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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by webr55

    1. Gentlemen,

      I recently got this set of ?political? ribbon bars to the same person, an NSDAP functionary and ex-WW1 fighter (probably as a plain Gefreiter). It?s nice to see the progression:

      Between the first and the second bar, the wearer had realised that Austria now belonged to the Reich, and therefore shifted the Austrian Commemorative to its proper place. Most probably this happened around 1939, so the wearer had already got this NSDAP 10 by them and must have been an old fighter.

      The third, wartime bar adds just a KVK2.

      Also, the bars have three different backings: Green with Sedlatzek tag, dark blue and apparently a grey-ish one (some threads left).

      Any other ideas about these bars?



    2. Officer or enlisted? I don't know enough about the St. Michael to know what grade indicates what.

      Is the plain red ribbon likely to be a White Falcon, or the civil grade of the Luitpold Jubilee?

      What sort of person would have had this sort of a combo?

      Great lapel bow. I would say definitely a civilian, Major-equivalent. Hessian Philipp, probably White Falcon, Ernestiner, Prussian Crown Order. No RAO4.

    3. Gentlemen, here is the latest addition to my collection... a nice W?rttemberg medal bar, maybe someone can help me with the ID of the owner. There are some names left and maybe we can take some more from the list now, or you have new names for me ;) .... the possibilities are:

      Bohle - Berater in Paris

      Bohn - Historien-Maler

      Elrienthausen - Leutnant

      Engelhorn - Buchh?ndler

      Freytag - Major

      Herbort - Oberst

      Hettler - Eisenbahninspektor

      Hummel - Berater

      Kegele - B?rgermeister Cannstadt

      Leins - Lehrer/Professor

      every help is welcome, enjoy the bar.


      Most of these are not in the DOA1908/09...

      except for Karl Engelhorn who would be a perfect match BUT he has got the Karl Olga medal instead of the Jubilee medal, so not him.

      It can't be Herbort and most probably not Freytag -> no LS!

    4. Too bad, he seems to be invisible in the usual ranklists. I don't have the last Bavarian ranklists, however.

      My guess is that besides the EK and BMVO4X, he may have had some unofficial Bavarian dynastic awards, like the Prince Rupprecht medal and Golden Wedding medal 1918. Probably also the various commemorative awards (Austria, Hungary, ...), which already makes quite a long bar.


    5. Would it be possible for a person with so much government service time to have NO other awards?

      It seems that at least some military and Custom's service were performed in the 1933-45 time period?

      There are several possibilities. The most probable one is that he had only a KVK2 and wore it from his buttonhole. He could even have worn several from the buttonhole, like KVK2 and East Front Medal.


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