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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Dear Auke, also researcher Gregory provides now scans and no more xerox copies, as you can see by the latest research of my Glory-Trio: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=198433 . Best regards Christian
    2. Gentlemen, IKOM-Zagreb might have worked for some more states of the Non-Aligned Movement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Aligned_Movement ? Best regards Christian
    3. Dear Milan, great news . Please tell him greetings from me and inform him about the latest perspective of our YU-Book-Project: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=213259 Tell him also, that I am very interested to cooperate with him, despite the fact, that I am not THE phaleristic expert in YU-items. Pozdrav Christian
    4. Dear Bryan, Eugene offers a very nice one - s/n. 42003 - for USD 525,- (without booklet): http://www.russianglory.com/Drujba_42003a.jpg . Igor offers a exceptional beauty - s/n. 34574 - for USD 655,- (without booklet): http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=16996 It seems, that the FoNs got already rather rare and the price tags are getting more numbers, but the FoN is still somehow affordable to the "normal" collector . Best regards Christian
    5. ... then the awardee - after 25 years in service - might have been a Civil War Veteran ? Bill, congratulations to that Lenin . Best regards Christian
    6. For keeping the unity Dear Nick, that's THE point - no question. It's also nasty for me to trawl through the pages, if I am looking for some specific information . Christophe's quiz is not only entertaining, but extraordinary educative and contains tons of informations. Christophe has already installed a comprehensive index about all questions, which contains all the mentioned persons, medals, topics etc. You already installed a system, where it is possible to dial directly - without to trawl through the pages - the wanted page. For keeping the unity of Christophe's quiz-thread, the most "elegant" and "consumer friendly" solution might be, if Christophe might write the pages to the topics of his quiz-index - i.e.: Marshal Zhukov - p. 34, p. 74 & p. 89 or Red Banner of Labour - p. 12 & 58, etc., etc. Splitting up our quiz-thread would mean, that a GMIC-member, who is looking for informations about i.e. the Red Banner of Labour, would have to check two (2) threads . Keeping the thread + pages (maybe already linked ) at Christophe's very precise index . Just my few cents to the discussion ... Best regards Christian BTW: Another "consumer friendly" solution might be, if Christophe's quiz is transfered into a genuine GMIC-section(like the Yugo Forum), the old questions are splitted up according to certain topics in different threads and every month, the content of the thread containing the recent questions, will be also transfered to the specific topics.
    7. Dear Gaffken, so we could be proud & happy to get an unnumbered item of that - historically ultra-important - medal . Best regards Christian
    8. Dear Bob, I think, there will be a comprehensive book about communist YU-awards next year: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=213259 . Best regards Christian
    9. Gentlemen, does anyone have any further news about Ranko's health ? Best regards Christian
    10. Dear Paul, Dimitry http://www.russian-medals.net/ still offers for USD 5.000,- the cased FoN s/n. 2251 to a high ranking Romanian communist - confered in 1977. It comes with a special order booklet and a high-class leather box. Well, the asked price is a bit high ... . Best regards Christian
    11. FoN as a "mascot" Gentlemen, many thanks for your compliments . But the more important FoN in my collection is the other one - less patina, but no orders booklet - s/n. 24318, which had been one of my first Soviet Awards in my collection and which I use as a "mascot" or "lucky charm" at very important occasions: birth of my daughter Milica, etc. In my view the motto "Friendship of Nations" is of extraordinary importance in our time and I really love the "opulent" design of the FoN . The FoN's design of the 1970 is a true and authentic reminisce of the great era of "Socialist Realism" . Best regards Christian
    12. My (rather early) FoN with document Gentlemen, that FoN - s/n. 7529 - had been awarded to Anatoly Josifovich Gladsky in march 1981: Best regards Christian BTW: The name seems to be of Polish or Belarus origin ?
    13. BENCHMARKS Gentlemen, Christophe's quiz-thread will soon reach 20.000 views & 2.000 replies . Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Ed, of course, "no fight" . I am also not an IT-expert, but I guess, that the fractioning up into 94 sites speeds up the download time dramatically. Best regards Christian
    15. ... all the images of ONE of the 94 sites Nick uses a rather refined IT-platform . For uploading ALL the images of our quiz, you might have to wait for at least one hour . Best regards Christian
    16. Dear "slava1stclass", please, could you explain the meaning of "now that's the ticket" (many of us are no native speakers of English ) ? Does it mean, that you bought all the extraordinary groups from Igor AND that you have the largest collection of Glory-Trios ? Best regards Christian
    17. Dear Christophe, as already stated, GMIC opens page per page - so, it makes NO difference, if a thread is long or not . Best regards Christian
    18. Dear Ed, the internet connection opens only one (of the almost 100 sites ) of Christophe's quiz. So, it wouldn't make any difference, if we would split up the quiz. I can't imagine at all, that GMIC works at all on none ultra-high-speed internet connections - you would wait for minutes for uploading a site . Best regards Christian
    19. Gentlemen, according to titles we have following participants of our quiz: 5 scores (+ more): "Honoured Socialist Answerer" Jim (JimZ), Simon (Red Threat), Auke (Ferdinand), Belaruski, Ed (Haynes) and Carol I 10 scores (+ more): "Meritorious Socialist Answerer" Bryan (Soviet) and Frank (Knarf) 25 scores (+ more): "Hero of Socialistic Answering" - HSA Christian (Zulus) and Christophe Best regards Christian
    20. Who knows, maybe "slava1stclass" is the happy owner of these extraordinary gems ? He already has a large (the largest ?) collection of Full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory sets . Best regards Christian
    21. Dear William, but at least he sells (or sold ) such extraordinary groups - and someone has to money to by them ... Best regards Christian
    22. Dear Auke, great box - very rare . But you showed us the wrong medal - look at the s/n. . I guess, that such boxed FoN went only to some VIPs . Best regards Christian
    23. Gentlemen, the person in question had been Lieutenant General of the Ukrainian Forces Mykola Sabilyi . That's the "menu-card" of the wine tasting party to his honour: The General had been a great fan of heavy & sweet wines, so I offered him 3 of the very best wines we had in Austria in 1996 . Frank, congratulation to your victory #10 It's your turn now again ... Best regards Christian
    24. Dear Sasa, many thanks for the info . I tried to collect some more infos about that "soldier of fortune" in a high-ranking general's position. King Tomislav Brigade of the HVO, the Bosnian-Croat Army, had been under command of the Croatian-Canadian Brigadier-General Zeljko Glasnovic in the early 1990s during the YU-Wars. "Glasnovic - as a Col.-General - had been the commander for training and military doctrine of the Federation Army of BiH till 2002, resigned and left the Federation Army. Since resignations, departure from the Army, honorable and dishonorable dismissals, firing of officials, arrests and such are not so rare in the Federation, it makes sense that hardly anyone reacts to such news at this point. However, regarding General Glasnovic, it is important to consider his reasons for resignation and leaving the army. Namely, General Glasnovic is a true professional who forged his military skills in the (professional) Canadian armed forces and then as a legionnaire fought in several wars all over the world, including the Gulf War, and then joined the Croatian Army and the Croatian Defense Council (HVO) [bosnian Croat armed forces], and finally led the operation train and equip. Is his resignation motivated by personal dissatisfaction with his status and disputes with the Minister of Defense Mijo Anic?" Complete article about Gen. Glasnovic: http://www.ex-yupress.com/slodal/slodal57.html Does anyone have some additional infos, like: war crimes, etc. ? Best regards Christian
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