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    Everything posted by claretbaron

    1. chinese words is : new medicine maybe a badge for a medicine factory.
    2. 3 korean war medals for PLA.
    3. nice order . expensive order.
    4. want to sell, but do not know how much will batter?
    5. hi, i want buy some orders , if you want to sell please contect me my email: zhaaimin@126.com thanks
    6. long long ago i saw some , but not buy, i think now will expensive
    7. nice order. i love mongolian order
    8. who write this book?
    9. find 6 ribbon. medal's ribbon i have some. order's a few. who have ribbon for sukhbaatar?
    10. today i sold out this order , sell to a russia collecter. now i am no this order. i do not know what time i will have an other. very sad.
    11. An old book of japanese Aristocratic dress. every page all good condition. every pitcure all Three-dimensional. 1936 AGU 24 ----this book have this date mark. it is include Duke, marquis, earl, viscount, baron's dress, dagger's picture. I have a dress of viscount. i think this is a good book and original.
    12. medal of armament. who are study at armament school with good Academic will have. nice medal.
    13. left one: ***赠会员: 3 words i do not know even i am chinese. back side : 2class made by silver, factory name and number. right one:Central Committee to raise funds ( i do not know this tranlastion is good or not), 2 class. -----------from back side words, it seems Sun Yat-sen 's goverment. nice medal. thanks show ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ this is a chinese joke: if you understand you will know real china. most american and euro peoplese do not know real china, so help peoplese know real china will let the world become batter. 无药可医的国度 [网易河北省保定市网友]: 2011-10-27 12:30:27 发表 一个男人坐在一间漏雨的旧屋里,面前一台二手的386。妻子正在隔壁和领导一起写日记,不写的话就会被下岗。床那头传来嘎吱嘎吱奇怪的声音,他心乱如麻,被70码撞过的腰还隐隐作痛。他点燃一根拾来的半截重金属香烟,看着桌上合影,想起之前因毒奶粉刚出院又因毒疫苗发作而正在医院抢救的儿子还差10多万的医药费没着落,更平添了几分烦恼。今天城市管理者局的李刚来贴通知了,通知单上还画了一个汽油瓶,意思他明白,明天必须搬走,否则全家被自Fen,而拆迁费只够在这座城市里买个阳台。当矿工的哥哥因矿难刚被强制火化,妹妹在公共安全专家局跳楼,女儿到凤凰城一去便没了音讯,老娘因在陕西富平上访时被打断了腿还被游街示众,老爹前几天在大街因没有跪下,被pol.ice爆了头……他对这些已无能为力,只好选择沉默。他也十分渴望离开这片恶土,但只有小学文化的他想办移民无异于痴人说梦,即使冒死坐集装箱偷渡也要交给蛇头不菲的费用,他根本负担不起。想到这一切,他几近抓狂,狠吸了一口香烟,愤然地打开熟悉的网页,对着评论,恶狠狠地敲出几个字,“子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫,你们这些美狗!”,看着帖子成功发出,他得意的笑了,用笔在笔记本上又画上一道。至少,他的五毛钱基本是有着落了……
    14. very love, i am only have 4. if some guys want sell , pleaset tell me. thanks
    15. 1 class, but only have this , no original box and ribbon etc.. good condition
    16. 1 class. good condition.
    17. from left to right: 5 class order of the precious tripod; 4 class order of the clound and banenr, order of loyalty and diligence; other two medals i donot know how to named by english. if any guys know, please tell me. thanks
    18. this is scoend times i had miniature of public of china. any have mini too? can you show it? thanks
    19. 6 miniatures of public of china.
    20. hi: order of jade, i pay you $4000, OK?

    21. hello : i am chinese, i love your order of jade, how much you want to sell? my email:
      zhaaimin@126.com. you can post all medals pictures to me if you want to sell. thanks

    22. I love this, if you want sell please contect me. by the way :i have a order it is same with yours
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