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    Everything posted by Craig

    1. Just a thought but could it have been issued to a Political member of the Volksstrum ( German Home Guard ). And is in Grey for a Camoflague reason.
    2. Not really Historical but what the hey... Ozzy Osbourne was on a massive bender in Texas so his wife hid his clothes to stop him going out on the piss. Usuing his great intelligence he put on one of her dresses and out he goes. After several hours of debauchery Ozzy needs to relieve himself so he sees what he thinks is a derelict building up goes the skirt and a great sigh is given. It is now that he is aware of Texas finest pointing guns at him and that he is pissing on the Alamo. He was then dragged away to custody shouting " I dont care I will do anything for Aston Villa". This little incident resulted in Ozzy being banned from the State of Texas for 10 years.
    3. Which high ranking Nazi's were Friecorps members. I have photos of Himmler and Goering in Friecorps units, anyone else?
    4. I recently read a book about US troops after May 45 and their exploits in gathering "Booty". One of the examples was of a Corporal who found in the cellar of NSDAP headquarters numerous item s of Hitlers personal property including is " Blood Order" Is this a medal or award?
    5. Following the strike The Goverment broght in the Police Act 1919 which gave improved pay and conditions but made it a Criminal offence for Police to withdraw labour. It also allowed the formation of a group to pass on grievances but did not allow this group Trade Union recognition. This allowed the formation of The Police Federation which still does not have Trade Union recognition. Following the strike it was believed by both sides that there would be an amnesty on those who withdrew there labour. This was the case but those individuals who organised the strike at Divisional level (Shop Stewards) were sacked with no pension rights or leave to appeal
    6. These DUKW's are based in Hercules Road SE1 if you come out of Lambeth North Tube Station its the road straight ahead of you and the Garage is right on the corner. This is handy as its the Tube nearest the Imperial War Museum. They used to go into the Thames at Chelsea Wharf but this has been developed for Yuppie housing so I dont know where else they can get in now.
    7. Is that the Tank with one forward gear and twelve reverse gears? In Spike Milligans book " Mussolini his part in my downfall " There is great passage when over a Thousand Italian soldiers try to surrender to his Colonel and the Colonal is seen waving his arms at them saying "Shoo" much to there confusion. Great books by the way.
    8. Is it true that if one member of one of the US Armed Forces recieves the Medal of Honour, that an award has to be made to a member of all the other US Armed Forces?
    9. Im still being kept against my will by Firefly and the Vice Chairman I reckon its an Italian vehicle maybe Alfa or Fiat. Firefly says it must have 6 reverse gears
    10. Hello everyone I have been captured by Firefly and the Vice Chairman whilst drinking heavily telling me about the Wittmann post by Barney. Excellent post by the way. I have a recent French book mainly about Villers Bocage that puts forward the Typhoon theory! There were Typhoons in the area that day but no Squardrons mention hitting any armour that day. Its hard to say but maybe even the Greats have a bad ( Fatal ) day. concerning WW1 tank Aces I don't know abot Aces but a certain gentleman mentioned in previous posts Josef 'Sepp' Dietrich wore a WW1 tank engagement badge. Maybe The Chairmancan gives us some details on this badge. Please keep up the mail on Wittmann. Foo
    11. I was wondering how certain Regiments got there nicknames offical or unofficial. I believe the Old Middlesex Regiment gained there nickname from a battle in The Pennisula when there ranks were being decimated by the French and The Colonel called out to his men to " Diehard " resulting in the " Diehards" I'm also sure that you Ex servicemen have names for Regiments you weren't too friendly with!
