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    Lee Moore

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    1. Hello Tod, The construction (not the design) reminds me of the SA/SS Flieger arm patch worn on the DLV uniform. Lee
    2. Hello All, Does anyone have period photos of the Italian gilder pilot badge being worn that they could post? Thanks, Lee
    3. Just realized I posted in wrong forum. Have reposted in WW2 Axis Forces. Lee
    4. Hello All, Does anyone have period photos of the Italian gilder pilot badge being worn that they could post? Thanks, Lee
    5. Thanks Ferg and Steve for the information. The spokeless wheel is now obvious. So the consensuses is that these are most likely clones/fakes with a possibility of 1920?s-1930?s manufacture. The pin is silvered buntmetall but badge itself I am not sure. Some kind of silver plate or silver sheet?. Thanks again for the help. Lee
    6. Here is the link http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2807...n+Flying+badges. It is the Pilot badge on the left that looks like similar hinge/pin. It looks similar in size, but not sure?
    7. Hi Claudius. Thanks for the reply. Don?t remember the timing for sure, but I purchased it about 5 or 6 years ago from a member of this forum. There is an old thread of Ferg1, that had a Pollath badge with a similar hinge/pin set-up but it is not on a clich? type. I will try and find it and link to it. Thanks, Lee
    8. Hello All, I was hoping someone could help me with the maker of this badge and if it is an ?issue? (cliche/stamped construction) type badge. The obverse looks like Pollath badges I have seen posted. The pin also looks like some Pollath marked badges, but I have not seen one stamped constructed without a backing plate/piece. The photos are of somewhat poor quality, but is the best my camera and my photography skills can accomplish. The details are actually much crisper. Hopefully the photos are of sufficient quality. Thanks, Lee
    9. Realized I forgot to respond to this, so a sincere belated thanks to David, Michael and FZ1 for the information and links. The info was very helpful in my research of a photo (downed Fairey Battle in what I presume to be France). I did not realize that there were so many squadrons that flew this aircraft. There were like a gazillion RAF squadrons that flew it. Ok maybe not a gazillion, actually about 26 not including Allied units, but I was thinking there would have been just a couple of squadrons. Seems there were a large number of these produced (approx 2200) and deployed, despite them being somewhat dated by the time of sustained production. Thanks Again Guys, Lee
    10. Thanks for posting these Ferg. Is the pilot third row on the right a Pollath badge? If so, how long did they manufacture these? I would like to see a rear photo of that badge if you have one. Thanks, Lee
    11. Hello All, Does anyone know of a website(s) that lists/explains the unit/aircraft codes that were on the sides of WWII RAF aircraft? Thanks, Lee
    12. Hi Mike, Not sure what I said to make you think I liked it at all. Quite the contrary. Was just pointing out that it was not a similar badge than the one I originally posted and was wondering if anyone had seen others out there like the one in the link. Lee
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