 1940 - after 43+ years of service? An XXV AND a Treudienst 40?

      The Kreuz des Allgemeinen Ehrenzeichens ribbon must be an error, since that was given only to very old NCOs. And maybe there was a Volkspflege 3rd cl in first place originally.

    4. I think a) it depends and b) maybe it is possible going both ways.

      Relying on print only has a number of disadvantages as well. Most important, you cannot add any new information easily, and you cannot correct mistakes - unless you keep doing new editions. Especially in case you want to add additional information on recipients - as it is coming in and not wait until you have all the stories together.

      I agree that preservation of books by libraries is important, but I think this can be achieved by other mechanisms via the net as well. Information on the internet may vanish temporarily, but it can be copied more easily and brought up again later. Maybe it is possible to do a book with some stories, but an online site as well, which can be updated continously.



    5. Emil did not get the EK1, but he survived WW1. He had however less luck in WW2: Emil Papendick is missing since the flight from East Prussia in 1945.

      The only indication of what regiment Emil was in is this (sadly cut-off) postcard he got from his brother in (apparently) 1916. It is addressed to Lt u. Komp.fh. Emil Papendick in Inf. Regt. ... 451?


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