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    Everything posted by Thierry

    1. Bonjour, I know the Saxe Ernestine Komturkreuz 2. kl mit Schwertern am Ring (mod 35), I don't know the Grosskreuz (Mod 35). Crdl Thierry
    2. Bonjour, Can you identify decorations in the two white rounds ? It seems possible to me that is Sachsen-Meiningen Ernestinischer Hausorden Grosskreuz. Crdl Thierry
    3. Bonjour, Help me for identification awards. Neck : Commandeur du Ouissam Alaouite, Commandeur de la L?gion d?Honneur (4 avril 1944). Button : EK-II, KVK-II mit Schwertern (janvier 1944). Medalbar : Croix de Guerre 1914-1918 avec palme et 6 ?toiles, Croix de Guerre TOE avec palme et 2 ?toiles, Croix de Guerre L?gionnaire avec palme, Croix du Combattant Volontaire de 1914-1918, ???,Croix du Combattant, M?daille Interalli?e de la Victoire, M?daille Comm?morative 1914-1918, M?daille Coloniale (Maroc 1926, Tonkin?, ???) Ordre du M?rite Social, Chevalier ? Palmes Acad?miques, Chevalier ? M?daille des Bless?s avec 4 ?toiles, Ordre du Dragon d?Annam, Chevalier ? also awards : Commandeur de l?Etoile Noire du B?nin, EK-I, Crdl Thierry
    4. Bonjour, Do you identification medals on red circle. Thanks Thierry
    5. Bonjour, Do you identification on Neurath ribbonbar - EK II 1914, - Wurttembergische Ritterkreuz des Milit?rverdienstorden, - W?rttembergische Friedrich Ordens 1. kl mit Schwertern, - Wurttembergische Wilhelmskreuz ohne Schwertern, - ???, - Ehrenkreuz des Weltkrieges 1914-1918 mit Schwertern, - Goldenes Treuedienstabzeichen f?r 40 jahr, - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13 M?rz 1938, - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1 Oktober 1938 mit Spange ?Prager Burg?, - ???, - ???, - ???, - ???. Thanks Thierry
    6. Bonjour, Research complete list on Major General Smedley D. BUTLER, USMC. I know : - Medal of Honor, - Medal of Honor, - Brevet Medal (Marine Corps), - Navy Distinguished Service Medal, - Army Distinguished Service Medal, - Spanish Campaign Medal, 1898, - Philippine Campaign Medal, 1899-1907, - Philippine Congressional Medal, 1898-1902, - China Campaign Medal, 1900-01, - Nicaraguan Campaign Medal, 1912, - Mexican Service 1911-18, - Haitian Campaign Medal 1915, - WW I Victory Medal 1917-18, - Yangtze River Service 1926-27, - Order of the L?gion d'Honneur - Chevalier (France) ??? Thanks for Info Crdl thierry
    7. Bonjour, Thanks for pics and infos. How was it carried (left or right) ?
    8. Bonjour, A Gendarmerie Alpinist Abzeichen. Thierry
    9. Bonjour, (Sorry for my english) It seemed to me that the rank high of the Legion of merit didn't award with American's soldiers, and yet there are exeptions... General Lemnitzer : - Army DSM (with three oak leaf clusters), - Navy DSM, - Air Force DSM, - Silver Star Medal, - Legion of Merit (Officer) and (Legionnaire) degrees, - American Defense Service Medal, - European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal (with two campaign stars), - American Campaign Medal, - WWII Victory Medal, - Army of Occupation Medal, - National Defense Service Medal, - Korean Service Medal (with two service stars), - British Order of the British Empire - French Legion d'Honneur (Grand Cross), - French M?daille militaire, - French Croix de guerre, - Italian Order Crown of Italy (Grand Cross), - Italian Order of Savoy, - United Nations Service Medal, - Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, - ETC... And Presidential Medal of Freedom (June 23, 1987). Thierry
    10. Bonjour, Thanks for info David Crdl Thierry
    11. Bonjour, Which are the conditions to obtain these badges, as well as the higher levels ? Cordialement Thierry
    12. Bonjour, Please translate awards list ? Георгиевский крест Орден Красного Знамени - 3 шт. Маршальская звезда Орден Ленина - 6 шт. "Золотая Звезда" Героя Советского Союза - 4 шт. Медаль "XX лет РККА" Орден Суворова I ст.- 2 шт. Медаль "За оборону Москвы" Медаль "За оборону Ленинграда" Медаль "За оборону Сталинграда" Медаль "За оборону Кавказа" Орден "Победа" - 2 шт. Медаль "За освобождение Варшавы" Медаль "За взятие Берлина" Медаль "За победу над Германией в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг." Медаль ""В память 800-летия Москвы" Медаль "XXX лет Советской Армии и Флота" Медаль "40 лет Советской Армии и Флота" Медаль "50 лет ВС СССР" Медаль "В память 250 -летия Ленинграда" Медаль "XX лет Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг" Орден Октябрьской Революции Орден Тувинской Народной Республики Красного Знамени Орден Бани I ст. Щит Монтгомери Медаль "25 лет Болгарской Народной армии" Медаль "К 90-летию со дня рождения Георгия Димитрова" Партизанская медаль Гарибальди (Италия) Медаль "Китайско-советской дружбы" "Звезда" Героя МНР Орден Сухэ-Батора- 3 шт. Орден Боевого Красного Знамени МНР - 2 шт. Медаль МНР в память боев на Халкин-Голе Медаль "50 лет Монгольской Народной Республики" Медаль "50 лет Монгольской Народной армии" Медаль МНР "30-летие победы на Халкин-Голе" Орден "Polonia Restituta", Польша, II и III ст. Орден "Виртути милитари" I ст., Польша Медаль "За Варшаву 1939-1945 гг." Польша Медаль "За Одер, Нису и Балтику", Польша Орден Почета степени Главнокомандующего, США Орден Почетного легиона - 2 высш. ст., Франция Военный крест, Франция Орден Белого льва I ст., ЧССР Орден "За победу" I ст. ЧССР Военный крест, ЧССР Орден "Свобода", Югославия Crdl Thierry
    13. Thierry

      Medal Group

      Merci pour ces analyses. Je sais maintenant quoi penser de cet ensemble. Thanks for these analyses. I can now what think of this unit. Cordialement Thierry
    14. Thierry

      Medal Group

      Ribbons of the colonial medal, comm?mo 39-45, and Dardanelle were changed but missing for the 2 first or bad condition for the last. I replaced the clasps on the corresponding medals, I does not know if the order is correct. The person at which I found these medals, couldn't inform me about her origins (it renovated an old body of farm near of Puy in Velay). I made research with various associations of ex-serviceman, to know if the unit could be true or to be an assembly. It could not inform me, for some the unit would have belonged to an aviator, others with a l?gionary.
    15. Thierry

      Medal Group

    16. Thierry

      Medal Group

    17. Thierry

      Medal Group

    18. Thierry

      Medal Group

      Other pics.
    19. Here a Unit including 27 medals of a veteran of the WWI, WW2 and Wars Colonial. Recovered in an attic at the time of a removal, I do not know the history of the person has who they belong. I replaced some ribbons which were damage. Sorry for my English. Thierry
    20. ... Missing Medal...
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