    12. The " Wilhelm Gustloff " was a " Strength through Joy " cruise liner. This was a Nazi ran Holiday company. On 21st January 1945 Grand Admiral Donitz gave the orders for " Operation Hannibal " the evacuation by sea for the civilian population of East Prussia in front of the Soviet invasion. The " Wilhelm Gustloff " left the harbour of Gothafen on the 30th January 1945 with around 6,600 passengers and with probaly a considerable more on board, the ship was designed only to accomadate 2000. She was only escorted by one torpedo boat. The next day she was intercepted by one Soviet submarine that fired three torpedoes at her all of them hitting. The ship sank in less than an hour with the majority of passengers falling into the water the tempreture of this being -18 celcius. At least 5,300 souls were lost. the 1,300 remaining survivors were rescued by the heavy cruiser " Admiral Hipper " The Soviets claimed that all the passengers were ardent Nazi's and that there was 3,700 submariners on board. The Captain of the Soviet submarine Cpt. A.I Marinesco was recommended for the honour of " Hero of the Soviet Union ". This was refused by the NKVD the forerunners of the KGB as he had an affair with a foreign woman that almost led to his imprisoment. He was eventually given the honour posthumously in 1990.
    13. Is this tank a completely Israeli design or is it cobbled together from other vehicles ?
    14. The Germans believed Patton was the Allies best General and that was why he was shown as Commanding the invisible Army on the South coast that Germans believed would invade the Pays de Calais. Asthey believed the best would lead the invasion. And Montgomery has a lot to answer for Operation Goodwood and Market Garden that was showing almost contempt to his men. Goodwood " The Death March" of the British cavalary. Market Garden " A Bridge too far ". Far more ambitious than Rommel.
    15. A debate that usualy causes differing views. Who does the members believe were the great and the Poor Generals I will start with Rommel A great start with the invasion of France through to his "Afrika Corps" Days. Not only his great tactics but the strength of moral he installed in his men.
    16. Horrible battle but was it decisive? Kept the Allies from a fast advance through Italy and indeed the Germans were still in good defensive positions at the end of the War. Superb defence by Kesselring. What about D Day largest sea bourne invasion and on securing the beachead gave Germany no chance of winning the war. What could have happened if the invasion was thrown back into the sea? Germany fight USSR to a standstill and a peace that could of restored the Third Reich's borders to 1941 ? A possibility or fantasy. Discuss!
    17. She is big. Didn't the Americans re commision a battleship in the 80s I seem to remember it firing into Beirut?
    18. I think that H.M.S Hood was the longest built. I think our largest Aircraft carrier was H.M.S Eagle in the Mid 60's. Im sure "Firefly" will correct me! Foo
    19. Could it be H.M.S Achates one of the Destroyers sent to look for survivors from Hood ?
    20. I'm sure most RUC men had a Bobby's Helmet !
    21. I dont know the exact years for a military long Service 17yrs ? Why do Police Officers have to wait 22 years?
    22. Probaly in order to put a bit of discipline into there youth. Otherwise they wouls be running about getting pissed fighting taking drugs and sticking there fingers up at society. Remind you of anywhere?
    23. The British French and Turks did not want Russia having access to The Med. As was the usual case it was about Empire building.
    24. By the start of The Civil War very few actual slaves were still in bondage due to modern farming methods that made manual work too slow. A lot of slaves had actually been freed by there owners but stayed on the plantation for the work and shelter. Freed Slaves who made there way North were not particualy welcome though certain States notably Mass. did afforded them certain rights. Even Abraham Lincoln did not agree for former slaves to be totally assimilated into the white world. This is seen with the names that freed Slaves gave themselves at the end of the War as can been seen in the surnames of many African Americans now such as Washington, Jefferson but very few Lincolns ! Following the end of the War Civil rights were kept from the black population in the Southern States by the use of what was called " The Jim Crow laws " by the use of these State laws which were backed up by the Supreme Court Blacks were indeed in Apartheid laws. Most notably the lack of voting rights. Georgia state in the 1950's required all Blacks to undertake an intelligence test in order to vote. In certain counties if a black voter passed these test they were then given a Latin quotation to translate. Funnily very few passed. It is Ironic that full civil rights were given to Black citizens under the Presidency of a Southern Lyndon B Johnson a Texan.
    25. Bully Beef, Meat and Dumpling stew and bread and jam. Loverly
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