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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. Russian film director Aleksandr Sokurov was awarded with 4th class of rising sun order in December 2011. The reason – his film "The Sun". “The Sun” was the third film in Sokurov's tetralogy. The first two films were about Adolf Hitler (“Moloch”) and Vladimir Lenin (“Telets” or “Tarus”) and the last one (which just came out) is “Faust”.
    2. Director emeritus of RIKEN BNL Research Center T. D. Lee was awarded with 2nd class of rising sun order in 2007.
    3. Colorado State Professor Emeritus Anthony Tu was awarded with 3rd class of rising sun order in 2009. He’s expertise about a deadly nerve gas helped the Japanese identify and catch suspects in the sarin gas attacks in the 1990s. Japanese officials used Tu's assistance to analyze the sarin and its byproducts to identify the manufacturing facility where the religious sect Aum Shinrikyo produced 70 tons of the deadly nerve gas. Tu’s knowledge of chemicals produced from the degradation of sarin in soils was instrumental in linking Aum Shinrikyo definitively with the manufacture and use of sarin, evidence that helped convict the sect's leader, Shoko Asahara, who was later sentenced to be hanged. In 2002 he even wrote a book about his experience titled “Chemical Terrorism: Horrors in Tokyo Subway and Matsumoto City.”
    4. This thread will be a continuation of this one http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/51191-order-of-rising-sun-vintage-2003/
    5. 11th Army "for service in China" badge
    6. The badge dimensions are 33mm×33mm. Reverse of this badge (sorry – no photo available) inscribed DAI JUUICHI GUN (11th Army). Very interesting is that this badge has two types of attachments. Soldier could sew it to his uniform or wear it by means of traditional pin. Which is by the way very traditional for the badges of 11th Army. Here comes another badge for soldiers of this Army with same type of attachment.
    7. 11th Army wound badge This one is very interesting badge. It was issued for soldiers of 11th army that were wounded while serving in China. The Japanese 11th Army was formed on July 4, 1938 for the task of conquering and occupying the central provinces of China between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The 11th Army played a major role in the Battle of Wuhan. From September 1939, it came under the newly formed China Expeditionary Army and was transferred to the control of the Japanese Sixth Area Army in September 1944. It was disbanded at Quanzhou County (Guilin) in Guangxi province at the surrender of Japan August 15, 1945.
    8. I think this will create a perfect round-trip deal I don`t think that authentic one would make it to the auction There will no problems with demand... Regards mate Nick
    9. Here is something interesting ... Red cross emblem in the central blue tablet (unfortunately no photo of reverse). Have a poroblem with this one (identification).
    10. And extra special add on. I belive this photo-portrait was made during the visit.
    11. But the most interesting thing is that the last one in this inspecting column wears Chrysanthemum order (you can see even the badge - the strangest thing is that ribbon colors look like they belong to the order of rising sun with paulonia leaves, but I think this is because of black and white decolorization or this is indeed RS with paulonia leaves) together with Star of order of Bath. I wonder who he was (he is definitely not Japanese (the cap is way too tall) or private 1st class) and where (and what for) he got this beauty ;)
    12. Sweet price for 100+ "diamonds of varying sizes" To say nothing about 40 emeralds!
    13. Yep, you are certainly right about the 3rd class kite. + 1st class sacred treasure breast star (far right and lower one) breast star of the chrysanthemum order or rising sun with paulonia leaves order (next one counting from left to right) First medal in the medal bar is "25th wedding anniversary" and the last one (naturally ) red cross.
    14. Very nice Gavin! Thanks for posting. I have somewhere another photo that was made from another angle. I'll try to post it in a couple of days Cheers, Nick
    15. As expected When Gritzner wrote about this analogy (lion and sun - legion) what he meant was the general idea behind the system and not that these orders were exact equivalents of each other. Crosses ... Classes... That's a good one! And of course Gritzner knew about medals. He mentioned four different types of medals in his text. One should really try to read it. As for "statutes indicate" - statute of 1872 and Gritzner wrote his book in 1893. As for "the phonographic evidence..." - indeed they are out there. In black and white. With unidentifiable lions (standing/lion). As for colored pictures - here is a nice example that was recommended to me ones http://www.parstimes.com/images/amir_kabir_stamp.gif. I wonder in what statute we could find the description of this ribbon color... But no doubt photographs with multicolored ribbons are out there.
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