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    Tim B

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    Everything posted by Tim B

    1. Thanks Demir! Interesting to see that it closely resembles that piece I returned last year. Note how the date and borders styles are the same and the enamel patterns and Mahlas appear somewhat close as well. Tim
    2. Hey JM, Yes, a good example posted. If you look at the top star, you can see the star edges have flat borders, while the second star edges slope completely to the edge of the star. When I look at the styles of stars mounted on various medals awarded by several countries during that time frame, 90% of those stars have the same basic attribute; those flat edges on borders. I'm not sure if it's a French/European thing, as French manufacturers produced a lot of the awards along with the ribbons/attachments, but the style seems pretty consistent. throughout the various countries. On the other hand, the US made stars are of the style without the flattened borders and always have been as far as I know. I assume here, in the case of an American receiving the French CdG, those stars are of the first variety as the award was not US. So, I would personally feel more comfortable with the top buckle/star than I would with the one below it. Maybe I am wrong here and need to see more Portuguese items or have a knowledgeable source come in, but when I see a star like the 2nd one, I automatically question whether someone added it to embellish the ribbon for combattants. Tim
    3. Hi Richard, Good to see you made it home safe! Travel over there looks horrendous. Thanks for posting those additional PIC's. Yes, I think my concerns are going to center on whether or not the enamel on mine is inlaid into the crown and not a separate internal piece. Still waiting of course. Thanks again! Tim
    4. Hi guys, Just showing another example here. I never actually measured my buckle but, it is more of a darkened or blackened bronze with a thin backstrap. Here's a PIC that I posted in the other thread on Victory Medals of the World. Ribbon appears original and is sewn such that the backstrap is concealed. Picked it up from a collector in Portugal. The buckle, in my case, is not pulling on the ribbon at all and the outside edge actually protrudes just beyond the ribbon edge. Unfortunately, this one does not have the small silver star for combattants. I often wondered how many have had stars added overtime and would like to see close-ups of actual legitimate stars for this medal. I know the US continues to make small silver stars (3/16") for ribbons (+ 5 awards) and I have some concerns that some of these examples might actually have these type stars added for embellishment. The US style is different from the original Portuguese style though, I believe. Tim
    5. Yes, I would tend to agree along those lines as well, and it applies to much more than TWM's. As an example, u-boat badges were also manufactured post WWI and there becomes that fine line of what carries more meaning and value if you can actually get an item that was manufactured or awarded during wartime. However, the majority of items actually being found and sold these days are those that were made after the war ended and primarily manufactured for veteran replacements. They are in my eyes, period examples and unlike modern restrikes or fakes outright, not meant to deceive someone or being offered as orignal war time items. I guess it comes down to how much of a purist the individual collector choses to be. I guess I would be more comfortable owning an item made in the 20's or 30's, than one made in the 70's, even if the quality of the later piece was so much better. Regards, Tim
    6. Yes, personally I'd like to see it. Even if it was bad, we can learn by it and I think that is an important part of the forum. Heaven knows, I've posted a few that turn out to be less than expected. Better to have good and bad to compare with IMO. Tim
    7. Yes, I would agree this style is a product of Fisch. Tim :cheers:
    8. Hi Richard, Many thanks for that! I appreciate the extra looks here, as the item will probably not reach me before Christmas unless I get really lucky. Safe travels over there, I see England is getting pounded as well as other places in Europe. Tim
    9. PM's answered. I was sent a PIC sometime back by another Czech collector who is assisting this seller. These Czech Army Abroad Commemorative Medals, which I believe are WWII era, were also being offered and I think by this same seller. I have no idea what prices are and you'll have to ask if interested. Tim
    10. I should mention that both types of Revolutionary Cross are being offered here. Some have the designer's initials and others do not. For more information on this aspect and additional info on the attachments, here's a great link: http://www.medailles1914-1918.fr/tchecoslovaquier.html On to the PM's...
    11. Here's a group in larger format; unfortunately I'm losing PIC quality here. Front:
    12. Most of these enlargements have been cropped a bit, sorry I didn't take the pictures, they are what I have. I do not have enlargements of many of the Revolutionary Cross and have been asked about a few. I'll post some of those that I do have. Again, if you need to see something I don't have close-ups of, just PM me for the seller's information and you can ask him directly. Tim Some more shots that may be of interest:
    13. A little closer; unfortunately they cropped the bottom of the medal but you can see it in the PIC above. I do not have a price on this one but, would guess he would be asking somewhere between US $170. - $180. based on other prices. Again, you may negotiate a better price here. It looks nice!! Tim
    14. Another item requested (circled in yellow). I'll show the only two shots I have.
    15. I need to update the PIC from post #4 as I missed an item already sold, sorry I didn't see this one last night. Figures, uh. Tim
    16. Some more shots of those requested. I'll add information as it applies. I'll also answer those PM's shortly. First, here's the French 3-place bar. The price I was given was US $260. though you may be able to negotiate a better price. Good luck! Tim
    17. Last one for now. Again, if you need to see something in those group shots, you can try to copy the PIC and enlarge them, or ask and I will try to post some individual shots if I have them. Just let me know what row and # left or # right. Tim :cheers:
    18. I'll add a couple of larger PIC's showing some other items that aren't in the group photos. I think you get the idea.
    19. You'll have to ask exactly what this is; the man is wearing the same items in the photo, but I have no idea if this is a complete original group here. I didn't ask. Tim
    20. He has some groups available, though these two medal bars were the only bars I have PIC's of. Bottom group is sold.
    21. As I didn't want to take a previous thread on Czech Awards any further off-track, I decided to start a separate thread showing items that are available from a long-time collector in the Czech Republic that is now selling off his collection. The seller is very nice and easy to work with and you can send payment via several methods. Without listing his personal information openly here on the forum, I will ask those that are possibly interested in any of the items shown, simply contact me via PM and I can provide the necessary contact information for you to contact him directly. He has already given me permission to give out his email address to anyone interested. I do want to note, that I am not in any way involved in his sales here and am only providing this information and contact as a way of saying thanks to those that have helped answer my questions over the last couple of years. What deals you work out with the seller is strictly between you and the seller. I might be able to provide you a rough estimate on prices, but depending on what you want and how much you buy, you can always work out your own deals. I think this is a great opportunity for those interested in Czech awards to acquire some rather rare and difficult items not often seen. Perhaps we, as collectors, can start sharing these types of contact between us in the interests of building our own respective collections. Anyway, I'll start by showing some large group shots. The site limitations will limit PIC size and quality, but I can show most items in a bit larger format if anyone sees something of interest (just ask and I'll post what you need to see) and the seller will always provide additional PIC's on request. Good luck!! Oh, the items with the red "X" are already sold. Tim First up: Czech War Cross
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