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    army historian

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    Everything posted by army historian

    1. Irisgunner - I am not sure what the New Hampshire WW1 book is. I did find Soldiers of the Great War *3 volumes). Also thanks for the heads up on the New Hampshire WW1 medal. I will let you know what I find. George
    2. This is a pre-WW2 navy chief petty officer's cap badge., I believe these types were worn in the late 1920's and 1930's before being replaced with the "chain" type (WW2). Will need some cleaning, but was cheap. George
    3. Thanks Paul, yes they are nice - but expensive, This will be one of the last for a while, except a 1921 - 2 bar, already brought. George
    4. Thanks Irishgunner - Yes I know about the Constellation (neat ship). George
    5. Thanks, he was on the Hull about (commissioning 1903) to some time before 1908. So I am not sure yet - I have not ordered his records from the US National Archives yet, Cost $70.00. Yes he was entitle to the World War 1 Victory Medal (No bar). I like the bar to the USS Constellation (ship of 1854) still around and on display today. George
    6. I probably paid way too much for this medal (but I always wanted an early NGC). This 1903 NGC with two bar to John Francis Flynn CMAA (1866-1917). Medal engraved "C.S.C. / No.12161 / JOHN / F. FLYNN / U.S.S. / HULL / SEPT. 11-1903." With bars CONSTELLATION (pinback with open catch type from 1908) and SALEM (snap back hinged type from 1912). Had to enlist no later than Sept. 1899 (possibly earlier - was 32 in 1899). born Sept 1866. The U.S.S. Hull was DD-7, a Bainbridge Class destroyer commissioned in May of 1903. Flynn was almost certainly a plank owner as part of the original crew. "The "Constellation," is an 1854 sail sloop of war (last built), was at the time Flynn was aboard, a training ship at Newport, Rhode Island. The "Salem," CL-3, was a scout cruiser from 1908 until 1921. I know of 4 ships he served on: 1900 USS Sylph, US Naval Forces, Military and Naval Forces (this was a Presidential yacht from the late 19th century through to the early 1920s PY-5. 1903 USS Hull (DD-7) c. 1908 USS Constellation Sail Sloop (Training Ship) 1910 USS Salem (CL-3), Scout Cruiser No. 3 - commissioned 1 August 1908. Died 28 Nov. 1917 (WW1) in Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire as Chief Master at Arms. Last enlistment date 13 Jan. 1916. Age at death 51. Died on duty - but at home.
    7. Here is the group now - saved original NGC ribbon (not repairable - so replaced with close match). The flash from the camera shows the water color paint on the ribbon of the New Jersey medal - but very passable (without flash). George
    8. I understand that the 16" guns later had rocket assisted shells with a range of 75 miles. I can't image the mathematics needed to hit anything, with time in flight and earth rotation etc.
    9. Well thanks for the lesson on caliber and length. I only fired the 90 mm recoilless rifle, that was enough for me.
    10. Does anyone know or have an option on this short sleeve bush jacket? Thanks
    11. IrishGunner since you like artillery here is a picture I have. George
    12. I'm not positive, but I think 1st Class gunner, since he has no chevrons.
    13. A little hard to date the enlisted man is wearing the US Army model 1902 Dress Blues without the chest cords (undress).This uniform with some modifiIons was worn (1902-1937). I can not tell if he is wearing the colored cap band. You can not see it in the picture but the uniform is piped in red, as the shell insignia. Since there is no stripoe on the leg I think he is a private. The Artillery badge is a "Field Artillery" Expert badge (These are very rare). Here is an M1902 enlisted Cavalry uniform from my collection (shows the piping, cords and chevrons and a service stripe for war). George
    14. These common US medals are not being faked. The LI - Lordship Industries is just poor quality (I have seen National Defense Medals like it). The Volupte was the first issues of the AFEM's in 1963. George
    15. I was not aware of this - thanks for the infromation. What did you get your NEM for in 2009? Thanks
    16. The best site for the Navy Expeditionary Medal is: http://www.history.navy.mil/medals/nem.htm altho it seems to be missing campaigns after Wake. The rest are from another site: Thailand: May 16 - August 10, 1962 Cuba: January 3, 1961 - October 23, 1962 Iran, Yemen, & Indian Ocean: December 8, 1978 - June 6, 1979 Iran, Yemen, & Indian Ocean: November 21, 1979 - October 1, 1981 Lebanon: August 20, 1982 - May 31, 1983 Lebanon: June 1, 1983 to March 4, 1984* Libya: January 20 - June 27, 1986 Persian Gulf: February 1 - July 23, 1987 Monrovia, Liberia (Sharp Edge): August 5, 1990 - February 21, 1991 Rwanda (Distant Runner): April 7-18, 1994 USS Cole Operations (Determined Response): October 12 2000 to December 15, 2002 * For service in Lebanon between June 1, 1983 and March 4, 1984, the service member may choose either the Navy Expeditionary Medal (or Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal, depending on Service component) or the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal.
