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    Robert Noss

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    Everything posted by Robert Noss

    1. Now - we see on the photo before, that he belongs to a Gebirgsj?ger unit. What puzzles me, is the Edelwei? badge on his left breast. At first sight one would presume a Heeresbergf?hrer badge, worn on the wrong side ?? A KC-Holder should know where to wear his badges, hmm ??? But in the lot, there is another photo, which shows the KC-Holder in a Red Cross Uniform and here he also wears the Edelwei? badge on the left breast. This photo was sure taken earlier. ......
    2. .... The photos were likely made on the wedding day of the KC-Holder. Next one shows the wedding party Far right is the Fallschirmj?ger again. .....
    3. Hello friends, first of all, let me wish You all a Happy New Year. Last year was not so good for me, as You all know and it ended with a skiing accident of my wife ( she is a ski-teacher ). She suffered a cruciate ligament rupture ( took it from a dictionary ) and is now knocked out for the rest of this winter, which is very bad for her, cause she is a winter sports enthusiast. But the new year started with a couple of interesting photos, so the start is not bad so far. Here are a few photos from an unknown KC-holder. They were made here in Munich. .....
    4. Yes, it is used by Bavarian Police units. Bereitschaftspolizei - Auxiliary police I wanted to take photographs inside the complex, but they disagreed. Robert
    5. Just read in the italian text that he was promoted to Oberstleutnant in 1940 and held the command of the Gebirgs-Artillerie-Rgt. 95. The 5. Gebirgsdivision was established in November 1940 in the Tyrolian area. That makes sense. Robert
    6. Hi Uwe and Glenn, thanks a lot for the help here. Comparing the photos I am almost 100 % sure that it is the same person, a bit younger on my photo of course, but when you look at the photo on Uwe's link, that's him. About the signature, it is different yes, but not too far away. Probably he changed his signature in those 5 years and got used to have a certain style with signing documents, maybe compared to writing dedications. What also fits, is the location of my photo, Hall in Tirol, where he sure was a regimental commander of a mountain unit in 1940 and the fact that his rank is also likely in 1940. Uwe, right about Fr. and not Dr. - and Allescher is also correct. Thanks again Robert
    7. And that's the " Street of the SS " today, my motorcycle in the foreground Kind regards Robert
    8. Street of the SS Mailed by a SS-Rottenf?hrer of the Ersatz-Abteilung der SS- Verwaltungs-Dienste .........
    9. Another view of the main gate This place called " Theodor-Eicke-Platz" ..............
    10. I have already these postcards: Casino for EM's Casino for officers .....
    11. I got a new postcard in my collection of postcards from barracks and official buildings in germany through all periods. It is the main gate to the SS-?bungslager Dachau. Send by a man in the SS-Totenkopfstandarte Oberbayern Another very nice addition to my collection. .....
    12. I have that photo of a Oberstleutnant and Regimental Commander from 1940 It has a dedication on the back: " Meinem lieben Dr. Albacher (???) in treuem Gedenken. 22.3.-25.10.1940 A. Wittmann Obstlt. u. Rgt. Kdr. " Photo was made at Hall in Tirol which is in Austria. There was a Generalleutnant August Wittmann who was later commander of the 1st Gebirgsdivision. It could be him. Does anybody has a photo from the Generalleutnant to compare with ? Kind regards Robert
    13. Alex, I do not get bored to see Your excellent work ! Very well done. I love them. Keep on. Kind regards Robert
    14. The photographer was Franz Kugler in F?rstenfeldbruck. It seems the shop doesn't exist anymore but is run under another name. A quick research brought this website: http://www.fotokugler.de But You see that it is called Foto Ecker now and situated in Grafing, also not far away from F?rstenfeldbruck. At least they celebrate their 90 years anniversary so it is probably the follower of Franz Kugler. Kind regards Robert
    15. It's F?rstenfeldbruck -- very nice. Just a couple of kilometres from where I live. F?rstenfeldbruck was a Police officer's Academy and is still today. Mindelheim is also not too far away, more south towards the alps. That's a postcard from F?rstenfeldbruck Maybe he was a teacher there. Nice photos. Kind regards Robert
    16. Both have photographer's markings at the lower right corner. Mike, maybe You can read the towns. Nice photos by the way. Here's another bavarian "Schandi" - bavarian nickname for "Gendarmerie" - Policeman Robert
    17. Without the coat is the better of the two Good to see the details These gorget portraits are extremely rare, well, nothing new. Kind regards Robert
    18. My Feldgendarm is not in tropical uniform. The only photo I have with the double eagles being worn And here is my Zugwachabteilung portrait ...........
    19. I made two more scans of the forestry man. It is strange how the orders appear on the photo. The photo could be after war, hmm. But if so, it was very shortly after the war. Agfa paper, photographers stamp. It could be, that the photo was taken before 1945 but re-printed after 1945 and the photographer made the swastikas "disappear" somehow. Robert
    20. On the first photo it's the use of both eagles, breast eagle and police eagle, I guess ? ( Have to look through my photos, I think I have such a photo too ) Second one I can not see what's on the gorget. Can You make it a bit bigger ? Robert
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