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    Mervyn Mitton

    Honorary Member
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    Everything posted by Mervyn Mitton

    1. Rhodesia during the period of UDI (Universal Declaration of Independence) lasted for a very short period of time - to be exact 1965 to 1980. However, Rhodesia itself was formed during the 1890's. The armed forces had a variety of uniforms and I came across in a tube, this series of uniforms for different parts of the Forces. They are drawings and the artist was obviously selling the set. His initials are AJB 75 - should anyone be able to identify him - please post details. There are three sections - Band , Infantry and Officers. I will show the drawing and repeat the date underneath each one for clarity. Apart from interest, I thought they would be good to help with research. BAND http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-63340700-1401098386.jpgclick 1943
    2. Thanks Mickey - that's good information - nice to know exactly which model. Are you a collector ? We will always welcome posts on your collection . Mervyn
    3. Melissa - I must apologise that your post was not answered. May I welcome you to GMIC. Will any member who does research see if they are able to help on these two historical family members ? Mervyn
    4. Excellent - I enjoyed reading that history - I doubt if too many people would even know of it happening. The medals with attribution to Aden must be fairly rare - I would be interested to hear Paul Wood's valuation on them ? Mervyn
    5. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-24648700-1400940540.jpgclick
    6. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-78497600-1400940432.jpgclick
    7. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-63102300-1400939921.jpgclick I don't think we would need to warn anyone that this is not a genuine medal. It is in fact a memento made to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of the Boer War in 1899. They have had the unusual idea of combining the Queen's South Africa Medal with the King's South African Medal. (QSA & KSA). The wording shows clearly it's purpose and I will show the other side + a close-up of the wording. Even the two ribbons are shown combined. Mervyn
    8. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-26839900-1400938947.jpgclick This is a Katana - it has Kai Gunto mounts. Dates to the 16th or, early 17th Century. Sold for 2,000 pounds. (US$ 3200) POSTS WILL CONTINUE IN TWO WEEKS AFTER I CAN GET PHOTOS TAKEN.
    9. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-41648700-1400938521.jpgclick This is a Kasuri Gama , in English - a sickle and chain. 18th Century. A fearsome weapon. Sold for 1875 Pounds (US$approx.2800)
    10. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-55955400-1400938092.jpgclick These are a pair of military stirrups. According to the catalogue they are - Lacquered Iron Abumi. 17th Century. They sold for 1,000pounds (US$1600)
    11. The top Japanese auctions in the World are held by Bonhams in London. Their first for this year was held on the 16th. of May. I had a large Koros on sale and they were kind enough to send a copy of the catalogue - many of the pieces were quite breathtaking in their beauty and workmanship. The section on arms and armour was spectacular and I will be posting a number of pieces here for both future reference by members - and also to show the workmanship. This first item is a - Uchidashi Iron Kabuto Helmet by Myochin Muneshige. It is dated for 1683. 311 years of age - wonderful condition - and the price reflected this - 25,000 pounds ! (US$40,000) http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-38864200-1400937961.jpgclick
    12. Looking down towards Rorkes Drift. The small hill -or,hump in the middle is the Oscarberg - from where the Zulus with captured Martini Henry riifles from Isandlwana , fired down on the beseiged 24th Hospital. These drawing were made by Lt. Crealock , who drew them immediately after the Battles - at which he was present. The originals are almost impossible to find - however, they were reprinted in 1969 in Natal. These have also gone out of print and are very difficult to find - I have a copy and will have it photographed to post. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-26055800-1400840651.jpgclick
    13. This is the rock in the Buffalo River - at the crossing where Lieutenants Coghill and Melville lost the two colours when trying to cross. They clung to the rock from exhaustion and when they managed to finish the crossing they were both killed by a party of Zulus. Their bodies were found at a later date and just above the spot where they were killed is a joint grave. Both were awarded the VC - the first Posthumous awards allowed by Queen Victoria. The Queen''s Colour was later found on the banks lower down the river - - however, no trace has ever been found of the Regimental Ensign for the 24th. Regiment. Probably found and hidden in a Zulu Kraal. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-88298600-1400839826.jpgclick
    14. The following are three drawings completed soon after the Anglo-Zulu war had finished. They show areas of countryside where events had happened. They are interesting in that they show the terrain without people in the way. This first one is where the French Prince Imperial was killed. I will be doing an article on this in the near future. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-00927100-1400839276.jpgclick
    15. Hi - Ian. Hopefully one of our specialist collectors will be able to help you.
    16. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-49361300-1400756416.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-00280400-1400756542.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-59428900-1400756651.jpgclick
    17. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-05380800-1400756146.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-23530700-1400756267.jpgclick
    18. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-59180900-1400755725.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-07280400-1400755832.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-31151600-1400756003.jpgclick
    19. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-25431600-1400755325.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-60981300-1400755447.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-84919000-1400755586.jpgclick
    20. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-37635000-1400754924.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-50339700-1400755055.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-14585900-1400755156.jpgclick
    21. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-39789800-1400754637.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-74230000-1400754764.jpgclick
    22. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-58936800-1400753732.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-37370200-1400753859.jpgclick http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-6209-0-18302400-1400754008.jpgclick
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