    17. Thanks - yes he got about every thing, short of extoics (Antartica, Navy or Armed Forces Expeditionary medals). Geeorge
    18. Thank you both - yes I really like the 4 extra award bars on the NGC and double row mounting. The photo from the National Personnel Records center was a big plus . He served on the USS Nemasket AOG-10 (gasoline carrier) in Korea (real bad duty) Rogi. George
    19. This group of 11 mounted medals belonged to CBM Stephen Bernard Bielik: 212-53-30 Served 6 Nov 1939 to 1 Dec 1959 USS Arkansas BB-33; USS Ranger CV-4 (Atlantic Patrol, and North Africa Campaign); USS Samuel Chase APA-26; LCT (5) 9th Flotilla (Sicily, and Italy Campaigns), USS Penetrate AM-271 (Asiatic Pacific);USS Toledo CA-133; USS Nemasket AOG-10 (Korea) was was also a Naval Recruiter Awards and Medals: Navy Good Conduct Medal named “Stephen Bernard Bielik 1942” with 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th award bars. American Defense Medal with Fleet bar “A” on ribbon CV-4 American Campaign Medal CV-4 Europe Africa, Middle East Campaign Medal with 4 br. Stars Asiatic Pacific Campaign (no Stars) AM-271 - Alaska WW 2 Victory Medal All WW2 Navy Occupation Medal with bar “Asia” CA-133 China Service Medal Extended National Defense Medal (Korean period) Korean War Service Medal with 3 br. stars (USS Nemasket AOG-10) UN Korean Service Enlisted 6 Nov. 1939 at Springfield, Mass. As A.S. 31 Jan 1940 Transferred to R/S Phil. 29 Feb. 1940 Transferred to USS Wyoming Passenger 31 May 1940 Received on USS Ranger CV-4 from USS Arkansas 31 Jul. 1942 promoted to BM2 13 Feb. 1943 Transferred to USS Samuel Chase temp duty 15 Feb. 1943 Received R/S NORVA (Norfolk, VA) Mar. 1943 Transferred from Samuel Chase to Oran duty manning port 31 Jul 1943 Transferred to LCT (5) Flotilla 9 31 Aug 1943 Transferred to AATB – Bizerte Tunisia (AATB -- Advanced Amphibious Training Base 31 Mar 1945 Received 5 Feb. 1945 on USS Penetrate AM-271 14 Apr. 1945 to Dispensary Kodiak Alaska 30 Apr 1945 returned to AM-271 21 May 1945 Decom AM-271 27 Oct 1946 received USS Toledo CA-133 Comm. (Plank Owner) Served on Toledo Dec 1946 to 13 June 1948 13 June 1948 transferred from Yokosuka Japan to San Diego, CA for training in recruitment. End Musters Appears to have been in Operation Torch (North Africa – CV-4) and Operation Husky (Sicily campaign LCT (5) Flotilla 9), so far; two Campaign Stars on EAME Medal, He was at Anzio also and appears to be wearing 4 stars. Name: Stephen B Bielik Certificate: 014261 Death Place: Webster Death Date: 7 Jan 1990 Birth Place: Massachusetts Birth Date: 5 Jul 1917 Mass deaths
    20. Yes really cool group appears to be Vietnam and Cuban Missile crisis.
    21. Yes very nice - named group. George
    22. Thanks Muckaroom, you are correct if I could no do the research and history building, I would not collect. George
    23. Thank Rogi, I apprerciate it. It is still one of my favorites after the top drawer groups. George
    24. Sorry that was too long ago, no photos, etc. Name was Arie Van Biljouw, Lcpl. #783304, and #13809292. Pre-WW2 French Foriegn Legion, British Army in North Africa (Interpreter), and Free Dutch Army - Princess Irene Brigade. This was in the early 1970's. Captain Albert
    25. Well here is some info from his records at the national Archives: (Served (24 Sep. 1910 to 19 Oct. 1930; Recalled 13 Sep. 1939 to 1 Nov. 1939) He died 10 May 1942 of Asthma at the US Naval Station Balboa, Canal Zone, he was living at the Navy Submarine Base Coco Solo, Canal Zone from 8 Dec. 1941 to the time of his death. Medals and Awards: Navy Good Conduct Medal Straight Suspension named “James, Mc R. Lane, Nav. Hosp, Las Animas, Colo., Aug. 11 1914” - with 4 pin bars: “USS Bridgeport” - back - “CSC 37439 - 19 Jul. 1919” “US Nav. Sta. Key West, Florida” - back – “CSC 37439 - 25 Jul. 1922” “Receiving Ship New York” - back - “CSC 37439 – 25 Jul. 1926” Dated bar “1930” - back - James Mc. R. Lane Navy Mexican Campaign (1911-1917) # 6478 World War 1 Victory Medal, bar “Mobile Base” 2nd Nicaraguan Campaign # 4481 American Defense Medal
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