Jurgen Fritz
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P.S. I think now it's Skandinavian? I see under the "Langet" thats the( "Ear's" on both Sides of the Guard going over the Scabbard when sheathed)a Marking?? Look ad that Please? Not sure what it's worth..maybe £ 200 - 400 depends how rare the Sabre is?Needs an Expert to decide.. Best Jurgen (Germanski)
Hi Gents ..,on German Sabres (Saebel) there was Inspector Marks (Number under Crown and also Imperial Cyfer like "W" (Wilhelm I/II) under a Crown ect. on the "Ricasso" that's the upper Part of the Blade near the Guard & Maker Marks ,as "Solingen":"& the small of the Back, also Weapon & Unit (Regiment) Number on the Scabbard Top & small Cifer on the "Schlepper" the Iron what drags on the Ground (only Officers where allowed to let the Sabre "schlepp"..(not sure now the down bend nice ornated Guard looks Skandinavien (Danish??)sorry I got no Photo but surly Markings can be viewed on Sides like (British Blades?) dealing with Sabres & there Types?Hope this helps? Best Regards Germanski
Russian (Police?) Tulup Bekesha
Jurgen Fritz replied to Jurgen Fritz's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Thank You for friendly Interest! I seen this Coat with different Buttons (gilded Alu with Hammer & Circle?)The Army had cream/white Color? Regards Jurgen -
Hello Gents, I purchased a Russian (perhaps Police?) Bekeshe very warm Sheepskin Coat got for a good Prize £50 plus 28 Post since heavy from Kasakhstan (took 3 Weeks not bad since Russian Winter Holiday was on) I researched,they are worn in Russian Army's for 400 Years! Introduced after Hungarian General,Caspar Bekesh.since the Name any more INFO very appreciated! Best Regards Jurgen
Hello Gents,Greetings I got this Pair of "German? foldable Iron Boot Pulls / Stiefel anzieher"(cleaned up) I think they could be 1 WW or before..any Idea when they are first used in 1800s? similar ones are still sold for Riders today originally "Chromium plated" Any Friendly Answer very appreciated! Regards Jurgen PS.: I remember my Grandmother had a "foldable" Iron Corkscrew the Joints where the same and I think this was from End 1800-1900? Best Jurgen
Hello Gents,Greetings I got this Imperial Russian belt Buckle with Cyrillic Marking (translate:"B.Sh.D" Brothers Brunner,hugo Schneider Rudolf Ditmar ,many Factory's ad the Time so in Vienna,Maker of Petrol lamps & Metal/Aluminium Products.(There where also Imperial Russian Army Cantines /Messtins with there Mark found)I researched that they had in that Time a Factory in Warsaw (then Imperial Russian)1879-1914? I wonder if my Buckle was made there,or in St.Petersburg (using there stamping Mashine?) since that by outbreak of 1WW Mashinerie was moved away to Russia (St.Petersburg? here some pictures how the Belt was assembled (differend Fasteners) and the Cyrillic Marking on the Fastener. The Buckle has a Chokolade brown Patina most (ground dug) Buckles show missing or bent Fastener ,a week construction (pulled by heavy Equipment? (I Guess my is made from Bronze or Copper?)Any more friendly INFO very appreciated! Best Regards Jurgen
Thanks Paul, very interesting Regards Jurgen
Hallo Berhard,many Thanks for Your message,I see You Yourself served fife Years in Indochine,I had a german Friend at DBP and he told me some of this terrible Siege,from Your Name I assume You are German?-If You like You can contact me private on my E-Mail; address:juergenfritz1@hotmail.co.uk?I thought about Vandenbergh -the had a similar Beretbadge with Ancre&Tiger maybe the Tigre a favoured Symbol with the VietnameseBest RegardsJurgen
Hello Berhard, Thanks for quick Answer-I really like to see a Badge in good Condition or a Picture of it-? (There are traces of red&green Enamel.)Was this the Commando Vandenbergh-"Black Tigers"? Apart from some personel Value-what maybe is it worth?Its still an interesting Item I think.. Thanks for interest &Regards Jurgen
:rolleyes: Hello Gentleman, Have someone any INFO on this Badge? on Top the Ancor has 6.BMEO-6.Btl?Brigade Marine Etreme Orient? (Just to read) on back made by Drago Paris 43.Rue Olivier Metra I guess its a Commando Badge of the "Tigre Noir"? For any friendly Help very Thanksfull Best Regards Jurgen
Hello Gents,r here an Update,I found that "Coupe-Coupe's" are sold from a french Surplus Shop-(40EURO) "La Tranchee Militaire"-unused&unmarked but says from french Army,- Indochine/Algerie-wars?! -so mine could be from that Period (some have Inkstamps FRANCE?) that could be rubbed off?-and marked by an US Dealer "SPERRY"?-Another Update found by a Friend:The around since 1898 (Issued to the french infanterie) after an "ANNAMITE" Pattern-(Indochine)-not "AFRICAIN" (The Colonial Tireilleurs were issued with them)-I thought so befor the Style is more like the asian GOLOK and shall also be used in China-I tried to put Attachements on-but to big? Best Regards&Thanks for Your Interest Jurgen
Good Morning Gentlemen, I just read that in the 1970s in USA "Surplus"(french Army) Coupe-Coupes were sold in Stores for US$3.-! not so popular weighing heavy..maybe mine comes from there (I bought it in USA) and maybe market there with "SPERRY" by a Dealer with his name? Is becoming now more interesting and not so often to see.. some Knifeenthusiasts changed the Handle with other Materials(Micarta?) ect &rivet on..saw a Picture and found out how usefull this heavy Blade really is! For any more friendly answers very thankfull:D
