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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. US-booklet "our RED ARMY ally" Gentlemen, some years ago I bought that highly informative 78-page-booklet for mere USD 8,- at my militaria book shop in Vienna. At the moment one copy is offered by Andr? Huesken for USD 225,-: https://www.muenzauktion.com/huesken/item.p...c263ec867ad4c15 Quite a lot of bucks, but I think it's worth the money, because that booklet offers valid and unbiased information about the Red Army in the view of the US-Administration just before the era of the "Cold War", which had been started after Roosevelts death by the Truman-Adminstration and Mr. Churchill. In the following posts I will present some scanned pages. Best regards Christian
    2. Dear Christophe, many thanks for your MAKS-pics . Comrade Pokryshkin was the only one, who got his 3 HSUs before the 9th of may 1945 . Best regards Christian
    3. Dear Frank, I also thought about that, but these poor devils hadn't been "heros" at all, because most of them had been totally drunken . Well the idea had been o.k., but the planning + action + vodka resulted in a disaster . And you mentioned 8 comrades, not 7 .... Best regards Christian
    4. Lieber Waldemar, great collection and many thanks for posting the article about comrade Popa's visit to Vienna . Best regards Christian
    5. Dear Jim, the HSU had been the highest title in the CCCP and I have no other glue, than K-19, that a crew of 7 comrades had been downgraded . Best regards Christian
    6. Dear Jim, you are speaking about 7 comrades, who had been proposed to get a HSU, but never got the medal (or had been downgraded) ? It seems, that a ship or submarine bound the 7 comrades together ? Best regards Christian
    7. K-19 Dear Jim, after the nuclear K-19-incident http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_submarine_K-19 4th of july 1961 close to Jan Mayen, I guess, that 7 members of the crew - incl. Captain Nikolai Vladimirovich Zateyev - had been nominated for HSU. Well, K-19 bound these people together, but the nominations for the HSUs had been downgraded to RBs with the argumentation, that the preventing of a nuclear catastrophy didn't not take place during a war, but in peace time . In my opinion, that downgrading had been against the statutes, because also cosmonauts get their HSU in peace time . At least ex-comrade Gorbachev nominated in 2006 the crew of K-19 for the Nobel Peace Prize. Again our heros got no awards, because the "muslim-alternative" banker Muhammad Yunus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Yunus got the prize in 2006 . National Geographic produced a great movie about K-19: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-19:_The_Widowmaker and http://www.nationalgeographic.com/k19/index.html . Best regards Christian
    8. Lieber Waldemar, bringing your posting http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=203288 into the correct thread, I think, that we shall try to get subsidies from public sources and funds. Phaleristics is part of the science of history. Ranko might become the biggest help for editing and publishing . As a first step, a booklet like the Herfurth on CCCP and Mongolian Awards would be fine: Best Regards Christian
    9. Dear Jim, congratulations to your victory #7 I didn't had the slightest glue about the answer . Best regards Christian
    10. Gentlemen, that's what we need: a guide on YU-militaria and awards . Best regards Christian
    11. Dear Bill, congratulations to this old RBL . It's from the year 1953 and an early issue of the Type 5 ("Short Oval"), Variation 2. Best regards Christian
    12. Dear Christophe, congratulations to your victory #26 . Your answer was more than sufficient - there had been also pairs of red trousers, cigarette cases, etc. . Question #142 is your turn Best regards Christian
    13. QUESTION #141 Gentlemen, let's stay in the very early years of communist Russia and in the period of comrade Lenin's active leadership . We all know the RSFSR-"Order of the Red Banner", as Igor offers some of them at his website: http://www.collectrussia.com/showcat.htm?cat=Rep%20Order , as a typical combat award of the early years of communism in Russia (a hint: the question deals only with Russia and not with any other of the socialist republics!). Question: Besides the RSFSR-RB there had been a range of other combat awards in the very early years of communist Russia. List at least 6 (six) other combat awards, which had been confered frequently in Lenin's era. The winner is, who is the first with listing six of these awards . Happy hunting . Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Christophe, many thanks for your congratulations . Well, my coming question #141 will stick to very old RSFSR-awards . Best regards Christian
    15. Lieber Waldemar, congratulations to your latest item in your extremly fast growing YU-collection . Best regards Christian
    16. Dear Vic, many thanks for reminding us . Can anyone show us nice scans from the Moscow-Anniversary-Medal and maybe from some nice table-medals ? Best regards Christian BTW: At the 11th of september 2007 we celebrate the 130th birthday of the great communist & humanist (children's welfare) and founder of the CHEKA (later: NKVD) Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Dzerzhinsky .
    17. Dear Christophe, why not - it's o.k. with the regulations and statutes of that medal . At an embassy party I met an colonel with that medal and I asked him for what deeds he got that rare medal. He told me, that he did some important staff-work during one of the large "Warsaw-Treaty"-manouvres. So, my explaination, why the MAKS-General has two of these medals is: He might have done jobs during two (2) "Warsaw-Treaty"-manouvres ? Best regards Christian BTW: Many thanks for sharing that highly interesting ribbon-bar with us .
    18. Dear Doc, very well preserved order + doc - congratulations . Well, "Pak" is a rather uncommon name, it's neither Russian, nor slavonic at all. But Vladimir & Danilovitch are very typical Russian. Maybe "Pak" is from a non-slavonic family within the borders of the former CCCP ? Best regards Christian
    19. Dear Ranko, please could you post a scan of your medal (av. & rv.) here at GMIC ? Is it with - or without - a s/n. ? Many thanks . Best regards Christian BTW: I guess, "Mars-Broska" is one of the most important medals dealing with YU-History.
    20. Dear Ranko, wellcome to the YU-section of GMIC . Sorry for my mistake, adressing your son Marko as "Milan" . I assume, it's a great asset to have such a native phaleristic expert like Ranko Mandic on board . Best regards Christian
    21. YUGOSLAVIA Best regards Christian
    22. Dear Christophe, today is already the 1st of september and I am eager to post the new question #141 . Best regards Christian
    23. Dear Nejc, yes, it's a 5-torch-version. Best regards Christian
    24. Lieber Waldemar, many thanks . I love the design and - of coarse - the inscription of the "ORDEN ZA HRABROST" . That's mine, I have got recently from Marko (Singidunum) in Belgrade, and the old box, I have had years before. The s/n. is 131.226 - so it's rather new. Best regards Christian
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