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    Everything posted by Hinrik

    1. Nice uniform Dan, Do you have more KM stuff? Regards Hinrik
    2. Guys, Its been a while since I posted the thread on this. I finally got the photos and have posted them here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5810 Regards Hinrik
    3. Joe, What do you think about these "Auer" Tauchretter goggles? Do they look original and correct to you? If not correct, then I need a pair, and I also need the oxy bottle and Co2 scrubber, if you can help me find it. Regards Hinrik
    4. Hello again Keith, Can you give me a better date? I will send the picture to an Icelandic Warship historian friend of mine. He might know. Regards Hinrik
    5. This EKI case is one of the nicest condition once I have ever seen. My friend who took these photos told me they are in top condition. Looks like the old man looked well after his medals. I think maybe I should lightly clean the painted Iron portion of the crosses, with low ph oil. Bad idea?
    6. Finally, some photos of Double Agents, Ib Riis Iron Crosses. I am away working, but my friend went to my house to take photos of them. The EKII is maker marked on the ring. Dont know what LDO number. EKII:
    7. Tauchretter fans, Just got a reply from Mr. Paul Mengelberg (U-5 / U-26 / U-39) He says the following about the device: "Hello Hinrik, a long time ago I used to wear one of those "Tauchretters" while in training at the U-Schule in Neustadt-Holstein. Ours was a bit different,?as I recall there was a flexible breathing tube on top with a special mouth peace and a nose clip to squeese the?nostrils while under water. On the bottom in front and inside of the Dreager Lung was a small oxigen bottle which was used? #1 to breath under?water and #2 to blow up the Dreager-Lung once one had breaken surface. A small shut-off valve was installed at the mouth peace. In this manner the person would floate more or less on his back reather floating in a standi upright?position. The Dreager-Lung had in addition a Potash-Cartridge for breathing, to conserve air within the Sub while pinned down for up to 72 hours or perhaps more. However the little spring you point out is a mistery to me. I used the Dreager-Lung at U-School and when we sunk our Boat,?it prooved to be an excellent floating divise. Sorry Hinrik, but some items are hard to remember after how much about? 65?years or more I am sorry that I can help more, but you are always welcome to ask" Sorry Joe...little clip still a mystery. Anyone else know what its for? Regards Hinrik
    8. Joe, You can use photos of mine if you want. Can you please send me a pm with a working e-mail address? I tried to e-mail you on your sites listed address, but was having trouble. I noticed on your site that you did not know what the little strap with clip on bottom was used for? I sent a photo to a surving U-boat crew member ask him. Regards Hinrik
    9. Grotten, Thanks for then info. I am looking at Joe?s site now. Nice U-boat items you have there. did you post photos of your collection else on this site? Regards Hinrik
    10. Monsun, Do you have any wartimne photos that show the word "Tauchretter" on the front? I have a nice tauchretter in my collection, but there seams to be a question if its post war due to the style of "a" in the letter writing. Here is a photo of mine: Micheal, still waiting to hear from you.
    11. Wow...absolutely..beautiful..set! Do..you..photo..off..the..standard.."Tauchretter"..markins? Hinrik
    12. That looks like a nice original WKC 2nd Model Navy dagger. Can you post a better photo of the makers mark? It should be stamped (which it looks like to be) and not acid etched. Did you only want to know if it was original? Regards Hinrik
    13. Blade angle pitch angle scale on side of blades. What I am not sure, looking at the parts, if this prop was fixed to sertain blade pitch, or if the blades could be turned during "possible torpedo travel" Seams the end cap was fixed with 4 screws and could not move to change the blade angle. but still there is an apperent "axle" with cross section that goes throught the propeller to the cap. Any ideas / war time photos would be greatful Hinrik
    14. Hi guys, I need your help on this one. What do you think this propeller came from? Clearly has German WWII Ordnance 3 letter manufacturing code. To me it looks like an ocean going variable pitch propeller, possibly from an automatice guidance system? Any help would be cool. Could this be from an acoustic seeking Torpedo like the FAT, or some advanced system? Regards Hinrik
    15. doing a google.com search...I was unable to find any photos of an original 8,8cm (88mm) U-boat shell. Here you guys have a nice one!
    16. Still has a white "U" paint stencile on side.
    17. I finally found the right 8,8cm case to "marry" to the shell has been found! Look at the nice condition!
    18. Simon, Any chance you could get me in touch with this Tirpitz guy? Thanks for comments Hinrik
    19. As an update, my Dutch Ordnance collector friend that got me all of the above mentioned U-boat rounds has found me an excellent condition 8,8cm shell casing to "marry" to the projectile. Will post photos once I have them. This means I know have a full family of WWII German U-boat Ordnance. Regards Hinrik
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