Thanks Chris,for the last two Messages, Now You mentioned "Jerry Cans",Yes we had them also marked 2WW.. Now I'am retired for a While I got all Time doing my Researches-keeps me "mental active" I guess Interesting You had a Coupe Coupe in Your Servicetime(even more interesting in Africa) Yes the Quality now,many made from Stainless Steel against rust- easier breakcable?-( I think the old Carbonblades are better and easier to sharpen?)-but the not that thick and have not the "Cloud"like the old ones,i guess?The "FFL" has now the "Sabatiere"(makes also Cutlery in France) machette since 1958 I heard,longer&Curved and Thinner very similar wooden handle..The british Army used also the Martindale?"GOLOK" Type actuell very similar in shape to the Coupe-Coupe"?Many sayed:The Coupe-Coupe comes in this Style from Africa,proberly right-indeed the Form is similar to the "East -asian originatet"- GOLOK? There is a Internet-Side Worth-Point-have lots of supposed french Coupe-Coupes You can see some marked some not..ebay has them sometimes-but all sell from the States?? Some Blades marked just FRANCE.. One is Pictured like mine with 3 Rivet in Inforcement of the Scabbard,desribed as:WW1 to Vietnam french Machette of the Foreign Legion,minor pitting and cracking of the Scabbard (surprisingly in Djungleclimat survived!) one Rivet missing-actuell on mine was a Rivet missing (I replaced that) no markings on Machette or Scabbard- how the know?? Never mind-all the Best Regards Juergen
Hello Chris,Yes thats interesting,I guess in Traditonal Armys like the British and French this are the Case, I was in the early 60s an "Panzer-Grenadier"NCO in the new West-german Army- (also served on US M41 Light Walker Bulldog Tank)indeed we lost nearly all our Tradition(and Typical Steelhelmets unsurprisingly)-so most Equipment was first from the USA some British..after it prooved that the US Browning light mashine Guns was to kumbersome for Infanterie use-we got the original german Wartime MG 42 back "Stamps with WaA Eagle" on all Parts-but soon replaced by new made ones from "Rheinmetall"without "third Reich Stamps"..thats the only Weapon or Equipment I remember what was possible stored and Issued again after IIWW -apart from some Carbine 98 by the "Wachbattailon" Honorguard in Bonn.. Also interesting: that the "Coupe-Coupe" was maybe befor 1914 issued to french Colonial Troops since 1889 or even befor?The Germans had a "Fashinemesser" and the most "unpopular" Butcher-knife Bayonet with serratet Edge-some were grinded out after french Protests and Threads! I found also that Machettes are today in great Demand in Africa 100.000s exportet from China! Indeed not the "Coupe-Coup" Type-it's the "PANGA" with more lenghs and curved Blade..Thanks again ,and maybe get some more interesting Views-even some Photographic evidence on Coupe-Coupe? Bst Regards Yours Juergen:D
Good Morning Chris, Thanks again for Your Interest and Help.. on this interesting Topic "Coupe-Coupe"..I got an "Update" just heard from an Collector of french Militaria,In his Opinion it could be French after all.. He says he has seen english names on leather Equipments that were made in France??he mentioned Charles Sutter who helped "Chauchat with the CSRG"(light mashine Gun?) and he was french.. He says further:The Blade looks legitimate as an Original to him,and french Equipment even from the IWW were used in Indochine 1950s? It's a very french Military Custom to issue old Equipment again later on?-The Mysterie continues..If I heare more I will update my Topic Best Regards Juergen
:D Here comes the Picture of an old Coupe-Coupe with"3 Rivets" like mine,hold inside a brass Bladeprotector so not to damage the Scabbard with the sharpend Blade? Maybe could indicate mine is from that Period? postet by an Ex-french Army (Indochine?)Soldier -maybe that helps-all IWW Scabbards I seen are without this..only 1 Button bst Juergen
Hello again Chris --yes it's difficult - I really have to think about this..someone mentioned "SPERRY Corporation USA" the made some Bombsights and military Equipment for (Vietnam?) war..Tough the US Army had there own Machettes(Canvas Scabbards).(until the prefared to have also this Type) I see also Your Point:made french Blade assembled by a Retailer-could be all over the World or former french Colonies?-What really get's me the total Likeness to Original made french Coupe-Coupes? I'am also not shure whenn the stopped making them,I discovered that the French foreighn Legion since 1958 has a longer machette in use (Guayana) Handle very similar Wood rivetet- Leather Scabbard-indeed- Leather.. I have also seen a french one similar to mine with an Canvas Sheet..another Point is the age:"What do You Think,how old (judging from my Pictures) could my machette been..looking at the Leather Patina (some light "scruff marks" inside signal maybe was used on a Belt) I can only guess maybe 50 Years?I have only seen another Picture of an Example (very worn) with the Rivetet Bladeprotector in the Scabbard I will find the Picture..all IWW Items have not this-only the Button fastener.Maybe some Gentleman can help..Mamny Thanks again Best Juergen:rolleyes:
:rolleyes: Hello Chris- Many Thanks for Your friendly answer-Yes I agree it's made for use as a Tool,and used as Machette in Pathclearing ect.. There is still the Problem who was the Maker SPERRY (USA maybe?) and how old it is-I like to found out.. Yes I had a "heatet Discussion" on British Blades and dicided no more to contact them-It went very personal from there Side and I don't like there "ungentlemanly insulting ways".. I know about the old marked french Blades and mine has no Blademarks It could still be ones made for colonial or Civil Purpose Best Regards Juergen
P.S. and Scabbard SPERRY mark on Front (please see "old Patina?" my guess could be 1950s? Regards Juergen:rolleyes:
:rolleyes: Hello Gents, here some Pictures of the Scabbard:"Coupe-Coupe" The Maker?SPERRY tosee on the Beltloop? Many Thanks for watching Regards Juergen