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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. Yep, I agree - it seems that all "early" lions are looking to the right. Thanks for posting these beauties! Regards, Nick
    2. Happy you like it mate! I think "die übrigen Perser" (this "fraktur" could be tricky ) stands for "other Persians". Cheers, Nick
    3. The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour by Sir Bernard Burke was published in 1858 in London. This book contain very little information about Persian Orders (no wonder!), but I hope will be interesting to all our colleagues as historical artifact.
    4. Another interesting thing – Mr. Mulder in his interesting book devoted to the Quajar Dynasty Orders (Mulder, C. P. (1990) PERSIAN ORDERS 1808-1925: The Orders of the Quajar Dynasty (Persiske Ordner 1808-1925), Ordenshistorisk Selskab: Copenhagen – Denmark) was skeptical about whole section of Gritzner article devoted to this order. In particular he wrote (p.17) “Gritzner also mentions an order for arts and sciences in four classes, but as one (fig. 400) has the military type of Lion and Sun and others (no. 401-402) are exactly like grades of the Lion and Sun, it is doubtful whether this was a separate order”. Today we know that Gritzner was right about this “separate order”. Cheers, Nick
    5. Please note this interesting phrase (p. 334) related to the ribbon color of Art&Science order.
    6. In this thread old source on Persian orders will be re-introduced. I am talking about Handbuch der Ritter- und Verdienst-Orden by Maximilian Gritzner that was published in Leipzig back in 1893. Although a little dated, it is still interesting (and still referenced to) and contains some nice engravings of Persians orders. Here it is.
    7. Exactly as described... Thanks for the tip Gavin. Regards, Nick
    8. It was actually a compliment But you are sure right - one always should be on alert with these ex's and especially with ante's Cheers, Nick
    9. A little add on Gents. Even if Japan Mint indeed made these replacement ribbons and attachment accessories, then the only way to replace holding ring for the neck ribbon (without cutting it) will be to send the order to the Mint. These holding rings for 3rd class badges... They are blind... As for the replacement ribbons (with clasp) for manchu orders - they are out there, but pretty rare, usually wraped in filigree and packed in rectangular boxes of light yellow color. Best regards, Nick P.S. Nice drawers you have Richard! :lol:
    10. Indeed they weren't, so what is our period for later ones? I agree, they are generally more tiger-like with actual tiger body and face (not some stage-looking "later" mutants ) and I think detailed contrast grass is another very stable feature of such "early" tigers. Cheers, Nick
    11. I can`t find this catalogue for some time... Bummer. Looking good... Hardcover... Chalk overlay paper... :)
    12. It would be really great to make acquaintance with this predator Later... You mean "after 1929" tigers? Numbered ones?
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