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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. 2 lapel pins of that table medal - bronze & gold Gentlemen, I found in my YU lapel pin collection two matching pins to that Slovenian table medal for the 30th anniversary of workers selfmanagement: Best regards Christian
    2. JNA lapel pins - silver & gold Gentlemen, Laurence presented a JNA lapel pin in bronze to us. Here are two silver ones (1cm & 2cm in diameter) in one in gold (1cm diameter): Is there a ranking among these JNA lapel pins ? Best regards Christian
    3. Dear Sasa, many thanks for your great expertise . There had been also some other countries in Europe with a strong "People's Front"-movement from the 1930s to the 1950s . Best regards Christian
    4. "10 Years Soviet-Russia" - badge of the Austrian Communist Party (KPOe) Gentlemen, that's an anniversary badge issued by the Communist Party of Austria (KPOe) celebrating 10 years of the existence of Soviet-Russia. The badge is rather thin, made of brass and has a dimension of 3 cm x 4 cm. It has a mirror reverse. Besides that badge I show a small lapel pin - also from the 1920s -, which had been the official membership badge of the Austrian Communist Party at that time. Made of brass and with rather good enamel. Years ago I got both items within a lot of numerous old badges & pins, which had to do with communism, Soviet Union or socialism at an auction in Vienna. Best regards Christian "10 Years Soviet-Russia" av.: "10 Years Soviet-Russia" rv.: Membership lapel pin of the Austrian Communist Party av.: Membership lapel pin of the Austrian Communist Party rv.:
    5. YU-HSL didn't sell at the Belgrade-auction, 3rd of june 2007 Gentlemen, the other YU-HSL from the Belgrade-auction didn't sell: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=187006 So, there might be a chance, that the order is still at the market in Belgrade. Best regards Christian
    6. SEVEN SISTERS Dear Christophe, well, I didn't found the shown architectural detail in my books ... . I can only only guess: One of the hughe skyscrapers of the 1940/50s in "Stalin-Gothic" around the Lomonosov-University in Moscow ? The artistic style would be matching. They are called "Seven Sisters". Or it might be a project of these architects in another city in Eastern Europe ? Seven Sisters' link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Sisters_%28Moscow%29 Best regards Christian
    7. Dear Milan, many thanks for your expertise . Are there many other non-state orders, medals and awards from former Yugoslavia ? Did the YU-Republics also had their own award-system ? Best regards Christian BTW: I shall tell you nice greetings from my old friend Darko Vasiljevic (Munich/Beograd) .
    8. Dear Alexei, these are great prospects and a big help for the collectors community - many thanks . Hope to see you (& your expertise) more often at GMIC . Best regards from Munich Christian
    9. Dear Christophe, I hope I'll find the answer in my books about Stalinist architecture . Best regards Christian
    10. Dear Sasa, many thanks for your expertise . Is that the general & official lapel pin of the YU-Pionir-Organisation ? I have several of these JNA-Lapel-Pins in my collection - also gilded with gold. Have there been different ranks according to the colour of the pin ? Best regards Christian
    11. Dear Auke, Sukhanov got only an RS, which should result in an 1985-OPW 2cl - except when he had been wounded: They all got OPW 1cl. O.K., there had been no special regulations about the subject, who shall get 1cl or 2cl in 1985, but I have 2 documented groups with 1985-OPW: - Sgt. Gnitienko, Cavalier of Glory: 1985-OPW 1cl (that award is missing in my group) - Capt. 1st Rank Kandybin, RS during GPW: 1985-OPW 2cl So, I think, that there is a propability, that Sukhanov had been wounded. Best regards Christian
    12. Dear Paul, sorry .... , I am right now in Munich and travelling back at the weekend . The rv. shows to (soft) metal bars for fixing at a cap or on cloth - like at the small cap badges. Best regards Christian
    13. Gentlemen, showing IKOM-ZAGREB at the screw-plate, the item HAS to be from YU . Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Darjan, that's rather strange, because a YU-HSL - unissued, without documents - sold some days later at the auction in Vienna for EUR 4.800,- .... The YU-HSL at Belgrade-auction had been an issued one with all the documents, I assume. So, the estimated price for the item + documents in Belgrade should have been well above EUR 5.000,-. Maybe there had not been the money & interest to buy such high-end YU-awards in Belgrade ... Best regards Christian
    15. Dear Christophe, sorry ....., I am for a few days in Munich and don't have my library with me . Best regards Christian
    16. Memorial at the Airforce-HQ-Zemun - close up Gentlemen, that's a close up of the memorial showing the victims according to their rank - starting with a General ...: We shall never forget the heros, who defended their motherland in the air! Best regards Christian
    17. Memorial at the Airforce-HQ-Zemun Gentlemen, that's the memorial at the outside wall of the Airforce-HQ-Zemun listing all the KIAs and victims of the airforce during the 1999-war. My daughter Milica stands right to the memorial: Best regards Christian
    18. Dear Christophe, congratulations - it seems, that this is your victory #23 . I looked after in the regulations of the Partisan Medal 1cl, but the 1cl should have been only confered for operations in the rear aera of the enemy. Neither Bulganin, nor Yeremenko had ever been during the GPW in the rear aera of the German front line . So, I assume both got the medals the "Brezhnev-Way" . Best regards Christian
    19. Dear Sasa, many thanks for your expertise . So, the JNA had special clubs and that pin is from the JNA-Zemun-Club ? Best regards Christian
    20. Dear Sasa, you are right, the JNA-lapel-pin looks ident - I also have such an item -, but that badge - 5cm ! - is far too large for a pin and has at the rv. the mountings for fixing at a cap or at a cloth. Best regards Christian
    21. Dear Wild Card, during the GPW the highest ranking holder of a Partisan Medal had been their leader, Gen.-Lt. Sydir Kovpak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydir_Kovpak . But maybe a GPW-partisan promoted till 1991 to an even higher rank ? Best regards Christian
    22. Dear Bryan, many thanks for the information . The group is interesting and very typical, but I assume rather expensive, because Igor sold that group 2 years ago for USD 340,- . I think, that the research for the bravery-medal is missing also . The ribbons are also brand new replacements, but the enamel at the "Za Otvagu"-Medal is in rather bad shape . As far, as I could make out from the citation, comrade Shukanov should have first got a OPW 2cl and then received a RS. The 1985-OPW 1cl might indicate, that comrade Shukanov had been wounded in the GPW. Best regards Christian
    23. Dear Wild Card, Carol seems to be right - you already put that question at the 19th of march 2007 Had been a great question, but I think, you have to find a new one ... Best regards Christian
    24. Dear IVB, welcome to GMIC-YU . Is this a YU or CCCP award ? Which republic ? Many thanks for your expertise . Best regards Christian
    25. Dear Filip, many thanks for the link to AMSS . Well, the ?AMTC http://www.oeamtc.at/ in Austria - the same organisation like AMSS in Serbia - has a youth club and special membership fees for young people, who are cyclist and so on. Best regards Christian
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